what a lovely thought. But not now. Now when we are dealing with a bunch of hard core misogynists and bigots. Sadly, right now we need a strong white male. Andrew Cuomo is running for NYC mayor. I would love to see him run for president. (I'd love Josh shapiro too but again with the bigot thing...he's jewish)
Agree with you about the misogynists/bigots, but Cuomo is a crook. And don't forget the allegations about sexual misconduct. Last thing we need is another crook/groper in the WH.
Thank you Dik de Bruijn ! He was governor of my state, New York State. He is not fit to hold any elected position ! Saying he’s a crook is being kind. Unless you were from a town or city in New York State, you might not know that he, in his own right, is a Donald Trump ! He bullies, yells, seeks revenge, and lies like an old torn rug !
What exactly does "believes in democracy" mean to you? If his ability to "make Trump eat crow" is appealing to you, maybe you're just looking for a bully to beat up another bully?
"but he believes in democracy . . . " He believes in elevating Andrew Cuomo, and if that requires kissing Trump's . . . ring, then I believe he'd do it in a NY minute. Same basic personality -- narcissistic bullies craving attention and power. [But that's most politicians except maybe Josh Hawley. He wants attention, power, and a bunker to hide in when things get rough.]
and it doesn't have to be a white man, geez racist and sexist. You have nothing but ,crimin, racist, rapist, adjudicated sexual assaulters in this administration and they are white and unqualified.
Adam Kinsinger, Corey Booker. Trump isn’t very smart. He really doesn’t know much about government history or leadership… our next pick needs to be some one with brains and character. Because we have none of that in the WH
I live in Harlem. MY neighbors are black, a lot of my friends are black. I would vote for a black man, or a woman, black or white as long as they are the best candidate. I voted for Kamala. I thought she was fantastic. I’m just being realistic. Right now our country would not vote for a woman or a black man, and that’s why we have trump. If Kamala Harris had been a white man I think trump would lost. A lot of people sat the election out rather than vote for Kamala because of her gender or race. Until we can figure out a way to subdue the bigots we’re stuck with nominating candidates that are WASPs.
Trump would have lost if musk didn't rig the election for him to win it. Russia also had a hand in that along with voter suppression, votes being burned, votes being dumped. Millions of votes were lost bc of these occurrences. Watch Vigilante Inc - doc that details everything illegal that happened. They had 200 bomb threat calls. Voting boxes were set on fire. Kamala did win and they stole it from her to keep themselves out of jail. Trump and musk are criminals of course they're going to cheat to stay out of prison - they've said it in their own words. I have the video
Unfortunately, I think you're right. I really thought we had it this time with Kamala, but I guess there are more racists and sexists in this country than I thought. Kamala lost ground with young men, black men, and hispanic men.
A liar , a bully, a wannabe tRump ! Those of us who closely followed his reign as governor of New York, know they got him on the sexual what he’s capable of .Alas,My governor ! He should not be trusted to be New York mayor or any other elected position !
Alas, he is a crook. With holding money from New York City public schools. At the same time promoting the charter schools. ( Please, make no mistake,there are good charter schools and they’re a bad charter schools. The same goes for the public school system.) Then when he wanted to run again, he declared money for the public school system was found, unearthed ! He didn’t like Mayor Di Blasio. Cuomo went out of his way to antagonize, bully, showing huge disrespect To the mayor, In public no less. Cuomo is so much like Donald Trump. He pretends to be a Democrat !
He said something to the effect that he was going to clean up the “swamp” in Albany.. Yet, when fingers started to point, that he was part of this swamp, he closed down the investigation ! I almost forgot, he was in charge of the investigation !
So many people liked watching and listening to him when on a daily basis, he’d calmed folks down during the pandemic. Yet, his façade began to crumble.That he lied, 🤥 about a number of things in regard to his handling Of the pandemic !
The sexual/Physical Abuse Was probably the easiest way to Finally “Get him !”
Harris / Whitmer would be a losing combination. Many Americans may be ready for a woman president -- America = the Electoral College and is not ready. [FYI: Whitmer isn't a woman "of color." Maybe you knew that and put her into the mix as a woman.]
