Canada doesn’t offer any fascist regime discounts. Trump will pay full price.

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Trump wants Greenland and Canada to fulfill the Club of Rome's Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System:

Club of Rome Ten Kingdom Map, Or Why Trump Plans to Annex Canada & Greenland

On September 17, 1973, the Club of Rome released a Report called the Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System which was prepared by Directors Mihajlo Mesarovic and Eduard Pestel as part of the Strategy for Survival Project. This revealed the Club’s goal of dividing the world into ten political/economic regions restructured drastically into a ‘horizontal system’ which would involve interdependent ‘world regions’. The ten regions would unite the entire world under a single form of government.

A North American Union of States as a dominant world power that would include the US, Canada, all Central American and Caribbean states, most Atlantic islands (including Greenland and Iceland), most Pacific islands, Taiwan, Hainan, the Philippines and several now Indonesian islands, including Sulawesi. This was to be the dominant power in the world, military and otherwise.

Much more on this here: https://www.discerningtheworld.com/2012/01/31/10-kingdoms-the-abolition-of-sovereignty/

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Wow, that is where he got that crazy idea from. Not with Canada though. We are taking on the dirty jobs if democracy is threatened. Just like in WWII, Canadians joined two years earlier than the Americans. And Americans only joined when they were directly attacked at Pearl Harbour. Elbows up 🇨🇦

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Elbows Up is right. With you.

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Understand ! Ruth ! The US Hands Were Tide! To The Armistice Of WW I !!? Which Clearly Stated We Couldn't Declare War On Any Of The Players !!? So Japan Attacked Us !? We Declared War On Japan ! Then Germany Declared War On Us !!? Hitler Tried To Provoke Us !? Knowing It Would Violate The Armistice !!? The UK Tried To Provoke Us !!? Knowing It Would Violate The Armistice !!? So Were WW ll Was A Conclusion Of WW I !!? WW ll Was More About Global Freedom !!? Were WW I Was More About Aristocrats !!? Or Maybe Both !!?

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Sorry Joe but this does not make sense to me. Nobody declared war to Canada but they joined forces to liberate Europe, right? I am not a historian and I would have to look that up but as a German/Canadian I am immensely grateful to the Canadians that they liberated my parents and their families from our dictator who brought so much suffering and destruction.

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Ok, I looked it up. Germany invaded Poland September 1939 and France and UK declared then war on Nazi Germany. So as member of the Commonwealth same as UK, Canada was in too. Then after the attack from Japan, a German ally at the time, in December 1941 America declared war against Japan, so Nazi Germany declared war against America. That’s when they were in too. What a mess and what a horror scenario. I pray every day the we as Canada and that Europe stay free and sovereign. I hope you too. No crazy wars for expanding territory or other crazy reasons. 🙏🇨🇦

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Tempertantrump has always wanted his own war. “The greatest war you have ever seen!” He has no concept that he is sending our soldiers to die and become injured for life.

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He doesn’t care as he has no heart, no soul, no empathy, no honour, no understanding of sacrifice and if he has, again he doesn’t care. Suckers and losers, what is in it for them? These are his words according to the generals from the first term. If it does not give him lots of money, a prize or a Time magazine cover, he doesn’t care at all. I always remember one sentence from Hitler my dad always talked about: ‘if I will be wrong in my politics, then a hundred million people will go down with me.’ My father, a German, born in 1920, could not get over the fact that one cruel , heartless man could do and say something like this, knowing that an enormous amount of people would loose their life in the process. What shall we call this? Dictator, authoritarian, sociopath, narcissist …. And how do we judge all the enablers?

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They think it will bring about the “Rapture” and the “End Times”. 🙄

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Why don’t they just rapture themselves and leave the rest of us alone?

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Yeah, they're trying to fulfill biblical prophecy:

Daniel 7:23-25, “He gave me this explanation: ‘The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it. The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings. He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time.”

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Well that fits right into heritage foundations project 2025. Back in 1999, I heard a lot of people fighting against The new World Order. This sounds like what they were talking about. I blew them off...but now I see it.

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That will make the Christians happy, they have been wanting it for a long time.

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😂😂😂😂 nothing but pure greed.

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Thank you for posting, will click the link,.

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We the People understand. Rubio is a joke and a jerk. 🇺🇸 🇨🇦

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I used to think Rubio was a half decent man, with a somewhat mind of his own. I guess I was wrong!

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it doesn't cost much to sell your soul to the devil, unfortunately the devil comes back to collect.

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Well, with my illness the devil already has me on his list.

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He’s a whiney baby now. No more a man.

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We can all tell from his body language and other signs that he KNOWS that what he is doing and saying are wrong. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Too bad he is either hungry for power or simply weak. If he were to resign, it might embolden the other spineless to do similar.

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He's both! Go Canada!!!

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He was just in Canada for the G-7 summit. He thought a picture of the mountains on the wall was real, moron! They had to fumigate the building after.

