ABSURD. This is not a normal shutdown. The CR at least makes it LEGAL for key agencies to continue to exist. That means: it will make it possible to fight back against Musk in court. Block the CR and you literally give Trump what he wants, because from then on, they can destroy ALL government agencies, and in a perfectly legal way. In that case, it would take us DECADES to rebuild. US democracy cannot possibly afford such a foolish decision.
This is NOT the time to "take a stand", this is a time to THINK.
The republicans hold unitary power in DC. THEY control the White House, the house and the senate. THEY keep screeching about having 'a mandate to govern.' The Democrats should let them do just that. Govern. Pass a fucking budget on their own. THEY keep screaming about how 'elections have consequences. The Democrats should make them own the consequences of their inability to govern or pass a budget since 2022 - when the government was under Democratic control. Instead, ever since 2023 when republicans took control of the house, Democrats have been covering for republicans, bailing them out when they couldn't govern. NO MORE. If the republicans can't pass a budget or another CR, THEY own it. It's THEIR responsibility if the government shuts down.
It's time Democrats made republicans start acting like adults instead of covering for them like they're children. THEY made this mess, it's time Democrats made them OWN it.
That sounds nice of course. But it's WAY too moralizing to be a reliable strategy when democracy ITSELF is on the line.
Again, the choice we have here is between either giving Musk the full legal ability to destroy all government agencies (that's what blocking the CR would do, concretely) or saving most of them (knowing that Musk will still try to destroy them, but it will be illegal so we will be able to continue to fight back in the courts).
Really, people who think Schumer is wrong here clearly never thought seriously about what installing a neofascist system of governance actually does to democracy and the government.
What good is it to yell "the GOP owns it!" when (1) their own voters will support them no matter what, thanks to a perfectly oiled neofascist propaganda machine, and most importantly (2) the result is that democracy is destroyed for DECADES? We need to stop yelling and start THINKING. This is way too serious to want to simply take a stand.
I need no lectures from someone intent on rationalizing in the face of an increasingly authoritarian government. Save your patronizing, darlin'. It doesn't work on me.
Oh, so your idea is to try to fight back in the most irrational way possible? With friends like that...
And again, this is not an "increasingly authoritarian government". Read Project 2025, read Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts' latest book, read Peter Thiel (who bankrolled Vance's career) or listen to Steve Bannon: they all WANT a fascist America, they also want to destroy all democracies all over the world, they agree with Putin's palace ideologue Alexander Dugin that democracy is bad and dictatorship good, and they have carefully mapped out how to install a dictatorship in the US. This government is 100% authoritarian. It's full of neofascists who know very well what they're doing, why, and how to do it.
So again, if you believe that we should HELP them do so by shutting down the government ourselves, how will that somehow help us fight back AGAINST neofascism? Any idea?
"You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth." --Winston Churchill.
It's about time Democrats stopped trying to be reasonable and 'work with' republicans.' These people have zero interest in any of that. They'd gladly burn it all down, as Steve Bannon has repeatedly said.
Democrats owe these MAGA republicans no help. They don't need any Democratic votes to pass this CR, and they shouldn't get any. Voting for it is complicity in the damage they're causing. It's time to have a back bone.
If the government shuts down, it's THEIR doing. We've covered for them long enough. So long, in fact, they've come to count on it. It's time we disabused them of that notion. But that takes people who are willing to fight back, not ones who keep doing the same thing over and over. Tell me, how much 'credit' did Democrats get for 'keeping the government open' ANY of the times we bailed the republicans out? ZERO. Some people just never learn.
yes,the first and most important one is to stand united against the regime.And that just does not work by caving to the wannabe dictator.Your arguments are reasonable, but to show weakness to the schoolyard bully right now while dividing the resistance is the thing the fascist dream of.Just look what the fascist cult leader posted after the vote.He endorsed the 10 !! Makes me throw up.
I am reluctantly seeing your point. I’ve been trying to research this so I understand the process better. If you have something for me to read I would appreciate it. I think I’m an informed citizen but the actions of this day have been a roller coaster and one I am seriously trying to understand.
What makes you think Rule of Law and Court Rulings will be followed by a CONVICTED FELON In Cheif, with assistance from 6 SC Justices (3 which are straight up MAGA Heritage groomed unfit Partisan Judges) that empowered him and Musk last June with the Chevron & POTUS Immunity Ruling!? Shit, Musk has NOT showed up to ONE Congressional Hearing requested for EVERY ILLEGAL ACTION he has done the past 7 weeks.
Chuck is playing a 1995 "politics" game while 'Rump & Musk have already DESTROYED POLITICS AS USUAL moves, also if Revolution is needed that is the next step, call ‘Rump’s bluff, he tried to Bully Canada, Mexico, the EU with his idiotic Trump Tax Increase Tariff’s WHICH IS BACKFIRING AS THE MARKET & CONSUMER SPENDING TANKS and Trudeau & Scheinbuam HELD STRONG, then attacking the brave President of Ukraine Zelenskyy and that back fired too. GET A CLUE FROM OUR FORMER ALLIES FIGHTING BACK TO ‘RUMP CHUCK!! YOU DON’T BACKDOWN TO BULLIES, YOU PUNCH THEM SQUARE IN THE NOSE!
Yup, every one of our Allied neighbors Leaders and NATO Allies are fighting back to the Bully 'Rump, while dipshit Chuck thinks he can curry voter favor from every American hurt by this AWFUL CRIMINALLY OFFENSIVE MAGAG BILL (which was already fucking budgeted by both Dem & MAGA Mike Johnson) when many folks will suffer as SS, Medicare & Medicaid get gutted.
