Dear Canada,

We are not all Trump supporters. Know that. Thank you for not backing down! I’m sick to my stomach as well.

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We know friend. We see you, we hear you and we love you ♥️

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This has me in tears. Not just the reality of being a US citizen right now, but your kindness to us when you could blame us. I never even considered voting for that spray tan blob. It’s horrific.

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I used to think I would suffer from brain fog for the rest of my life..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/XPe0yuFjZQ

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I second Stacy's sentiments here. Never ever a supporter of him. So horrified, embarrassed and angry at what is happening in our "government" right now. Deep apologies to the world.

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They know that, but as one Canadian told me about a week or so ago, when I said the same thing. He said that.they cannot cherry pick.

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It’s true. We now have to fight back, stay strong. But we are well aware the majority of the USA is not in favour of this. So, we will fight, we will be strong and we will continue to love until this madness ends.

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I think they also know that most African Americans, especially the 92% DID NOT vote that man-baby. So I guess we’ll be ok with Canadians.

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Don't listen to them.

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That was a stupid statement on her part.

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We know. We will fight the OrangeJezus, while extending support and our apologies (🇨🇦) for those that might be trapped.

We all need to resist. We all need to fight. There will be some caught in the crossfire, but to conceed and submit without fighting will be worse.

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Orange SATAN!!

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Satan does NOT claim this a-hole, hell no! 🙅‍♀️

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I have made the comment elsewhere that even Satan is palms up going "nope. nope. not one of mine."

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Good one! I KNOW Satan is disgusted with the Dump AND his boyfriend, muskRAT. He doesn't want them, either.

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Good for Canada! This administration is such a clusterfuck.

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I have seen clusterfucks that I would readily trade for this administration. A clusterfuck describes a merely uncoordinated or poorly led effort, possibly comically inept. What we have is an intentionally criminal, evil, subversive coup, determined to inflict a permanent fascist existence where democracy was and suck as much wealth as possible from the populace to hand it to the oligarchs who would sustain it.

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Yeah redraw the boarders add Michigan, Wisconsin, Washington, Oregon, California ect as Canadian. At this point I might not mind.

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Let's not forget NY.

If NY, CA and WA all became Canadian, the US would be in a world of hurt. CA is the fifth largest economy in the world. NY ranks third in the US after CA and TX for world economies. NYC is where all the major stock markets are. It's the world's premier financial center. WA has Microsoft and Boeing. All three states are major payers to the Fed rather than receivers. Without those three states, the US would go broke.

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Can the blues begin a receding plan to be part of the maple leaf? What a wonderful fantasy!

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There is something that was added to the constitution after the civil war that forbids secession. That’s why TX can’t in spite of threatening for years.

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47 and the Republicans don't mind ignoring the Constitution, since they don't think it's to be followed why should we.

As for Texas and the red states let 47 and Musk take care of them. I'd love to join Canada.

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Didn't you get the memo? There are no rules and the constitution has been shredded.

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OMG! You’re right. Let’s do it!

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Well, if the Idiot in the Oval Office doesn't have to obey the Constitution, why do we???? (At least as far as that is concerned.)

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My daughter lived in Canada for 5 years, other than the weather, she loved it. But if our states secede, weather wouldn't be a factor, would it?

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Nope! I can't take the cold like I used to ("maturity" does that to one sometimes) but it doesn't matter. I'll go, anyway!

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And Illinois.

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Or? Impeach the Jack Ass! He's leading another coup! Throw him in Rikers the next stop Sing Sing fed prison for treason!! That's the transparent reality folks!!

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Impeaching is just a slap on his tiny fingers. HE NEEDS TO BE THROWN OUT INTO PRISON BY HIS BIG FAT A....

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Impeaching can throw him out, but only if the Senate votes to. That’s what saved him in OrangeJezus.01. What we need now in OrangeJezus.02 is a serious blue wave in the 2026 midterms so that can happen. Chances are apparently slim. Even though for 2026 there will be 22 (R) senators defending, and only 13 (D) senators defending, a high percentage of the (R) ones are in strong red states. But, strange things can happen and big-T is certainly a catalyst for creating a strange thing.

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Olympic Peninsula 🤔

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Illinois!! New York!!

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By and large the blue states send more money to the federal government than they receive in return. Who is going to support all those poor red states if you kick out the blue?

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They kind of need to go it alone

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who cares? they should apologize and express gratitude for all we've done for them over the decades...

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Hopefully, absolutely nothing. They can depend on their beloved millionaire, the muskRAT.

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Add Maine please

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I would 100% approve of that!

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Don't forget Minnesota!!