If a woman or any minority (or anyone who’s not white and male) can’t win the presidency in 2024, it’s says a lot about our country. Saying someone needs to wait for their time is just wrong
Sure, saying someone needs to wait for their time is wrong. Ex: Biden should have been the candidate in 2016, but someone decided it was Hillary's turn. But there's a difference between being a good candidate and being an electable one. If the Blues want to get back into a position where they have some sway, they're going to have to put up ELECTABLE candidates and work from there. Taking the high road won't necessarily get you where you want to go -- or need to be.
Yes. You have hit the nail on the head. I feel American Politics has reversed 70 years. it is not about being a good candidate it is now about being electable. Getting traction- getting unity we have slid down the slippery slope reaching this point in time.
The reason Whitmer is a strong candidate is not by virtue of her skin color or gender, it's because she is a strong leader. I don't know why there is so much confusion about DEI, it's simply choosing the strongest candidate regardless of race or gender. We are seeing women & women of color stepping up as we want to see any leader do, most of us aren't going to choose them based on anything other than competence. We need competent leadership. Full stop.
". . . most of us aren't going to choose them based on anything other than competence." Really? Then how did we end up with Trump? Can't argue with needing competent leadership, but we're not going to get it now if women are the nominees. They may be the most competent, but they're not electable. [I do think Trump was a DEI "hire": Dumb, Egotistical, Incompetent.]
Haha so true. Please see election truth alliance on bluesky, they have heaps of evidence from experts and chief statisticians that the election was rigged by musk and Russia. Lots of verifiable proof, charts, articles and podcasts. Also voter suppression caused millions of votes to be lost - see Vigilante Inc doc that details it all. It's an excellent doc only 60 mins really worth watching
We ended up with the felon for a number of reasons, one was lack of strategy, but I don't think the entire answer is in that. People act from emotion. Aggressive emotions were successfully triggered, but I believe knowing the truth that we are humans that have to work together is stronger. It's a truth more powerful than any strategy. Success will be in owning that knowing, not playing to a demographic, appeasing prejudice. Success isn't in being the most righteous victim or perceived authority, it's in authentic leadership skills. May the best person for the job win.
DEI and woke have been weaponised by trump and GOP. Just more reasons to hate the dems and the libs. Just to keep us all confused overwhelmed and hating each other so no one is actually watching to see what these politicians are doing. So we don't notice the tax breaks they give the rich in the middle of the night. They've been setting this up for years now
That's always the answer! When are we going to learn that the time is ALWAYS right to elevate women of color and people other than white men. We have had enough of the incremental change and trying not to shock the sensibilities of the status quo! Basta!
Are we both talking about Cuomo, fighting in the Israeli army ? No, not true. He will bow to whoever has the most money, the most power and if it looks good, he wants it so he can be reelected. He is all about himself ! We need to be very careful not to elect someone like Cuomo. Mayor of New York be it any other elected position. !
Who the f*** cares. You sound pretty bigoted yourself.
I have voted since 1963 and I look for supported issues and any voting record on legislation, fact check and see if they have anything shady in their background. I DO NOT check their ethnic connections.
Yes, agree. He was spectacular against the orange ogre. Dump is too stupid to recognize he's not the baddest dude in the jungle of survival of the fittest!
Hot Dang! We cookin' with gas now, Ya'll. Congrats to everyone fighting against this poisonous regime of evil. Congratulations!!!
Here's hoping this inspires Maine and their fearsome Lady governor. She stood up to Trump and she's unafraid. When she said, "See you in court!" That was GOLDEN!
you're good with someone who is purposely dismantling democracy, financially decimating the poor, the disabled, seniors? Come on, when we are trying to find someone who has the balls to take on Trump are we really going to quibble of one nit?
Democratic Governors could lead the call to dismantle those who occupy the oval office...followed by dems on Congress......can there be an "off ramp" for republicans?
I*C*U Funny that's what Mango Mussolini's boss is hoping to commit in Ukraine. Unfortunately, allowing he and his oligarchs to bleed his country dry makes for a shitty economy and a pathetic army. Maybe we need to take a closer look at what Oligarchy actually delivers to a country.
The people of Russia are held hostage. They must have blind loyalty to Putin, they must always vote for him to give the appearance but there's consequences and those that rebel are murdered. There's no free press, they think Putin started the war to stop the Nazis in Ukraine of course not true. Zelenskys uncles all died fighting the Nazis. No gay or trans no freedom at all. They're isolated and confined. That's how trump wants the USA he admires putin
No one is in support Trump here. But you dont find it ironic that a well known supporter of Israeli fascism (Shapiro) is behaving as though he is morally and ethically superior?
that would be trump. He's said he will deport all 2+ million gazans and build a resort on their land.