Chuck is a corpo-schmuck 100%. New "FIGHTING HOW THEY FIGHT" DEM LEADERS NEEDED ASAP. This does not mean lowering our core values of supporting ALL working class Americans, Vets, Seniors, poor families/kids, good Govt. Programs, Labor Unions, Public Education, and yes DIVERSITY EQUITY INCLUSION that 'Rump & Musk are attacking on all fronts. We have a deep bench too, drop the Corpo Dems fucked up political model that got us here, make our own Populist Dem Big Tent Party starting now because what 'Rump & Musk have started with Project 2025 in full action is only gonna get worse, and everyone affected that isn't die hard MAGA Cult will need an Opposition Fighting Big Tent Party to fight these bullies with.
Kenneth you are right so I’m not disagreeing with you THERE IS A ROADMAP out of this shit. Yet I don’t know how much human nature has really changed in my last seventy years. I believe that the general public is too scared to move.
I have stood up and marched since I have been seven years old it gets better but never do the people get every thing they want since I have lived. I have the good old Polaroid shots of meeting Martin Luther King Jr, Angela Davis and several Vietnam War demonstrations. Here’s what I learned from being a daughter of a holocaust survivors and being a member of the Quaker Community. I’m not bringing in religious beliefs but the Quakers were the first to organize against the Puritan community, native Americans rights Slavery,civil war,Vietnam,civil rights just to name a few. I know our family was drawn to them because they preach activism for humanity as we speak they are boots on the ground in Ukraine reason know one is acknowledged is because they practice in “ silence “ they will not fight in anger. Actually all humans get extremely clever thoughts when they lose the anger. From every thing I have learned from my parents and grandparents stories we are in the wheel of fascism. My grandmother made me keep a journal of her stories they are bone chilling then and reality today. The way they survived is they knew their community they worked together they made rules of their own. Number one rule is “ unity of we the people “ yes that means people who voted for Trump we cannot dwell on pass we could never rely ever on politicians to get us out of it s the job of we the people not our representatives. Yes we can all have our differences yet we must put them aside each community must start now public library public parks are good meeting spots to start we are even trying Walmart parking lot. We got six people at our first meeting but keep planning three months ago we started and we are now 43 and growing it’s not like the good old days when you just followed a poster.. I hope this helps you
Entirely false, it's you guys who imagine that this is business as usual.
Look at your arguments: all that you propose is to "take a stand".
If they don't pass the CR, Musk will be able to destroy all agencies in all legality. If they pass the CR, he will be legally forced to keep agencies open.
Look at what happened in Poland when neofascists did the same thing: it takes DECADES to rebuild a democracy if you let them destroy it all first. And throughout those decades, we need highly informed voters who don't lose patience with their government, which will continue to be ineffective for a long time, rather than voting for neofascists again.
Conclusion: Schumer, as usual, is the only one truly aware of the consequences of not voting for this CR. So he's 100% right.
Schumer flip-flopped within 48 hours and voted against 99% of elected democrats. He threw house democrats under the bus at the last minute, and is now being praised/mocked by Trump.
All irrelevant. The only thing that counts is: are we saving democracy or caving to Trump and giving him the legal right to destroy all US agencies (which is what not voting for the CR would do)? Schumer opts for saving democracy rather than caving to Trump.
That's because without CR, we can no longer file lawsuits against them and have the courts force them to keep the agencies open. WITH CR, they continue to be legally obliged to keep them open. So we need that CR, even though it's a VERY bad one.
Schumer didn't cave. With no budget, Trump would not only have immediately closed agencies completely and destroyed them so they could not be reopened, he would have closed most of the judiciary that has been trying to keep him in check. Schumer kept the agencies and the judiciary alive. We need the judiciary to fight his unlawful and unconstititional acts.
Trump keeps getting away with things because Dems and the courts stop his worst policies. But just once if the public saw him at the worst maybe we could get the revolt needed to topple him for good. This isn’t business as usual and we must fight back, not gift wrap MAGA MIKE JOHNSON’S budget. Democrats got zero concessions. ZERO.
That depends on how it is framed by their preferred media. Many people unfortunately cheer for his cruelty. You are absolutely correct that this is not business as usual. This is a "soft coup."
Any physical revolt, or even a peaceful protest could be used as an excuse for Trump to declare martial law or invoke the Alien and Sedition Acts. Putting pressure on Congress by letting them know that they are losing the votes of their constituents by supporting Trump's unlawful acts may encourage them to impeach him. However, that would leave Vance who is just as corrupt and transactional, and probably smarter.
Yes, when Trump effectively installs a dictatorship he'd own it. That's exactly what he WANTS, you see? These people ideologically REJECT democracy and want to install a dictatorship, and they've been mapping it all out, step by step, over the last four years.
No CR means giving them literally what they want. With a CR, they'll still continue to destroy agencies but it will remain illegal to do so, so we'll continue to win in court.
Remember, fighting for democracy is not the same at all as fighting for this or that policy. If we allow Trump to destroy US democracy it will take DECADES to rebuild it. What good will it do to let him "own it" if for decades, we have to live under a totalitarian regime and neofascists see their dream come through... ?
He would have had even more power to destroy the government if the funding bill didn't pass. Even this horrible bill was better than letting him destroy agencies and the judiciary.
We need to fight smart, not give in to emotional reactions. Protests could give Trump an excuse to impose martial law and turn America into a police state. We need to demand of every single member of Congress that their constituents want them to impeach Trump and return the government to a government for the people, not for just Trump and his oligarchy. We need them to insure that Trump and all future Presidents are bound by the laws of the people as passed by Congress.
We need to call, email and even hand deliver thousands of letters to the local offices of every single Representative and Senator calling for Trump’s removal for his unlawful and unconstitutional acts that have harmed Americans and our allies.
The law isn't working ..there is no law anymore.. only against the poor needy and Fatherless.. it's called pure Evil inflicted on their Real Working classes that made this once 1 time rich country.. becoming A Third World Country!
