Love it! Hey Anne, Jesse's mom - WELCOME TO THE MEIDASMIGHTY!!!! Sounds like a principled, moral, responsible woman, not to mention an intelligent one!

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Came here to say that. 🤓 Welcome, Ms. Watters!

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This is what we’ve needed for so long. Calling Fox and the other right wing propaganda sewers out and exposing them for the greedy, lying sub-humans they are! March on y’all!

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Watters is complicit in selling out the country to fascism. He’s not a misbehaving little boy. He’s a fucking traitor, worthy only of our contempt. Someday, hopefully, he will be made to pay for his crimes.

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When the choice was decency or dollars, Jesse chose the dollars. From the days when he was Bill O'Reilly's aging frat boy sidekick to now, he chose Rupert's greasy money.

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Jesse WATTERS never had any decency to begin with and what decency he had in his life came from his mother and he sold it all away for a $100 million dollar salary and sold his black little soul over to Putin, Rupert Murdoch, Trump and Elon “Elonia” Musk. When are these greedy weak pathetic sorry excuse of the male species ever gonna learn you never sell out your MOTHER to a a bunch of narcissistic drug addicted sociopathic psychopaths. Did they learn nothing from Bill what’s his name O’Reily, Glenn Beck, Tucker Carlson or Alex Jones! You get rid of one and there is always another one of these weak greedy tiny men salivating to take their place!

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Well said!

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Let's go MeidasTouch!!! Putting in the hard work to credibly acquire viewers loyal to Democracy, not some orange faced wannabe dictator. Congrats on this, and you're going to continue to convert more and more people like Jesse's Mom. Truth telling...it works...who would've thought???

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I don’t think she was a convert— from what I recall when he took the job and she called in to press him not to be a total jerk (a clip worth digging up on YouTube), she’s a lifelong liberal.

It’s her SON who seems to be the convert— to conservatism. She simply continues to be a decent progressive person…ergo, a MTN viewer!

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Guess Jesse sold his soul for the paycheck...

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It's a great moment. She called again a few times -- the last time she called, I remember him visibly cringing in embarrassment (because of his bosses no doubt) and shame (because he was, and should be).

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Here’s a 2019 story from the Atlantic about their LOOOONG disagreement on L/R issues:


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Thanks for the article! (and yes to The Atlantic as well...still one of the few pubs I subscribe to)

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Jesse's mom wasn't a convert. She -- and the rest of his family -- have been committed Democrats all his life.

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God bless his mother, Anne. A shining beacon of truth literally in Fox’s face!💥

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OMYGOSH I can't think of a better way to start my day. I could not sip my coffee when reading this because I would have spit it out with my "Meidas Morning Giggles." Sincere heartfelt thanks my spiritual BFFs 🧡!

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Oh, Jesse. Traded in a mother's love and pride for Rupert's grubby dollars. Your mom knows she raised you better than this, and you broke her heart. Was it worth it, baby boy? You could stop right now. Up and quit Fox, and your mom would forgive you. But will she ever be proud of you again? Just remember, Jesse: Every day is a choice. Every day you get to decide whether to be the decent human being your mom raised or whether to spend every Thanksgiving and Christmas alone, Ebeneezer.

Welcome to the MeidasMighty, Anne, the coalition of the decent and patriotic. It must be hard to watch a son throw away the morals you taught him, trade his ethics for wealth and fleeting fame. Thank you for holding your son to account. Yours is the voice he needs to hear. In the meantime, we're all here for you - and for the country we love.

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Now this, this right here is PRICELESS!

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Too bad Trump voters did not watch Meidastouch Touch and all the Frontline Docs about Trump before they voted; they would have gotten facts instead of Fox News lies. But, I guess it wouldn't have mattered to the MAGA morons; Trump told everyone all the corrupt and shitty things he is going to do, and they still voted for him; which now, many Trump voters regret voting for him.

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Every else is lying except the felons & the foxes

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Knew his parents. Taught his sister. What a disgrace he has been. Such a low life with that nasty smirk. Where do they find and then castrate these people?

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Too bad Jesse didn't inherite his mom's morals.

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Too bad, so sad. Maybe you should listen to your mother.

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For sone reason, knowing the Jesse Watters' mom is letting him know how she feels about his actions makes me happy.

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Maybe she can still get through and turn him.

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What’s the matter? Jesse crying again his mom doesn’t want nothing to do with him? I personally couldn’t spew lies to millions, I don’t care for any amount of money, but that’s just me. I care if I hurt others with lies. But like you said Ben, he mad his bed, now lay in it, to fkn bad. He could easily quit and make things right by telling the truth and making amends with his mom. That’s his choice.

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Trump was born to be a cheat and a liar and a Fraud through is father. It looks as though Jesse the J.O. chose to walk that path. F- the Fox Fake News Russian Propaganda catch n kill Machine!!!

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I can understand how Jesse Waters’ mother feels. I just had a Thanksgiving dinner, supplied to me and my elderly mother & brought to her house by my niece who used to be very reasonable, but has now gone full on Trumpet. So, I understand how uncomfortable these situations can be — you don’t dare to say certain things because of the potential anger that may rise. It’s a big problem.

We know the solution is to get this dirty money out of our politics.

We also know how it is the base of misinformation on MSM and social media and what it is doing to this country.

Is there any hope that we can get ahead of this? I hope so.

A bigger question still is, are we ever going to have a large enough Democratic majority to remedy these things that are tearing at our self-rule? We had better find a way if we hope to save our democracy.

This buying of our government is at the root of the problem. It works much like a monopoly.

We have to fix this problem if it’s not too late— sadly, it may be. The next 2 years will tell us a lot.

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It does seem insurmountable at times. The MSM gaslighting gives MAGA a louder voice and their gloating is beyond disgusting. They actually don't care that they are voting against their own interests or they think it doesn't apply to them and applies only to "those" people. Then, I come here and it gives me hope and resilience.

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Part of the problem is that the Democratic party is also for sale and people can see that. We need to get the dirty money out of our house too. This is a class war and the 0.01% are winning it.

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Oh, Boo Hoo. Jesse's mom won't do Thanksgiving with him! Let him make a Benjamin salad and CHOKE on it! Didn't she say not to tell lies and bullshit stories? Did she not tell him to be an honest journalist? I admire her position! My family is all trump, so we don't speak to them! Happy Thanksgiving!

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Fortunately, my Trump voting family member is out of state. We barely speak, my choice.

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