Shapiro has no plans to "monetize" Gaza, Shapiro has never said he supports murdering Palestinians.
What he has said---when he was a 21-year-old student, is that Palestine isn't capable of establishing a self-governed state, that they seem more interested in waging war. His current stance is "As the governor has made clear for years, he supports a two-state solution where Israelis and Palestinians can live together peacefully. And he believes it is critical for leaders on both sides of this conflict to take meaningful, necessary steps towards a lasting peace."
I think what Netanyahu has done is horrendous, i'm not defending that but the Jewish people have a right to defend themselves. Palestinians have been murdering Jews for decades. They've publicly stated their goal is to eradicate Israel and the Jews.
if you've got an issue with the plans for Gaza, look to trump. He'd throw them into the sea in order to get is resort built.
And Shapiro had the opportunity to call out the atrocities by Israel and he said “Israel has the right to defend itself.” Of course they do. But they dont have a right to torture and murder innocents (including their own) and ethnically cleanse a region… activity that has been ongoing for 76 years .
He does no such thing. What about the genocide that Muslims do in the Middle East and elsewhere? Don't mean to soundalike a little kid, but THEY are the ones who start these things, not the Israelis. The people of Israel are only protecting their freedoms/country. They are never the ones "on the attack."
As the other poster suggested, please please read The Hundred Years War. It is incredibly informative and highlights that this started much earlier than most of us believe.
Josh Shapiro is my awesome Governor! Thank you for having him on here. He needs to stay supported for Pennsylvania. He takes care of everyone here. He has our back.
McCormick is useless. I write to Fetterman and McCormick almost every day. Fetterman at least tailors his responses to the topic I wrote about. McCormick just sends a form letter and he commits to nothing but backing Trumps nominees and also Elon Musk‘s activities.
Elon Musk calls Social Security "the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time". Musk made it clear that he's going after Social Security, in a new interview with Joe Rogan, calling it a "Ponzi scheme", and complaining that Americans are...LIVING TOO LONG. For his part, Rogan did not push back one iota on the absurd and incredibly false smears of one of our nation's most important benefits programs. "If there ever were a more perfect encapsulation of MAGA it's this: a dumbass explaining something he doesn't understand to a bigger dumbass too dumb to challenge him, who after a classic dumbass beat simply answers 'AAAAOOH'", wrote furious correspondent Francesca Fiorentini on Twitter. Elon made it clear that he is incapable of comprehending how Social Security works, complaining over and over about how it doesn't bring in enough revenue — because it's not supposed to, it's not a profit-generating venture, it's a program created to ensure the American public can retire and live with some semblance of dignity — which Elon clearly feels is a luxury that only the ultrawealthy deserve to enjoy."
That interview was a cross between enraging and embarrassing. Watching Musk stutter and stumble while he tried to "explain" the problems with Social Security was cringe-worthy. A ten year old could have done it better. He obviously has no idea what the problem is (if any) and certainly offered no "solutions" - other than "Close it down!" The comments he had to offer what obvious just repeats of things he had read and barely understood on Twitter.
Absolutely so true. Musk and trump are pathological liars. Musk calls Americans parasites!! But he's the one living off our govt contracts. He's the one stripping all our systems to steal our money. All this destruction and suffering bc he doesn't want to pay tax. All billionaires esp this regime are the parasites of the working people who pay tax
Shout out to Shapiro. Going recreational marijuana in PA to fund pennie which is the state healthcare market place as well as using the tax revenue to bolster out snap and WIC programs that feed our children.
Gov. Josh Shapiro lead the way against President Dementia Don
Democrats need to elevate more women of color. They will save democracy from Dementia Don. Harris / Whitmer 2028 would be great!
what a lovely thought. But not now. Now when we are dealing with a bunch of hard core misogynists and bigots. Sadly, right now we need a strong white male. Andrew Cuomo is running for NYC mayor. I would love to see him run for president. (I'd love Josh shapiro too but again with the bigot thing...he's jewish)
Agree with you about the misogynists/bigots, but Cuomo is a crook. And don't forget the allegations about sexual misconduct. Last thing we need is another crook/groper in the WH.