Exactly. Let's admit it, one of the reasons why we're in this situation today, with the GOP installing neofascism in the US, is precisely because Democratic voters tend to have such low "political literacy" and always want everything right now, regardless of what is possible in Congress. Pretty weird for DEMOCRATS, knowing that we are supposed to be the ones who believe in the democratic process in the first place, and know and accept that that means almost NEVER voting for your ideal bill but voting based on compromise and what's on the table, especially right after "we the people" voted Democrats out of all levels of power...
I think THE main problem is voters (and even worse, those who don't vote). A democracy is a government that is only FOR the people to the extent that it is BY the people. All too often, we think that politicians should "lead", by which we mean: run the government on their own. History proves that that never works. That's why the slogan "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" is and remains so important.
If you look at what Democrats in DC did, knowing how the democratic process works, I really don't see a lot of reasons to blame them for anything. They did their job, as best they could, under usually very difficult circumstances.
Remember the 2010 mid-terms? THAT's when we saw how utterly weak and ill-informed most voters were. Obama had to work through the Great Recession, and did so in a very successful way (again, taking the equation in Congress into account) and yet, progressives and other Democratic voters massively stayed home or even voted for the utterly insane and corrupt Republicans. It massively slowed down any progress that Obama and the Democrats could and would have made if voters had maintained all Democrats in office and replaced Joe Lieberman with a real Democrat (albeit a blue dog).
Also, I don't think the Koch brothers are still relevant today. They are neocons. They abhor Trump and the MAGA 2.0 neofascists (the tech billionaires and Christian Nationalist Heritage Foundation). Neocons, in the end, are pro-democracy. They do imagine that you have to lie to voters because they'll always be too stupid/politically illiterate to vote for their own interests, so neocons created the problem of fake news that allowed neofascist Republicans to build on it and turn the GOP media landscape into a truly fascist propaganda machine. But the Cheney's never ever wanted fascism, and that also goes for the Koch brothers.
Finally, Harris and the Democrats were CONSTANTLY telling us that Projec 2025 is what Trump would install, and that it's 100% fascist. Biden had been saying the same thing for years. My guess: there is an anti-intellectualism in the US (including at many universities) that made people unaware of the fact that the GOP became the victim of a hostile takeover by real ideologues (pseudo-intellectuals who are passionate about fascist ideology, write about it, hold meetings about it, and who are passionate about the nitty-gritty of governing). That's why most "ordinary citizens" didn't see this coming. Weeks AFTER the DOGE purge started, even progressive comedian Jon Stewart still ridiculed the idea of a "purge" or "fascism".
Conclusion: I think Democrats (the DNC and its leaders) have always been lucid about what is going on. But if the media don't inform "we the people", then we'll only wake up when it's (almost) too late...
That's precisely the point that is key to understand here.
For now, the law says that these agencies have to remain open, that they cannot massively fire government employees, etc. That allows Democrats and others to constantly file lawsuits against the government - and win.
With the new CR, most of these agencies will remain legal, so it will remain illegal for Musk to shut them down and the courts will continue to force the government to rehire those whose contracts were wrongfully ended.
This totally changed without CR. Obviously, when you look at the content of the bill, no Democrat would EVER want to support it. So those who support VOTING for it do so for a different reason: without CR, the government will not have the FUNDING necessary to keep these government agencies going, and without legal funding, we cannot force Musk to keep them open by going to the courts. That's because it's Congress and Congress only that has the constitutional power to "make laws" - in this case, a budget law. No budget law means de facto NO law to protect these agencies and their employees. So we would no longer be able to go to court and win and force Musk to keep the agencies open.
This is why NOT voting for the CR means caving to Musk/Trump (because they WANT to close all agencies), in this case, whereas voting FOR the CR means legally FORCING Trump to keep all agencies open, you see?
I understood that this funding CR would endorse the whole impoundment/sequestering concept and thus counteract or undermine everything you say here. And I haven’t read the CR myself. Can you say this isn’t so?
I don't know who, or what, this EUWDTB really is, but it is not on the side of the American people. The majority of the Dem Senators voted NO. They are WELL AWARE of the consequences. Schumer and the other Dems who voted in favor are collaborators with the first fascist government of the United States of America.
And now start calling other Dem senators to get a new leader asap. Otherwise people will (rightly) assume “the Democrats” are worthless—not worth supporting w votes or $.
In a shutdown, a President can unilaterally decide what to cut. Trump planned to do just that, cut everything and everyone he didn't want, even court staff and buildings, and turn us into a police state. Trump wanted the shut down. The funding bill was terrible. A shutdown would have been much, much worse. It took courage for Schumer to take such an unpopular but necessary position.
Can we get Katie Porter to fill in. She will bring her white board and sharpie to explain it all to those idiots that you cannot gaslight us now or ever.
I tried calling his office this morning but it was impossible to get through. I did send him an email. I’m sure he has gotten the message that his constituents are angry. He definitely has to go.
Thanks, I also tried calling Schumer this morning and couldn’t get through so I sent a message through his online form that I have been a long time supporter of his, but if he votes Yes on the GOP bill. I will never support him again. Please vote NO on cloture and the Republican spending bill!
He needs to go NOW, what a TRAITOR! Weak Chuckie has betrayed his own party. Watch out because it looks like Gavin Newsome is caving to their rhetoric also.
Schumer is not a traitor. He prevented a shutdown because with a shutdown, Trump would close for good all the agencies he doesn't like and destroy them and fire the judges that don't rule his way. That would make things much worse.
It was my understanding that this budget severely or completely defunds many agencies. Maybe I am missing something:
"Trump would close for good all agencies he does not like."
The president does not have the power to close agencies, right? That's a power of the legislature. Why should Democrats help them defend and cripple the agencies giving it the appearance of bipartisanship? Can you walk me through this logic?