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I wonder if the spineless administration and Tempertantrump supporters are threatened with treason and terrorism subject to death - if they don’t follow orders. They chose to become slaves.

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how far did he bend over, lil Marco is a joke!

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He and Musk already went toe to toe. Trump favors Musk so

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I'm really happy about the Canadians are so united! Stay strong. We love the Canadians and we don't ever want you to change. I, for one, apologize for the terrible behavior of our present Swine-in-Chief and his cabinet. I buy Canadian wherever I can.

We are boycotting the corporate stores. Please gather all our allies and come and crush our DICKtator. 🇨🇦🍁❤️

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I'm looking at taking a long train trip across Canada so I can hit every province in support of them boycotting the US. I was initially looking at going from Chicago to Seattle by train, but I think Canada would be more interesting... Granted, I'll have to figure out how to do NS and NB, PEI, Newfoundland, and Labrador separately... but I'm willing to figure the logistics

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Take a look at the Rocky Mountaineer. One end is Vancouver. The trip goes to Calgary. Looks beautiful.

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Or ViaRail from Vancouver to Toronto.

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That is much longer…. The Rocky Mountaineer is a stellar trip and it is thru the most beautiful areas

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Canadian route infinitely more beautiful and with better people

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You can take ViaRail Canada… 1st Class from Vancouver to Toronto, then business coach to Montreal, then sleeper class to Halifax (Pacific to Atlantic Ocean). We did it in 2017, it was spectacular & so relaxing.

Want more? Take the train from Winnipeg, Manitoba to Thompson, Mb and visit the Hudson Bay & see polar bears (Arctic Ocean).

Go Canada Go!!! 🇨🇦

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Go Canada!!!

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Fly the maple leaf flag !!!!

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I love this for the felon! Even if Americans that didn't vote for him, like me, have to suffer. Love you Canada! 🇨🇦

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Canada and Greenland should form a trade coalition together with the European democracies to support economic and cultural interactions. Other democracies should join in, e.g., Japan, Australia, New Zealand. Build a axis of fact-based and respectful partnership!

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and MEXICO! I live here now, what a fabulous country.

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Good! Give it to us, Canada! We deserve your absolute worst.

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Go Canada ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

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Love Canada, you got spines!!

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I heard your good interview with him this morning Ben.It was a powerful and a straightforward message to the idiot Trump Dictator as it should be.Mr.Angus is a great Man that shows his strength,courage and integrity, always.Trump is a absolutely a childish,stupid Bully thinking he can mess with Canadians without any consequences.His jealousy of Canada and his lack of respect towards our great neighbors is absolutely disgusting and shameful.Trump is a despicable,evil looser and will ALWAYS be a LOOSER.😡

We LOVE Canada and will always support them and stand steadfast behind them for their freedom and rights for their own Country.🇨🇦🍁💖

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Charlie Angus is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is normally a very quiet man who represents the people in one of the most miserable and cold places in Ontario Canada in the winter, and the summers are hot and humid. Some places he has to fly into by plane or helicopter, because of the snow and ice in our winters.

He also represents the Indigenous people in the area as well. He said he was going to retire since his political party increased the area he serves. I just wish him well in his decision, no matter what he decides.

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Thank you for sharing that.I truly like and respekt him a lot after the interview’s he has had with Ben on Meidas Touch.With that harsh winter climate you have,one become strong and unspoiled,as it shows on him.He Is REAL.

I am raised in Norway so I know what it is like.Been to Canada several times~LOVE your country & the people.Your Country’s Beautiful Magic Nature reminds me of

* home*.😊Millions of us living in the USA supports all of you Canadians! 🇨🇦♥️💙

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Thank you so much, Agnethe. Never been to Norway but would like to someday.

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Hi Bill,I really hope you will get the opportunity to go to my Beautiful Country one day.Take a Cruise Expedition on*Hurtigruten*

true the Beautiful Fjords.I promise,

~ it will be a Magnificent and Magical experience.🛳️🌅😊

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love to Canada!

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Keep it going, Canada. We are with you. The non MAGA ring kissing idiots. 👍🏻

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Love you Canada!

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I am Canadian

My eyes are open

I do not need to be tied to the US

Canadians are sharing this pain and helping each other to find non-USA products

I am pleased to report that we are seeing and trying many new, non-US products featured by our Canadian retailers

In my experience, many of them are better

I am not going back

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While I am buying Canadian products. I am still so baffled. Sad. Shocked that such an awful man is in our wh. Everything he touches he ruins. His office looks like a cheap carnival. Americans need to stand up!!!!! Not just some but millions.hes no good for anyone. Even billionaires will lose soon too. He's vicious and very very destructive.

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Come to Canada

We are leading the resistance out of necessity

We are not dwelling on the past

Our new PM is opening doors in Europe and new opportunities

We will survive just like the song

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Here's the We will Survive song, in case you haven't seen it


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Oh my goodness. What a great rally song!!!! Perfect!!!! I forwarded it to everyone.. I am not on fb or x but someone please post this.awesome.ty for sharing.

