Awesome news! Keep up the good work. I refuse to watch news on tv. I only watch independents like yourself.

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Me too

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Fox and others are not reporting the news. They are sharing propaganda fed to them by trump and project 2025. All are out for themselves and protecting their jobs. So, if sucking Trumps ass is what they have to do, they will do it. I don’t trust what is being reported, hence looking for information on my own. And by the way, lm a senior citizen, so stop your stereotype bullshit.

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My gosh, talk about being triggered lmfaooo.

Let me guess, we're the snowflakes right? Not the loser going on an unhinged rant in the comments section of a left wing news outlet?

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I n d e p e n d e n t in this case, refers to thinking for oneself. It's a hell of a lot better that way, bringing something to the table besides insults & lies.

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Fox and others are not reporting the news. They are sharing propaganda fed to them by trump and project 2025. All are out for themselves and protecting their jobs. So, if sucking Trumps ass is what they have to do, they will do it. I don’t trust what is being reported, hence looking for information on my own. And by the way, lm a senior citizen, so stop your stereotype bullshit.

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Why are you even here other than to to be a troll? Crawl back into your dark hole and continue watching your Fox News and NewsMax and keep sipping your orange kool-aid. You're obviously very angry like the rest of your kind.

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Right on Brenda. We are enduring a horrible 🍊and 🤡 and to have read this crap (which I just bypass) is horrible. He is entitled to his opinions but they are never constructive.

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😂😂😂 Bothered much? Mountain Dew? And wake up, "Herr Trump" is DOING this to the world, and to We the People and he doesn't care about any of us, including you.

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Damn, I think someone needs a hug! It's ok, Peter! We're l grown ups here.

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Hugging only enables him to continue his…?…

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So what???Where's YOUR plan. We are all ears. We all can say fuck all. That goes and does nothing in the real world. I have axes to grind too, but if all you do is complain, you are not worth the time.

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You are beyond the pale!

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No plan? Right

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Peter - you voted Democrat for 50 years - so you must be at least 70?

I hate to tell you this, but it's gone baby, gone. all that lovely education, all that wonderful searching for facts and truth - all gone away. There's a lot of people on here calling you a MAGA troll - I don't think for one moment you are. I think you're a guy who is enraged by what is happening -and what is NOT happening to prevent it. I think you have memories of the days when people were capable of organising themselves in protest - and prepared to die on the streets for their beliefs. I hope and pray that people like that are still around, in sufficient numbers to get up, go out and change the world around. But. . .

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Then Peter needs to take his anger & do something with it other than sit here & post cussing & calling people idiots, buffoons & whatever else he says.

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Your statement here explains an awful lot about you. You seem to know what the entire makeup of the whole U.S. is. I hope that you can enjoy your dinner when you're called to it, if you can afford it.

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OK. I'll accept your point of view. But - if people disagree with you on SOME points (and they obviously don't disagree with you on all) going off on one at them won't encourage them to listen to what you have to say, will it? And you are ELOQUENT! It's a skill! A really IMPORTANT skill! Hit a wall, kick the cat,. anything to get the rage out of your system - THEN explain what is getting you so mad. Telling people they are morons doesn't make them more willing to listen - any more than when they call you MAGA. You are a liberal - Independent or Democrat, doesn't matter - and so are they. Not perfect, any of you. Slacken the rein a little. You have the words that could help people rise up.

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Who? Lets talk about Putin for an hour. What changes?

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Maybe you should stay in your own lane first of all second get an education since you don't know what independent is or means and third your orange hippo just made a lot of openings for white jobs go fill out your application if you know how to read and write oh and by the way learn about when was America ever all white dipstick your ancestors immigrated here dumbass.

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You have nothing. The complainer. The fuck this, fuck that, airbag. You can do that all day long, and when the sun sets, there you are. Complaining.

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Has someone pissed in your Cheerios today?

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Crawl back under your pathetic rock, DUDE

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White male? No way to know, but you talk like you have infinite privilege. For real, constituents are fearful of the future. And it’s not unrelated to people like you. Get over yourself and scoot off to fox news and oan…

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Go back into your hole you Nazi lover!