" And fire the judges that don't rule his way"
I am having trouble seeing the connection between passing a CR and firing judges. What's the connection between Trump's ability to fire judges and the budget: could you elaborate?
At this point, I have signed so many petitions and written so many letters, I need to see evidence by our elected officials that our opinions and daily needs matters. It's very disheartening, yet I wake up each day ready to join the resistance again. We cannot give up. Giving up is not an option.
It seems that all they can and will do is ask you for money. We see nothing in terms of action, standing up for democracy or the people. Lately it is just talk, and talk is cheap.
I’m agree with you somewhat, however, I will continue to sign petitions and send emails and make calls, while I watch carefully to see who is taking action. Those that are not taking action will not get anything more from me. Those that I did not support before, but who I see taking action now, will be put on my contribution list.
If you've been paying attention over the years, you know that they act like they're paying no attention -- until their staff and/or their top donors get to them and say it's getting serious so PAY ATTENTION. So keep trying.
P.S. Signing petitions, unless they're nomination papers, is pretty much useless. Most of them are fundraising ploys.
Except being a Canadian citizen as well as an American I signed the Canadian petition that is wanting to take away Musk's Canadian citizenship. When I signed it there was over 670,000 signatures. I am sure it is well over 1 million by now. I know the Canadian parliament will take a serious look at the petition.
Don’t dump the party, there is no viable alternative right now! If your democratic senators and reps, don’t stand up to the Republican Nazi party, then dump them, primary them in the mid-terms! Notify them now, if they don’t start fighting back against this illegal regime, they will not be re-elected. Frankly, I am very disgusted with the majority of our democratic congress, they should be standing up and preparing for the midterms, but other than a handful of reps and a few senators, our party seems to be hiding out! Chuck should be sent packing, and Jeffries needs to stop asking for money! We are not going to contribute to a party who is not fighting the trump musk regime at every turn!
I’m on a fixed income and donated way too much this election cycle. They are incessant in sending texts, emails, & surveys via USPS begging for $$$. I’m SO DONE w/that!! Instead I’ve supported independent media, Democracy Docket, & ALCU.
OMG! What is going on? Do these DINOʻs have no conscience at all?????? He should step down. Talk about traitor!!!! Lost ALL respect for these DINOʻs. Theyʻre just handing everything over to Trump so they wonʻt get their frail feathers ruffled by the Orange Buffoon!!! Sad day!!!
This is going to be a battle. We must fight everything in Court. Trump and Musk are losing all cases in court. Thank God Biden got a lot of judges assigned. Our Democratic Congressmen and Senators better stop worrying about their jobs and represent their constituents. We must keep moving forward. We all know life is a cycle and things change. How about this for a change in 2028.
Harris as President.
AOC as Vice President
Shift as Senate Majority leader
Jeffries as House Majority leader
Just a wish but entirely possible with millions of our votes..
We can curse and scream and make up unflattering words. But who will care if we don't vote. Voting is our major Democrat issue. Plus teaching the younger voters to get off social media for a few minutes and read the truth on Meidas Touch . It is critical..
I love Harris and voted for her, worked to get her elected, very disappointed when we fell short. Love your list and am concerned there are still plenty of folks that would not vote for a woman at the top of the ticket.
I have heard someone who’s been pretty accurate predict there will be a business guy that wins in 2028 (Dem). I keep thinking Mark Cuban… with AOC as VP. Thoughts?
Please see election truth alliance they have proof musk rigged the election for trump to win. They're criminals, both going to prison, of course they cheated. Election truth alliance on bluesky as well. They've done podcasts with chief statisticians, Jessica denson and mark Thompson. Excellent podcasts, great information and evidence.
Well you could be right about the prejudice against a woman President. But I keep up.hopes for her. But Cuban is a good choice and I did not think of that. He hates Trump though he has not said that. But you can tell by his actions. I think AOC is must
Shumer is done. He needs to step down now.
He's a weak demoRAT
He WAS a weak Democrat!
He needs to be replaced in a SPECIAL ELECTION!
I can't walk, but we start targeting him ... Demanding his resignation
I also reported.
Spam. Reported.
ABSURD. This is not a normal shutdown. The CR at least makes it LEGAL for key agencies to continue to exist. That means: it will make it possible to fight back against Musk in court. Block the CR and you literally give Trump what he wants, because from then on, they can destroy ALL government agencies, and in a perfectly legal way. In that case, it would take us DECADES to rebuild. US democracy cannot possibly afford such a foolish decision.
This is NOT the time to "take a stand", this is a time to THINK.
The republicans hold unitary power in DC. THEY control the White House, the house and the senate. THEY keep screeching about having 'a mandate to govern.' The Democrats should let them do just that. Govern. Pass a fucking budget on their own. THEY keep screaming about how 'elections have consequences. The Democrats should make them own the consequences of their inability to govern or pass a budget since 2022 - when the government was under Democratic control. Instead, ever since 2023 when republicans took control of the house, Democrats have been covering for republicans, bailing them out when they couldn't govern. NO MORE. If the republicans can't pass a budget or another CR, THEY own it. It's THEIR responsibility if the government shuts down.
It's time Democrats made republicans start acting like adults instead of covering for them like they're children. THEY made this mess, it's time Democrats made them OWN it.
That sounds nice of course. But it's WAY too moralizing to be a reliable strategy when democracy ITSELF is on the line.
Again, the choice we have here is between either giving Musk the full legal ability to destroy all government agencies (that's what blocking the CR would do, concretely) or saving most of them (knowing that Musk will still try to destroy them, but it will be illegal so we will be able to continue to fight back in the courts).
Really, people who think Schumer is wrong here clearly never thought seriously about what installing a neofascist system of governance actually does to democracy and the government.