Thank you Dik de Bruijn ! He was governor of my state, New York State. He is not fit to hold any elected position ! Saying he’s a crook is being kind. Unless you were from a town or city in New York State, you might not know that he, in his own right, is a Donald Trump ! He bullies, yells, seeks revenge, and lies like an old torn rug !
but he believes in democracy and he's tough. He'd make trump eat crow.
the truth is, there aren't a lot of completely honest politicians. right now we need someone smart and tough. Find me someone else and I'm all in.
What exactly does "believes in democracy" mean to you? If his ability to "make Trump eat crow" is appealing to you, maybe you're just looking for a bully to beat up another bully?
Candace, he does not believe in democracy as we know it. I wish I was wrong.
"but he believes in democracy . . . " He believes in elevating Andrew Cuomo, and if that requires kissing Trump's . . . ring, then I believe he'd do it in a NY minute. Same basic personality -- narcissistic bullies craving attention and power. [But that's most politicians except maybe Josh Hawley. He wants attention, power, and a bunker to hide in when things get rough.]
and it doesn't have to be a white man, geez racist and sexist. You have nothing but ,crimin, racist, rapist, adjudicated sexual assaulters in this administration and they are white and unqualified.
Adam Kinsinger, Corey Booker. Trump isn’t very smart. He really doesn’t know much about government history or leadership… our next pick needs to be some one with brains and character. Because we have none of that in the WH
Pete Buttigieg would be great.
And I love Adam kinsiger
Excuse us, white men are the reason we are in this MESS!
I live in Harlem. MY neighbors are black, a lot of my friends are black. I would vote for a black man, or a woman, black or white as long as they are the best candidate. I voted for Kamala. I thought she was fantastic. I’m just being realistic. Right now our country would not vote for a woman or a black man, and that’s why we have trump. If Kamala Harris had been a white man I think trump would lost. A lot of people sat the election out rather than vote for Kamala because of her gender or race. Until we can figure out a way to subdue the bigots we’re stuck with nominating candidates that are WASPs.
Trump would have lost if musk didn't rig the election for him to win it. Russia also had a hand in that along with voter suppression, votes being burned, votes being dumped. Millions of votes were lost bc of these occurrences. Watch Vigilante Inc - doc that details everything illegal that happened. They had 200 bomb threat calls. Voting boxes were set on fire. Kamala did win and they stole it from her to keep themselves out of jail. Trump and musk are criminals of course they're going to cheat to stay out of prison - they've said it in their own words. I have the video
Unfortunately, I think you're right. I really thought we had it this time with Kamala, but I guess there are more racists and sexists in this country than I thought. Kamala lost ground with young men, black men, and hispanic men.
Alas, too true for comfort😞
And, because she represented a continuation of Biden’s four years! 1) not addressing the undocumented was a huge mistake.
Alas, so TRUE !
Cuomo has baggage.
Linda, yes, he has a disturbing amount of baggage. He was my governor. He should never ever be allowed to run for any public office !
Cuomo is NOT who we need for president. He's kind of a crook.
A liar , a bully, a wannabe tRump ! Those of us who closely followed his reign as governor of New York, know they got him on the sexual what he’s capable of .Alas,My governor ! He should not be trusted to be New York mayor or any other elected position !
He’s not a crook. There were never accusations that he was a crook. He was run out of office because of sexual harassment charges
Alas, he is a crook. With holding money from New York City public schools. At the same time promoting the charter schools. ( Please, make no mistake,there are good charter schools and they’re a bad charter schools. The same goes for the public school system.) Then when he wanted to run again, he declared money for the public school system was found, unearthed ! He didn’t like Mayor Di Blasio. Cuomo went out of his way to antagonize, bully, showing huge disrespect To the mayor, In public no less. Cuomo is so much like Donald Trump. He pretends to be a Democrat !
He said something to the effect that he was going to clean up the “swamp” in Albany.. Yet, when fingers started to point, that he was part of this swamp, he closed down the investigation ! I almost forgot, he was in charge of the investigation !
So many people liked watching and listening to him when on a daily basis, he’d calmed folks down during the pandemic. Yet, his façade began to crumble.That he lied, 🤥 about a number of things in regard to his handling Of the pandemic !
The sexual/Physical Abuse Was probably the easiest way to Finally “Get him !”