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A simple Google search provides you with the answer to your question: "An independent media network refers to media outlets, such as newspapers, television stations, and online publications, that operate without influence from government or corporate interests. This independence is crucial for ensuring freedom of the press and the integrity of journalism."

This means, Fox News, being owned by an oligarch who dictates what they can report on, lacks journalistic integrity while MeidasTouch has it because they can report on whatever they want and not what a billionaire owner wants them to.

Does that help?

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You continue to carry on with the cussing & name calling. You're also all over the map with what you're trying to say about your political beliefs. You need to shut your mouth.

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Awe… triggered much? 😂😂😂😂😂😂

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You mean laughing at your ridiculous comment? Oh my, did I hit a soft spot?

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Listen here you old pussy ass bitch I can type and speak any f*cking way I want to it's not my problem that you can't read. It's not my problem that you don't understand what independent means. Your 💯 percent a MAGA moron and send me another message calling me a f*cking moron and trust me I will report your ugly ass bitch.

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Duuuude go easy on that speedway coffee....I stopped watching Fox News during the Bushes time in office I already knew they were full of shit. Slowly but surely all the other mass media outlets were swaying to one side or another due to the influence and money of the rich and their corporations. Not blaming all Dems media outlets, but there is fraction that swayed the wrong way. Even CNN is now owned by a conservative group.Thus this all pushed in helping to create more INFEPENDENT news coverage in my opinion. But why am I wasting my time to a troll or wanna be troll. Better hurry speedway is closing soon.

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That's right, insult people to distract from any point of discussion, like that move isn't ENTIRELY worn out. As said, enjoy your little delusion while you can, you won't have any sympathy as it bites you in the ass. You had not one legitimate point, don't even know your own mind, & are just flinging shit. You are very confused & we will see how being a belligerent big mouth works out for you & your like-minded Fox "friends". You don't have any community because all your pride is in being small & mean. It's not smart. And, dude? It is NOT attractive. Go pound sand. We have a higher level of discourse here.

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Fox and others are not reporting the news. They are sharing propaganda fed to them by trump and project 2025. All are out for themselves and protecting their jobs. So, if sucking Trumps ass is what they have to do, they will do it. I don’t trust what is being reported, hence looking for information on my own. And by the way, lm a senior citizen, so stop your stereotype bullshit.

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Peter dear...wtf Are you talking about?

I'd swear those dunce caps you all wear make you not just stupid and look the part, but "weird," fng "weird"

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Uhmm..try reading their post again .you missed a few critical words. But allow me to help you out... They are ...drum roll please. ...on tv. An apology from you to them might be in order.😎

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What a joke you are, Peter. How are those cheap eggs?

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Peter How About You GO FUCK YOURSELF and Whine To Your DICTATOR....We Don't Have Time For Your Shenanigans and definitely don't want to hear ANYTHING FROM A TYRANT that's MAD because he didn't get his way. Guess What. NOBODY DID, so take your old rumpty Dumpty ass somewhere and STFU!!!! 🤬🤬🤬

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I don’t know guys, it sounds like Peter is just angry because he can’t get his nose deep between those orange cheeks.

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I think the expression is we are enlightened into the ways of the orange child. We are not self righteous we are believers in fair play.

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You mad bro?

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Then you should've said this to begin with. And yes you do come across as 1 very angry man. You do come across as a man who is intolerant of people who have different views than yours.

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Let's hear your solutions? Do you have anything that is actionable or are you just a pissed off ranter?

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Beautifully stated, Peter. An awful lot of us feel just like you - but don't have the verbal skills to express it. Thank you for putting it into words. Any thoughts on what we might do, apart from phone our representatives and join protest marches?

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I am not your fucking bro?

That is for sure, My family are patriots having been in this country since the 1680s. Not some MAGA maggot who thinks he can troll for his convicted and sentenced felon rapist who also invokes god and the heavens only to find that he is in the deepest circle of Dante's hell. Thus you will find out now that hell has frozen over.