What good is it to yell "the GOP owns it!" when (1) their own voters will support them no matter what, thanks to a perfectly oiled neofascist propaganda machine, and most importantly (2) the result is that democracy is destroyed for DECADES? We need to stop yelling and start THINKING. This is way too serious to want to simply take a stand.
I need no lectures from someone intent on rationalizing in the face of an increasingly authoritarian government. Save your patronizing, darlin'. It doesn't work on me.
Oh, so your idea is to try to fight back in the most irrational way possible? With friends like that...
And again, this is not an "increasingly authoritarian government". Read Project 2025, read Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts' latest book, read Peter Thiel (who bankrolled Vance's career) or listen to Steve Bannon: they all WANT a fascist America, they also want to destroy all democracies all over the world, they agree with Putin's palace ideologue Alexander Dugin that democracy is bad and dictatorship good, and they have carefully mapped out how to install a dictatorship in the US. This government is 100% authoritarian. It's full of neofascists who know very well what they're doing, why, and how to do it.
So again, if you believe that we should HELP them do so by shutting down the government ourselves, how will that somehow help us fight back AGAINST neofascism? Any idea?
"You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth." --Winston Churchill.
It's about time Democrats stopped trying to be reasonable and 'work with' republicans.' These people have zero interest in any of that. They'd gladly burn it all down, as Steve Bannon has repeatedly said.
Democrats owe these MAGA republicans no help. They don't need any Democratic votes to pass this CR, and they shouldn't get any. Voting for it is complicity in the damage they're causing. It's time to have a back bone.
If the government shuts down, it's THEIR doing. We've covered for them long enough. So long, in fact, they've come to count on it. It's time we disabused them of that notion. But that takes people who are willing to fight back, not ones who keep doing the same thing over and over. Tell me, how much 'credit' did Democrats get for 'keeping the government open' ANY of the times we bailed the republicans out? ZERO. Some people just never learn.
yes,the first and most important one is to stand united against the regime.And that just does not work by caving to the wannabe dictator.Your arguments are reasonable, but to show weakness to the schoolyard bully right now while dividing the resistance is the thing the fascist dream of.Just look what the fascist cult leader posted after the vote.He endorsed the 10 !! Makes me throw up.
I am reluctantly seeing your point. I’ve been trying to research this so I understand the process better. If you have something for me to read I would appreciate it. I think I’m an informed citizen but the actions of this day have been a roller coaster and one I am seriously trying to understand.
What makes you think Rule of Law and Court Rulings will be followed by a CONVICTED FELON In Cheif, with assistance from 6 SC Justices (3 which are straight up MAGA Heritage groomed unfit Partisan Judges) that empowered him and Musk last June with the Chevron & POTUS Immunity Ruling!? Shit, Musk has NOT showed up to ONE Congressional Hearing requested for EVERY ILLEGAL ACTION he has done the past 7 weeks.
Chuck is playing a 1995 "politics" game while 'Rump & Musk have already DESTROYED POLITICS AS USUAL moves, also if Revolution is needed that is the next step, call ‘Rump’s bluff, he tried to Bully Canada, Mexico, the EU with his idiotic Trump Tax Increase Tariff’s WHICH IS BACKFIRING AS THE MARKET & CONSUMER SPENDING TANKS and Trudeau & Scheinbuam HELD STRONG, then attacking the brave President of Ukraine Zelenskyy and that back fired too. GET A CLUE FROM OUR FORMER ALLIES FIGHTING BACK TO ‘RUMP CHUCK!! YOU DON’T BACKDOWN TO BULLIES, YOU PUNCH THEM SQUARE IN THE NOSE!
100% right.
There is no time left to roll over.
It is:
Yup, every one of our Allied neighbors Leaders and NATO Allies are fighting back to the Bully 'Rump, while dipshit Chuck thinks he can curry voter favor from every American hurt by this AWFUL CRIMINALLY OFFENSIVE MAGAG BILL (which was already fucking budgeted by both Dem & MAGA Mike Johnson) when many folks will suffer as SS, Medicare & Medicaid get gutted.
Chuck is a corpo-schmuck 100%. New "FIGHTING HOW THEY FIGHT" DEM LEADERS NEEDED ASAP. This does not mean lowering our core values of supporting ALL working class Americans, Vets, Seniors, poor families/kids, good Govt. Programs, Labor Unions, Public Education, and yes DIVERSITY EQUITY INCLUSION that 'Rump & Musk are attacking on all fronts. We have a deep bench too, drop the Corpo Dems fucked up political model that got us here, make our own Populist Dem Big Tent Party starting now because what 'Rump & Musk have started with Project 2025 in full action is only gonna get worse, and everyone affected that isn't die hard MAGA Cult will need an Opposition Fighting Big Tent Party to fight these bullies with.
Kenneth you are right so I’m not disagreeing with you THERE IS A ROADMAP out of this shit. Yet I don’t know how much human nature has really changed in my last seventy years. I believe that the general public is too scared to move.
I have stood up and marched since I have been seven years old it gets better but never do the people get every thing they want since I have lived. I have the good old Polaroid shots of meeting Martin Luther King Jr, Angela Davis and several Vietnam War demonstrations. Here’s what I learned from being a daughter of a holocaust survivors and being a member of the Quaker Community. I’m not bringing in religious beliefs but the Quakers were the first to organize against the Puritan community, native Americans rights Slavery,civil war,Vietnam,civil rights just to name a few. I know our family was drawn to them because they preach activism for humanity as we speak they are boots on the ground in Ukraine reason know one is acknowledged is because they practice in “ silence “ they will not fight in anger. Actually all humans get extremely clever thoughts when they lose the anger. From every thing I have learned from my parents and grandparents stories we are in the wheel of fascism. My grandmother made me keep a journal of her stories they are bone chilling then and reality today. The way they survived is they knew their community they worked together they made rules of their own. Number one rule is “ unity of we the people “ yes that means people who voted for Trump we cannot dwell on pass we could never rely ever on politicians to get us out of it s the job of we the people not our representatives. Yes we can all have our differences yet we must put them aside each community must start now public library public parks are good meeting spots to start we are even trying Walmart parking lot. We got six people at our first meeting but keep planning three months ago we started and we are now 43 and growing it’s not like the good old days when you just followed a poster.. I hope this helps you
Entirely false, it's you guys who imagine that this is business as usual.