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basically, let's take all the good states, the ones who have great economies who pay big bucks to the FED and leave the crap to Trump.

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Fine with me, but the rethugs in the WI statehouse aren't. They could use some serious elbowing! I like Charlie's "cheap hood" moniker. T's disciples in Congress and the states are just low-grade goons, and his corporate media suck-ups are oily rags.

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Ugh! I was watching the speaker yesterday. God he was a snivelling suck up to trump. A rep was speaking honestly and he would not let it stand and kept correcting him "you cannot say that about your president, rephrase that" Yuck!! They're all following trump to prison. We might put them all under the prison

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He's a measley lil wimp!

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I saw him, too. BINGO! could have kicked his face in. Doubt that would have knocked any sense into him. He's too far gone--that is, if he ever was sensible(?), etc., to begin with. Didn't look like he ever was.

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And Massachusetts! Not that far! Pretty please!!!

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Can we please include Ohio in the redrawn Canada. We will bring our 260+ miles of the southern shore of Lake Erie as a bonus.

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Montana too!

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MAINE too!

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Oh yes, PLEASE add California to Canada🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Add Illinois and the red states would be starving by the end of the year.

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Reach down and let Virginia in too! ❤️

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and Maryland! excepting those counties that keep electing Andy Harris.

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Don’t forget the New England states!

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As a Michigander, I’m in. 🇨🇦💕👍

Let’s also take the Great Lakes with us.

Also, huge thanks to Canada for your strength and going elbows up! 💙 🇨🇦 💙

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Don’t forget NH. I despise these fascist. Deport them to Russia!

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Love you Canada! Thank you for standing up to the pathetic orange moron who's occupying the presidency. 🇨🇦💪🏼✊🏽

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This fascist regime is holding us hostage. It's disgusting and must be stopped

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support Canada!

stay united!

democrats be creative, peacefull and smart!

Greetings from Germany

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Elbows up!

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You got it all wrong, Trump is not bending over backwards, he is bending over forward for Putin! I can’t put it any more bluntly because that would get me kicked off even the Meidas Network!

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I've been watching Mary trumps podcast and she's written books too. Quite eye opening to say the least

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Handy tip: You cannot trust a #Psychopath for anything. https://a.co/d/0bviXZ6 You must take their keys away and put them under psychological care! Every one of them! #Politics

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Agree, you cannot ever trust a psychopath ! Why don't people understand that. It is useless to try and negotiate with trump.

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Great referral thankyou. Hopefully it'll be the last thing I ever have to read about him

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Don’t trust rump!! Go Canada!!

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I'm from Wisconsin and we understand elbows up along with Minnesota.

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Heck yeah— from Mn!

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My elbows are up Charlie. Bring it on boot-licker! We are tougher than you think. ❤️

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He sold the presidency! We love you Canada

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It’s already started. My brother who works in the automotive industry was laid off last week for a min of 2 months !

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He’s destroying our country.

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Because he is putin's puppet - he has shown us who he is, believe him & putin who is extremely delighted with what trump is doing ! Now we wait to see how the MAGA nuts respoind to that little snippet of fact - IOW if they ignore putin's admission that trump belongs to him, what do we make of that - are they all now wedded to putin too ? Crazy stuff !!! So now the issue is on the basis of having a TREASONOUS president how does the country remove him - if nothing happens what does that tell us ???

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Yes! How do we remove a treasonous president? There are ways and means if only Congress had the will to do it. We have to be creative, I guess, and try something new to deal with something that's never happened to us before. But we had better do it fast!

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Luigi's name has been trending again.

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I think he's going to announce the $5k cheques to try and get everyone on his side again

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Fat lot of good that would do for all the people who are losing their jobs - that will keep them fed & their mortgages paid for about 2mons max & then what ? I wish the devil himself would come & take his progeny away to their rightful home !!!

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The question is, how do we remove him??

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Dear Canada,

Let President Dementia Don FAFO with the Canadians.

Thanks From the Same Americans

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MAGA just swallowed Soviet Communism without gagging.

Ask them yourself.

Are you a Communist?

Have you ever belonged to the Communist Party?

Is the communist Government giving you Payments?

Can you name other Communist MAGA leaders?

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I know I’ll suffer because of it, but don’t put up with him.

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Yes, we all will, both countries. But it’s necessary for Canada, through no fault of ours that’s worth this.

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Those of us who understood the impact of tariffs before November should prepare ourselves to the extent we can, because too many people bought Trump's lies and think "Tariffs will show 'em." They apparently need to learn the lesson the hard way. I can't blame Canada for doing what it needs to do, and hope the lesson sinks in quickly.

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