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Tempertantrump is playing out Stephen King’s “The Stand”. Stephen himself said that when he updated the “series”. The original movie is quite long, but powerful!

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I LOVE CANADA! I LOVE THE CANADIAN PEOPLE. I live in the US and am trying to buy Canadian products whenever I can. I am ordering a Canadian Flag and a Ukrainian flag and I am going to fly them in front of our house. I am so embarrassed to be an American right now. UGH!

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Thank you and your spelling is just fine.

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Isn’t Trumps entire goal to weaken the standing and respect for the United States all around the world for where his true allegiance has gone all along, with Vladimir Putin and Russia??? Wake up

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Angus is spot on—we in the mid-American region are not happy either—not since November 6, 2024, so we welcome you!

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It seems clearer and clearer that we can not totally depend on our elected officials ...it truly is you and me doing what we can daily and supporting those who do speak out...AOC, Tim Walz, Bernie Sanders, Jeffries, Osff, etc....not even sure anymore how support looks...phone calls, postcards, donations and demonstrations....are they making a dent?????

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yes, we have some lazy Democratic leaders, if that's what you call them.

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Canada, stay strong! We are with you!! The traitorous MAGAts and Elon MuskRAT will eventually be crushed!!! 🇨🇦

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This article is very important. It shows the catastrophic situation the US is currently in.

Just published on the German news channel n-tv.


(expand the comment at the bottom)

---- Here is the article ------

Instead of the hoped-for upturn thanks to Trump's economic policies, investors now fear the opposite. Top American economist Joseph Stiglitz expects "devastating" stagflation in the US and significant damage to the global economy.

Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz predicts a bleak future for the US economy. The Columbia University professor decisively dismisses President Donald Trump's grand promises. The American economist considers the risk of companies moving to the US due to his tariff policy and the announced tax cuts to be manageable. "Some will come," the trade theorist said in an interview with the "Handelsblatt" newspaper. "But overall, the US is currently a terrible place for investments, a high-risk location, so to speak."

Stiglitz, who advised Democratic US President Bill Clinton in the 1990s, cites uncertainty due to "political chaos" and "disregard for the rule of law" as risk factors. Investors wanted to go "where there is legal certainty" – but this has been destroyed in the US.

In Stiglitz's eyes, Trump has become "more malicious" than during his first term. "Every day there is a new shock." Trump's tariff policy and his overall unpredictability are poison for the US economy: "I fear the worst of all possible scenarios: The US is threatened by devastating stagflation." Stagflation means that the economy is stagnating and inflation is high.

The fact that the US stock market is currently weakening is surprising, according to Stiglitz. "The prospect of lower taxes and lower wages should actually be good for share prices," explains the economist. "The falling prices are an unmistakable sign of uncertainty and concern." Adding to the confusion surrounding the tariffs is the disregard for the rule of law and the termination of government contracts. "And the trade war and the tax cuts could drive inflation in the US to a new record high in the foreseeable future."

Trump is "extraordinarily ignorant of economic issues," Stiglitz judges. He also doesn't see any "truly competent economic advisors." "His tax cuts, for example, will widen the trade deficit, just as happened during his first term – so Trump not only has no strategy, he also has no clue," says the Nobel laureate. Trump's radical policy shift represents "a major risk not only for the US economy, but for the entire global economy."

Even after Trump's tax cuts in 2017, corporate investment didn't increase, only stock prices. "But that doesn't have a truly lasting impact on the economy. And this time, stock prices aren't even rising." Stiglitz is convinced that "pessimism is winning," meaning tax cuts would only stimulate the economy in the short term.

--- end of article -----

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Love this guy. I know his message will send DJT off the deep end.

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who the fuck will work in these businesses moving to the US? Immigrants? Nah. Spoiled Americans? Nah.

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Those companies will face the same trade challenges going on iright now. What company in its right mind would move here only to face that AND a horrifically bad economy on top of it?

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and the astronomical cost of setting up a factory or whatever they were to do. ridiculous

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Some of the crazy tariff "manipulations" and resulting confusion & chaos (among other things) are done to divert Americans' attention from the highly irresponsible, slash n burn GUTTING of our federal government. But we DO see it. We see EVERYTHING and we know exactly what is happening. The "king" enjoys throwing his power around .. for the sake of throwing his power around. It IS going to backfire and it won't be pretty.

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So many Americans will get what they deserve. Too bad the very good Americans will have to suffer.

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Joseph Stiglitz is part of the problem. He is a chip off of the Chicago School that brought us the chaotic Trickle Down disaster of economics. He supported the shipping out of American industry to other countries (see NAFTA). That was the beginning of our downfall as an economic power. We lost tens of thousands of good paying jobs under his watch LOOK IT UP!!! Stiglitz can stuff it.

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nixon is the stupid fucker who opened up Chinas for manufacturing, that was the beginning of all this, get your facts straight

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