Look at your arguments: all that you propose is to "take a stand".
If they don't pass the CR, Musk will be able to destroy all agencies in all legality. If they pass the CR, he will be legally forced to keep agencies open.
Look at what happened in Poland when neofascists did the same thing: it takes DECADES to rebuild a democracy if you let them destroy it all first. And throughout those decades, we need highly informed voters who don't lose patience with their government, which will continue to be ineffective for a long time, rather than voting for neofascists again.
Conclusion: Schumer, as usual, is the only one truly aware of the consequences of not voting for this CR. So he's 100% right.
Schumer flip-flopped within 48 hours and voted against 99% of elected democrats. He threw house democrats under the bus at the last minute, and is now being praised/mocked by Trump.
All irrelevant. The only thing that counts is: are we saving democracy or caving to Trump and giving him the legal right to destroy all US agencies (which is what not voting for the CR would do)? Schumer opts for saving democracy rather than caving to Trump.
That's because without CR, we can no longer file lawsuits against them and have the courts force them to keep the agencies open. WITH CR, they continue to be legally obliged to keep them open. So we need that CR, even though it's a VERY bad one.
Schumer didn't cave. With no budget, Trump would not only have immediately closed agencies completely and destroyed them so they could not be reopened, he would have closed most of the judiciary that has been trying to keep him in check. Schumer kept the agencies and the judiciary alive. We need the judiciary to fight his unlawful and unconstititional acts.
Trump keeps getting away with things because Dems and the courts stop his worst policies. But just once if the public saw him at the worst maybe we could get the revolt needed to topple him for good. This isn’t business as usual and we must fight back, not gift wrap MAGA MIKE JOHNSON’S budget. Democrats got zero concessions. ZERO.
That depends on how it is framed by their preferred media. Many people unfortunately cheer for his cruelty. You are absolutely correct that this is not business as usual. This is a "soft coup."
Any physical revolt, or even a peaceful protest could be used as an excuse for Trump to declare martial law or invoke the Alien and Sedition Acts. Putting pressure on Congress by letting them know that they are losing the votes of their constituents by supporting Trump's unlawful acts may encourage them to impeach him. However, that would leave Vance who is just as corrupt and transactional, and probably smarter.
Yes! impeachment of Trump [for a third time] is a nice fantasy but it leaves musk and Peter Theil in charge!
Oh there’s a great scenario. Yep-it’s not just Trump. We must also recognize that.
But he would have OWNED it
Now he has permission
How does that matter?
Yes, when Trump effectively installs a dictatorship he'd own it. That's exactly what he WANTS, you see? These people ideologically REJECT democracy and want to install a dictatorship, and they've been mapping it all out, step by step, over the last four years.
No CR means giving them literally what they want. With a CR, they'll still continue to destroy agencies but it will remain illegal to do so, so we'll continue to win in court.
Remember, fighting for democracy is not the same at all as fighting for this or that policy. If we allow Trump to destroy US democracy it will take DECADES to rebuild it. What good will it do to let him "own it" if for decades, we have to live under a totalitarian regime and neofascists see their dream come through... ?
He would have had even more power to destroy the government if the funding bill didn't pass. Even this horrible bill was better than letting him destroy agencies and the judiciary.
We need to fight smart, not give in to emotional reactions. Protests could give Trump an excuse to impose martial law and turn America into a police state. We need to demand of every single member of Congress that their constituents want them to impeach Trump and return the government to a government for the people, not for just Trump and his oligarchy. We need them to insure that Trump and all future Presidents are bound by the laws of the people as passed by Congress.
We need to call, email and even hand deliver thousands of letters to the local offices of every single Representative and Senator calling for Trump’s removal for his unlawful and unconstitutional acts that have harmed Americans and our allies.
The law isn't working ..there is no law anymore.. only against the poor needy and Fatherless.. it's called pure Evil inflicted on their Real Working classes that made this once 1 time rich country.. becoming A Third World Country!
We need to just J6 and take our house back like the Forefathers said ... Hello
Agreed! 👍 saying the same thing all day .. the Dems were checkmated and there wasn’t a viable option.
Exactly. Let's admit it, one of the reasons why we're in this situation today, with the GOP installing neofascism in the US, is precisely because Democratic voters tend to have such low "political literacy" and always want everything right now, regardless of what is possible in Congress. Pretty weird for DEMOCRATS, knowing that we are supposed to be the ones who believe in the democratic process in the first place, and know and accept that that means almost NEVER voting for your ideal bill but voting based on compromise and what's on the table, especially right after "we the people" voted Democrats out of all levels of power...
The Dems have been living on lattes, a wing and a prayer for 20 years while the Koch Bros were playing the long game of all politics is local.
I think THE main problem is voters (and even worse, those who don't vote). A democracy is a government that is only FOR the people to the extent that it is BY the people. All too often, we think that politicians should "lead", by which we mean: run the government on their own. History proves that that never works. That's why the slogan "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" is and remains so important.
If you look at what Democrats in DC did, knowing how the democratic process works, I really don't see a lot of reasons to blame them for anything. They did their job, as best they could, under usually very difficult circumstances.