Harris / Whitmer would be a losing combination. Many Americans may be ready for a woman president -- America = the Electoral College and is not ready. [FYI: Whitmer isn't a woman "of color." Maybe you knew that and put her into the mix as a woman.]
If a woman or any minority (or anyone who’s not white and male) can’t win the presidency in 2024, it’s says a lot about our country. Saying someone needs to wait for their time is just wrong
Sure, saying someone needs to wait for their time is wrong. Ex: Biden should have been the candidate in 2016, but someone decided it was Hillary's turn. But there's a difference between being a good candidate and being an electable one. If the Blues want to get back into a position where they have some sway, they're going to have to put up ELECTABLE candidates and work from there. Taking the high road won't necessarily get you where you want to go -- or need to be.
Bernie sanders should have been President 2016
Yes. You have hit the nail on the head. I feel American Politics has reversed 70 years. it is not about being a good candidate it is now about being electable. Getting traction- getting unity we have slid down the slippery slope reaching this point in time.
The reason Whitmer is a strong candidate is not by virtue of her skin color or gender, it's because she is a strong leader. I don't know why there is so much confusion about DEI, it's simply choosing the strongest candidate regardless of race or gender. We are seeing women & women of color stepping up as we want to see any leader do, most of us aren't going to choose them based on anything other than competence. We need competent leadership. Full stop.
". . . most of us aren't going to choose them based on anything other than competence." Really? Then how did we end up with Trump? Can't argue with needing competent leadership, but we're not going to get it now if women are the nominees. They may be the most competent, but they're not electable. [I do think Trump was a DEI "hire": Dumb, Egotistical, Incompetent.]
Haha so true. Please see election truth alliance on bluesky, they have heaps of evidence from experts and chief statisticians that the election was rigged by musk and Russia. Lots of verifiable proof, charts, articles and podcasts. Also voter suppression caused millions of votes to be lost - see Vigilante Inc doc that details it all. It's an excellent doc only 60 mins really worth watching
If they have heaps of verifiable evidence that's good enough to take to court, what are they waiting for?
Hah! Good one.
We ended up with the felon for a number of reasons, one was lack of strategy, but I don't think the entire answer is in that. People act from emotion. Aggressive emotions were successfully triggered, but I believe knowing the truth that we are humans that have to work together is stronger. It's a truth more powerful than any strategy. Success will be in owning that knowing, not playing to a demographic, appeasing prejudice. Success isn't in being the most righteous victim or perceived authority, it's in authentic leadership skills. May the best person for the job win.
DEI and woke have been weaponised by trump and GOP. Just more reasons to hate the dems and the libs. Just to keep us all confused overwhelmed and hating each other so no one is actually watching to see what these politicians are doing. So we don't notice the tax breaks they give the rich in the middle of the night. They've been setting this up for years now
That's always the answer! When are we going to learn that the time is ALWAYS right to elevate women of color and people other than white men. We have had enough of the incremental change and trying not to shock the sensibilities of the status quo! Basta!
Too bad they wouldn't win in this particular atmosphere.
That's a big chance.
He’s not the one. He served in the IDF, is a self proclaimed zionist and supports Israel.
Are we both talking about Cuomo, fighting in the Israeli army ? No, not true. He will bow to whoever has the most money, the most power and if it looks good, he wants it so he can be reelected. He is all about himself ! We need to be very careful not to elect someone like Cuomo. Mayor of New York be it any other elected position. !
Agreed .👍🏽
Don’t forget JB Pritzker, Governor of Illinois who is fighting the Good Fight right next to him!!!
And Illinois is not alone. This story is proof positive that winning is possible. We are not going down 'cause we're not giving up! 🏆
Hell NO!!
He's Jewish also.
Who the f*** cares. You sound pretty bigoted yourself.
I have voted since 1963 and I look for supported issues and any voting record on legislation, fact check and see if they have anything shady in their background. I DO NOT check their ethnic connections.
God's chosen people!
Trump’s appeal to Jews helped him win the election!
great choice
We have a leader of the free world and his name is Vlodamir Zelensky.
Yes, agree. He was spectacular against the orange ogre. Dump is too stupid to recognize he's not the baddest dude in the jungle of survival of the fittest!
He will never leave his homeland.
A real man who doesn't bow down to weak traitors!
One has to be BORN in the USA to run for president.
Such a great man and a hero for Ukraine and democracy
Hot Dang! We cookin' with gas now, Ya'll. Congrats to everyone fighting against this poisonous regime of evil. Congratulations!!!