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Why don't you go fuck yourself you sanctimonious jackass. maga is the fucking joke here. Doing good for the American people?: What a joke. Talking about destroying everything & everybody in maga's path that doesn't agree with maga?: That's not helping the American people. Keep your preaching & foul mouth to yourself.

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Wow..! Going a little off the deep end there Peter? What's the matter? You can't look yourself in the mirror and admit that you are so gullible and was conned by your Orange cult leader! Get some help.

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Here Peter goes again with the cussing. How stupid of you to call people idiots for not agreeing with you. Tone down the language & maybe you'll get somewhere.

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Kamala is on the way. Trump is out by August; maybe sooner. The votes are being revealed and DJT has heart trouble to boot. Vance may step in for a few days. After Elon's shenanigans are made public, there will be no question. The ICC will have a case if DJT and Elon are still with us. Rough for 6 months. Stay positive.

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Your inability to communicate without foul language proves your ignorance.

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Sean Hannity, is that you?

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Good afternoon. MTN is crushing it. Be sure and subscribe. The MTN network is huge and growing. So many choices. Don't you love choices? It's freedom for all. The whole world is watching the fresh, new, accurate legal explanations. It's nice to be part of a young energetic group of intellectuals.

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Fuck you too

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No. He's right. And I suspect he's no more angry than YOU are - and the rest of us. He's just better at putting it into words. Just unfortunate that Susan got a bit of splash back from that rage. . .

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Sorry. Cussing & calling people idiots & morons isn't the way to put a point across; neither is people agreeing with Peter's approach. I think Peter is a troll to stir things up here. From what I've read it's all just anger & blame on the wrong people.

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We lost because your maggat bought the election. We all know that.

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Leave it Pete. this is not an argument worth having here. I don't think it's actually an argument.There's lots of agreement else we wouldn't be here. It's clear you are a strong supporter of Meidas and what it stands for. your original point, I believe was that people should keep up with what's happening on the news outside of Meidas as well, but it turned a bit as there was a reaction against your strongly worded message.

As a side issue, do MAGA trolls really subscribe to the Meidas newsletter to troll its members? I hope so. they might learn something.

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Who cares! Cussing & calling people will get you nowhere. You come across as 1 very closed off person who can't accept that people don't think like you.

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All for aggressive action, but badmouthing is just blather. What exactly do you see as any real plan? You are a complainer, but to be honest that is useless.

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When the "news" is only reporting what their bosses tell them, why watch? Smart people are able to find the truth if they look for it. Too many people get their "news" from places like Fox entertainment instead. Mainstream media is part of the problem. All these outlets are run by billionaires who only care about money and power, they don't care about the rest of us. How many journalists have quit due to being told what they can report, if they can actually report on what's truly happening at all?

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💯 + 100%


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Fox and others are not reporting the news. They are sharing propaganda fed to them by trump and project 2025. All are out for themselves and protecting their jobs. So, if sucking Trumps ass is what they have to do, they will do it. I don’t trust what is being reported, hence looking for information on my own. And by the way, lm a senior citizen, so stop your stereotype bullshit.

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I’m sure that’s not all that is small

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You like to believe skewed truth & outright lies. Go ahead & enjoy it while you can. Maga will pass on into the annals of history as 1 of the most destructive movements in the history of the United States. What happened to the Tea Party will happen to maga. It'll self destruct with its own infighting. Hope it happens real fast.

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I guess Musk pouring nearly a $$$110 million dollars into trump's lies, along with the other oligarchs didn't affect the race. My bet, Democrats as a whole know a hell of a lot more about the News(reality) than Robert Kennedy Jr.

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Fox and others are not reporting the news. They are sharing propaganda fed to them by trump and project 2025. All are out for themselves and protecting their jobs. So, if sucking Trumps ass is what they have to do, they will do it. I don’t trust what is being reported, hence looking for information on my own. And by the way, lm a senior citizen, so stop your stereotype bullshit.

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Check out Raw News and Politics with Gina Bonanno. Short updates.Its great.

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Thanks, I’ll check it out

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No. It’s not.