Remember the 2010 mid-terms? THAT's when we saw how utterly weak and ill-informed most voters were. Obama had to work through the Great Recession, and did so in a very successful way (again, taking the equation in Congress into account) and yet, progressives and other Democratic voters massively stayed home or even voted for the utterly insane and corrupt Republicans. It massively slowed down any progress that Obama and the Democrats could and would have made if voters had maintained all Democrats in office and replaced Joe Lieberman with a real Democrat (albeit a blue dog).
Also, I don't think the Koch brothers are still relevant today. They are neocons. They abhor Trump and the MAGA 2.0 neofascists (the tech billionaires and Christian Nationalist Heritage Foundation). Neocons, in the end, are pro-democracy. They do imagine that you have to lie to voters because they'll always be too stupid/politically illiterate to vote for their own interests, so neocons created the problem of fake news that allowed neofascist Republicans to build on it and turn the GOP media landscape into a truly fascist propaganda machine. But the Cheney's never ever wanted fascism, and that also goes for the Koch brothers.
Finally, Harris and the Democrats were CONSTANTLY telling us that Projec 2025 is what Trump would install, and that it's 100% fascist. Biden had been saying the same thing for years. My guess: there is an anti-intellectualism in the US (including at many universities) that made people unaware of the fact that the GOP became the victim of a hostile takeover by real ideologues (pseudo-intellectuals who are passionate about fascist ideology, write about it, hold meetings about it, and who are passionate about the nitty-gritty of governing). That's why most "ordinary citizens" didn't see this coming. Weeks AFTER the DOGE purge started, even progressive comedian Jon Stewart still ridiculed the idea of a "purge" or "fascism".
Conclusion: I think Democrats (the DNC and its leaders) have always been lucid about what is going on. But if the media don't inform "we the people", then we'll only wake up when it's (almost) too late...
Um... They've been destroying agencies illegally. Why would they care about doing it legally?? Anything that Trump wants, we want to block it.
That's precisely the point that is key to understand here.
For now, the law says that these agencies have to remain open, that they cannot massively fire government employees, etc. That allows Democrats and others to constantly file lawsuits against the government - and win.
With the new CR, most of these agencies will remain legal, so it will remain illegal for Musk to shut them down and the courts will continue to force the government to rehire those whose contracts were wrongfully ended.
This totally changed without CR. Obviously, when you look at the content of the bill, no Democrat would EVER want to support it. So those who support VOTING for it do so for a different reason: without CR, the government will not have the FUNDING necessary to keep these government agencies going, and without legal funding, we cannot force Musk to keep them open by going to the courts. That's because it's Congress and Congress only that has the constitutional power to "make laws" - in this case, a budget law. No budget law means de facto NO law to protect these agencies and their employees. So we would no longer be able to go to court and win and force Musk to keep the agencies open.
This is why NOT voting for the CR means caving to Musk/Trump (because they WANT to close all agencies), in this case, whereas voting FOR the CR means legally FORCING Trump to keep all agencies open, you see?
I understood that this funding CR would endorse the whole impoundment/sequestering concept and thus counteract or undermine everything you say here. And I haven’t read the CR myself. Can you say this isn’t so?
Sequestration specifically prohibits exempt programs of social security, Medicaid & Medicare. I read it.
I don't know who, or what, this EUWDTB really is, but it is not on the side of the American people. The majority of the Dem Senators voted NO. They are WELL AWARE of the consequences. Schumer and the other Dems who voted in favor are collaborators with the first fascist government of the United States of America.
And now start calling other Dem senators to get a new leader asap. Otherwise people will (rightly) assume “the Democrats” are worthless—not worth supporting w votes or $.
Letting the government shut down would have been much worse. It would have immediately handed Trump the coup he wants.
So the cowards claim
In a shutdown, a President can unilaterally decide what to cut. Trump planned to do just that, cut everything and everyone he didn't want, even court staff and buildings, and turn us into a police state. Trump wanted the shut down. The funding bill was terrible. A shutdown would have been much, much worse. It took courage for Schumer to take such an unpopular but necessary position.
And he has unilateral power to keep the government closed indefinitely.
Can we get Katie Porter to fill in. She will bring her white board and sharpie to explain it all to those idiots that you cannot gaslight us now or ever.
He needs to step down! A total traitor and coward!
I tried calling his office this morning but it was impossible to get through. I did send him an email. I’m sure he has gotten the message that his constituents are angry. He definitely has to go.
Thanks, I also tried calling Schumer this morning and couldn’t get through so I sent a message through his online form that I have been a long time supporter of his, but if he votes Yes on the GOP bill. I will never support him again. Please vote NO on cloture and the Republican spending bill!
Same here!! Couldn’t get through
He needs to go NOW, what a TRAITOR! Weak Chuckie has betrayed his own party. Watch out because it looks like Gavin Newsome is caving to their rhetoric also.
Schumer is not a traitor. He prevented a shutdown because with a shutdown, Trump would close for good all the agencies he doesn't like and destroy them and fire the judges that don't rule his way. That would make things much worse.
Trump cannot fire federal judges. That would be illegal and I am sure the judges would not let him do that.
It was my understanding that this budget severely or completely defunds many agencies. Maybe I am missing something:
"Trump would close for good all agencies he does not like."
The president does not have the power to close agencies, right? That's a power of the legislature. Why should Democrats help them defend and cripple the agencies giving it the appearance of bipartisanship? Can you walk me through this logic?
" And fire the judges that don't rule his way"
I am having trouble seeing the connection between passing a CR and firing judges. What's the connection between Trump's ability to fire judges and the budget: could you elaborate?
*Any typos are completely on purpose.
How can we reach out to him?? It's imperative!!
You need to call the office of Gavin Newsome. Call (916) 445-2841
At this point, I have signed so many petitions and written so many letters, I need to see evidence by our elected officials that our opinions and daily needs matters. It's very disheartening, yet I wake up each day ready to join the resistance again. We cannot give up. Giving up is not an option.
Never give up!