Here's hoping this inspires Maine and their fearsome Lady governor. She stood up to Trump and she's unafraid. When she said, "See you in court!" That was GOLDEN!
Yes! I wish I'd actually been in the room when she did that! Not suffering ANY fools!
Yayyy!!! That’s my governor!!!
Mine too! 🫶
So exciting!
You good with his support for Israel and service in the IDF? I’m not.
you're good with someone who is purposely dismantling democracy, financially decimating the poor, the disabled, seniors? Come on, when we are trying to find someone who has the balls to take on Trump are we really going to quibble of one nit?
Be sure, never to elect Cuomo in any capacity ! He’s D Trump, wearing make believe democratic clothing/skin!
Exactly, ty!
No Im not good w Trump and the republican regime but stop looking for a hero in Shapiro. He’s not that. He’s flawed. Ethnic cleansing level flawed.
I know of many Jewish people who do not support Israel’s genocide of Palestinian, nor do they support Netanyahu.
Who are we talking about, who fought in the Israeli army ?
K, thanks ! So we’ll leave Shapiro as a Governor nothing more .
He volunteered on an Israeli military base back when he was a kid. Not sure how much he was involved. He doesn’t like Netanyahu.
Byrdie, hugely important that he doesn’t like Netanyahu !!! War criminal that he is !!! 🤨😠😡Those poor, poor civilians/people
I’ve heard that when people from other countries volunteer in the Israeli Army, they do not see battle.
You say he was a kid. Hoping that he grew up.
Democratic Governors could lead the call to dismantle those who occupy the oval office...followed by dems on Congress......can there be an "off ramp" for republicans?
You're too kind. The Rethuglicans need to walk the plank!
they can't, no BACKBONES!
... hahahaaa but a few had Bone spurs - and even though still playing basketball- was EXEMPT from the military draft during war... out Hero
The irony here as you harass me and others who oppose your blind support of a genocide.
I*C*U Funny that's what Mango Mussolini's boss is hoping to commit in Ukraine. Unfortunately, allowing he and his oligarchs to bleed his country dry makes for a shitty economy and a pathetic army. Maybe we need to take a closer look at what Oligarchy actually delivers to a country.
The people of Russia are held hostage. They must have blind loyalty to Putin, they must always vote for him to give the appearance but there's consequences and those that rebel are murdered. There's no free press, they think Putin started the war to stop the Nazis in Ukraine of course not true. Zelenskys uncles all died fighting the Nazis. No gay or trans no freedom at all. They're isolated and confined. That's how trump wants the USA he admires putin
No one is in support Trump here. But you dont find it ironic that a well known supporter of Israeli fascism (Shapiro) is behaving as though he is morally and ethically superior?
Pretty low bar to be morally, ethically AND intellectually superior to trump!
Look up the meaning of fascism. There's no such thing as "Israel fascism." Kind of hateful there...........
Far too many support a developer wanting to level Gaza and build a resort area w/ no place for Palestinians….
THANKSGov.JoshShapiro! ImpeachJD_ TraitorTrump! DeportElonMusk! We will not go back! 🇺🇸❤️🤍💙🇺🇲💪🏽👍🏼AmeriCa!
Gotta love Shapiro! Keep after this horrible president.
Shapiro supports the genocide in Gaza. Do your homework.
And trump wants to turn their land into a resort! Shapiro wins that argument.
Because Shapiro only wants to murder innocents not monetize their land?
that would be trump. He's said he will deport all 2+ million gazans and build a resort on their land.
Shapiro has no plans to "monetize" Gaza, Shapiro has never said he supports murdering Palestinians.
What he has said---when he was a 21-year-old student, is that Palestine isn't capable of establishing a self-governed state, that they seem more interested in waging war. His current stance is "As the governor has made clear for years, he supports a two-state solution where Israelis and Palestinians can live together peacefully. And he believes it is critical for leaders on both sides of this conflict to take meaningful, necessary steps towards a lasting peace."
I think what Netanyahu has done is horrendous, i'm not defending that but the Jewish people have a right to defend themselves. Palestinians have been murdering Jews for decades. They've publicly stated their goal is to eradicate Israel and the Jews.
if you've got an issue with the plans for Gaza, look to trump. He'd throw them into the sea in order to get is resort built.