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So happy to support you all and be a part of this movement. Also always happy to partake in anything that makes Fox News and Murdoch squirm

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The Ray of Light is growing.

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Love u guys! Jesse Waters taunted his mother over a an achievement that shouldn’t even be an achievement in his worldview? Honestly, that explains so much. He has “Poor wittle baby boy” syndrome.

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MAGA is broken boys club with 'please love me, daddy' AND 'mommy issues.' Not my definition of 'alpha males'......

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they are bound by white supremacy, that's all they got

It's their daddies who got the $$🍆😄

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Almost lost my coffee on that one, Sandy! 😂

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Constant need to put others down to elevate self

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Precisely. They can't feel big unless they're standing on someone else's back.

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Should be dirty grandpa issues

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With mommy issues. Oedipus?

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(Entire incel population) “MOMMY!!! Look what I can do!!! Did you see? Did you??? MOMMY…. LOOOOK AT MEEEE!”

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Everyday I’m helping those ratings. This is just the beginning 💙 growing daily

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Thank you! We are all here fighting, contacting our representatives and whatever we can do to wake up our not so smart republican friends, who are finally fing waking up!

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So happy to be destroying Fox and all the lies they tell. Their mean nasty anchors are finally being debunked.

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We are The Meidas Mighty! Pro Democracy! Truth. Trust. Brilliantly executed updates and dialogue!

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You used the right label, BRILLIANT! When I listen to Trump supporters speak, I can't help but wonder where and IF they got their education!

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Wonder? Really, at this point I think you might know that answer. Wouldn't you love to know when they last read a book (this includes their shield/Bible).

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Absolutely Carmen!

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Thank you, I’m as elated as you are! The American people have far more power than the oligarchs who, BTW, need us to buy their goods and services. If we don’t, they don’t hit their quarterly earnings projections and they simply leak money.

Have hope and discipline right now. We’re already paying ridiculous prices, if we buy less, WAY less, over the next months we’ll be able to see the results.

Help people on the ground. Keep building this awesome alternate media network and speak out for our allies, Canada, Denmark, Mexico and any others the felon and rapist Trump tries to bully. He and his thugs will create bad will, and they could sanction OUR oligarchs. The fight is not lost, but it will take every single decent American!

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The Rev. Billy concept of "buy nothing day," already expanding into the ideas of the Buy Nothing Project, needs to grow a further offshoot of "Don't Buy from THEM" (or them or them) which only becomes challenging because of the snake-like infiltration of various corporate owners into so many "unmarked as owned-by" brands. But it CAN be done, if we have the wherewithal to shine the light on these connections and make it clear where our money should NOT go.

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I live in Oregon and hope I get some information about the Buy Nothing Project. Anyone know where I could call?

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You can look up buy nothing on the web and you'll see that what started out as a very interesting idea has essentially become sort of Craigslist for people who want to get rid of shit. It has an aspect of barter system economics built into it and at its heart it's a good nature idea, but the real problem is that it's basically devolved into what it has become. My basic suggestion is just that the same sort of thing ought to be done for ways that we may know just who owns what and what other deviltry those corporate owners are up to, to facilitate avoidance. ( (for example, you can look up Judd Legum's Popular Information report on the CVS Pharmacy chain using Diabetes Care as a way of basically defrauding its customers.)

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I think when it comes to food and drink, you'll find that basically, Pepsi Cola owns the world. . .

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Well except for all those Coca-Cola people who can't stand Pepsi. As for me I can't tell the difference and hate them both.😆

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Time to start petition "Deport Elon Musk"

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I'll sign it!

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Right now I’m concerned with getting rid of Trump and Musk. I’m tired of listening to talk and reports!! We need ACTION and we need it now!!!

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Love to you all every day MTN!!! 💚💛❤️💜🩵

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I love Meidas Touch! You guys are saving my sanity! 💙

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Such exciting news! There is power in numbers 💙

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Ha, ha, ha. Are you saying we have a "mandate". BTW, tune into the Senate now. Dems are speaking out!!!

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Y'all are killin it. Thank you!

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