It seems that all they can and will do is ask you for money. We see nothing in terms of action, standing up for democracy or the people. Lately it is just talk, and talk is cheap.
I’m agree with you somewhat, however, I will continue to sign petitions and send emails and make calls, while I watch carefully to see who is taking action. Those that are not taking action will not get anything more from me. Those that I did not support before, but who I see taking action now, will be put on my contribution list.
That's right. I blocked all of their begging months back . They're weak and useless.
Together we stand, united we will not cave.
If you've been paying attention over the years, you know that they act like they're paying no attention -- until their staff and/or their top donors get to them and say it's getting serious so PAY ATTENTION. So keep trying.
P.S. Signing petitions, unless they're nomination papers, is pretty much useless. Most of them are fundraising ploys.
Except being a Canadian citizen as well as an American I signed the Canadian petition that is wanting to take away Musk's Canadian citizenship. When I signed it there was over 670,000 signatures. I am sure it is well over 1 million by now. I know the Canadian parliament will take a serious look at the petition.
I emailed him twice and called my senators today. That means something.
I tried as well contacting Schumer and to 2 Senators here in Arizona and all lines were filled up...could not even leave a message.
I finally got through after about fifteen tries. Of course, it didn’t do a bit of good but I stated my opinion.
I left a message at the NYC office.
Can you post his email please
I called him this morning and got his voicemail. I left a very clear message of what I think about him.
Here is an update from Jess Craven originally:
Thank goodness. Where is Nancy P when you need her?
Pelosi released a stark warning to the Senate Dems earlier today.
Thank you Congresswoman AOC🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️❤️
Yes AOC, you are right on! I sent you a contribution to show my support for your courage in opposing this GOP effort.
it seems like the only fighters are AOC, Crockett and Sanders
Also Chris Murphy
And Elizabeth Warren
Chris Murphy
Also Jamie Raskin
I will no longer be a Democrat if they help pass this budget. I’m not into spineless people. Schumer has hid behind Nancy Pelosi’s skirt long enough.
Nancy Pelosi has even come out telling Dems to vote No.
Where in the f@@k do you think you will go? You don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater.
I will go Independent.
Got it.
yes he has, he's a traitor
Yep, I'm done with democrat party. I've been a Democrat since my first vote in 85. They are spineless now and rolling over for facism.
Don’t dump the party, there is no viable alternative right now! If your democratic senators and reps, don’t stand up to the Republican Nazi party, then dump them, primary them in the mid-terms! Notify them now, if they don’t start fighting back against this illegal regime, they will not be re-elected. Frankly, I am very disgusted with the majority of our democratic congress, they should be standing up and preparing for the midterms, but other than a handful of reps and a few senators, our party seems to be hiding out! Chuck should be sent packing, and Jeffries needs to stop asking for money! We are not going to contribute to a party who is not fighting the trump musk regime at every turn!
Cannot assume there will be midterms at this rate.
Good point, and if we do, let’s hope they’re not rigged!
AOC should take over. Her and Crockett won't back down.
Schumer is a POS
Always has been.
Hey democratic party, stop asking me for money until the old "appeasement" side of the party is gone.
I’m on a fixed income and donated way too much this election cycle. They are incessant in sending texts, emails, & surveys via USPS begging for $$$. I’m SO DONE w/that!! Instead I’ve supported independent media, Democracy Docket, & ALCU.
Don't forget Brian Tyler Cohen and Meidas Touch. Great democracy supporting content.
I’m subscribed to MTN & BTC. They are EXCELLENT. The book Shameless by BTC has made the rounds amongst friends. Cheers!
He didn't just cave. He finally showed us that he is a Republican with a Democrat smile
You have DONE A TERRIBLE THING!! I never thought I would have say that to you!
Step down Chuck
Now the whole Congress and senate are cowards.
My heart breaks…. Never forget!
OMG! What is going on? Do these DINOʻs have no conscience at all?????? He should step down. Talk about traitor!!!! Lost ALL respect for these DINOʻs. Theyʻre just handing everything over to Trump so they wonʻt get their frail feathers ruffled by the Orange Buffoon!!! Sad day!!!
This is going to be a battle. We must fight everything in Court. Trump and Musk are losing all cases in court. Thank God Biden got a lot of judges assigned. Our Democratic Congressmen and Senators better stop worrying about their jobs and represent their constituents. We must keep moving forward. We all know life is a cycle and things change. How about this for a change in 2028.
Harris as President.
AOC as Vice President
Shift as Senate Majority leader
Jeffries as House Majority leader
Just a wish but entirely possible with millions of our votes..
That is really a good team!!! But remember - wishes can come true! We just have to VOTE!!
You are absolutely right.
We can curse and scream and make up unflattering words. But who will care if we don't vote. Voting is our major Democrat issue. Plus teaching the younger voters to get off social media for a few minutes and read the truth on Meidas Touch . It is critical..
Brilliant line up!
I love Harris and voted for her, worked to get her elected, very disappointed when we fell short. Love your list and am concerned there are still plenty of folks that would not vote for a woman at the top of the ticket.
I have heard someone who’s been pretty accurate predict there will be a business guy that wins in 2028 (Dem). I keep thinking Mark Cuban… with AOC as VP. Thoughts?
Please see election truth alliance they have proof musk rigged the election for trump to win. They're criminals, both going to prison, of course they cheated. Election truth alliance on bluesky as well. They've done podcasts with chief statisticians, Jessica denson and mark Thompson. Excellent podcasts, great information and evidence.
I very much like Cuban. I could go with him.
Well you could be right about the prejudice against a woman President. But I keep up.hopes for her. But Cuban is a good choice and I did not think of that. He hates Trump though he has not said that. But you can tell by his actions. I think AOC is must
What can we do to force Schumer out of leadership?
Primary him .!! he needs to go .
Schumer needs to be ousted.