And Shapiro had the opportunity to call out the atrocities by Israel and he said “Israel has the right to defend itself.” Of course they do. But they dont have a right to torture and murder innocents (including their own) and ethnically cleanse a region… activity that has been ongoing for 76 years .
Don't you think it might be a better idea to work on saving America - and THEN try to sort out Israel/Gaza?
Everything is transactional with orange mango Mussolini.
and we know why they want eradicate Jewd and Israel.
Give it a rest. Shapiro is not a supporter of genocide.
No, he does not. Again, that's Hamas and organizations/political parties/etc. that do that. If they stop, all of it will stop.
He does no such thing. What about the genocide that Muslims do in the Middle East and elsewhere? Don't mean to soundalike a little kid, but THEY are the ones who start these things, not the Israelis. The people of Israel are only protecting their freedoms/country. They are never the ones "on the attack."
Read a book. Seriously. Embarrassing. Start with The Hundred Years' War on Palestine.
As the other poster suggested, please please read The Hundred Years War. It is incredibly informative and highlights that this started much earlier than most of us believe.
He might have stood up to The Convict, but the state was stolen by the Ketamine ADDICT, and his servers
Josh Shapiro is my awesome Governor! Thank you for having him on here. He needs to stay supported for Pennsylvania. He takes care of everyone here. He has our back.
Thank you Governor and Ben. 🥰💙💙💙💙💙
Great job Governor Josh Shapiro! Can you get Fetterman and McCormick on board? They are MIA!
Exactly! Fetterman especially‼️
McCormick is useless. I write to Fetterman and McCormick almost every day. Fetterman at least tailors his responses to the topic I wrote about. McCormick just sends a form letter and he commits to nothing but backing Trumps nominees and also Elon Musk‘s activities.
Send them this podcast and tell them to learn how it's done. You pay them - they work for you and your best interests not trump
I write to them both every other day. Keep writing. They’ll block both our emails. 😆
So glad to have him as my Governor! Worse thing the voters of PA did was elect McCormick over Casey!
And Trump…
Gov. Shapiro ROCKS! As does my Govonor Andy Beshear of Kentucky!
He supports Israel and served in the IDF.
I'd better to support a free/democratic country rather than countries who stifle freedoms--like Iraq, Iran, etc.
Netanyahu runs an authoritarian regime. Please get better informed.
My governor J B Pritzger is already doing just that. I love him for it.
"Stop Elon Musk from killing Social Security!
Elon Musk calls Social Security "the biggest Ponzi scheme of all time". Musk made it clear that he's going after Social Security, in a new interview with Joe Rogan, calling it a "Ponzi scheme", and complaining that Americans are...LIVING TOO LONG. For his part, Rogan did not push back one iota on the absurd and incredibly false smears of one of our nation's most important benefits programs. "If there ever were a more perfect encapsulation of MAGA it's this: a dumbass explaining something he doesn't understand to a bigger dumbass too dumb to challenge him, who after a classic dumbass beat simply answers 'AAAAOOH'", wrote furious correspondent Francesca Fiorentini on Twitter. Elon made it clear that he is incapable of comprehending how Social Security works, complaining over and over about how it doesn't bring in enough revenue — because it's not supposed to, it's not a profit-generating venture, it's a program created to ensure the American public can retire and live with some semblance of dignity — which Elon clearly feels is a luxury that only the ultrawealthy deserve to enjoy."
That interview was a cross between enraging and embarrassing. Watching Musk stutter and stumble while he tried to "explain" the problems with Social Security was cringe-worthy. A ten year old could have done it better. He obviously has no idea what the problem is (if any) and certainly offered no "solutions" - other than "Close it down!" The comments he had to offer what obvious just repeats of things he had read and barely understood on Twitter.
Absolutely so true. Musk and trump are pathological liars. Musk calls Americans parasites!! But he's the one living off our govt contracts. He's the one stripping all our systems to steal our money. All this destruction and suffering bc he doesn't want to pay tax. All billionaires esp this regime are the parasites of the working people who pay tax
Watch: "I'm DISGUSTED Trump Did This To His OWN VOTERS", on YouTube. (Tennessee Brando)......
That was a great podcast thanks for sharing 💜
Shout out to Shapiro. Going recreational marijuana in PA to fund pennie which is the state healthcare market place as well as using the tax revenue to bolster out snap and WIC programs that feed our children.