I must admit I have never in my life hated anyone.(other than my rapist) But I will always despise and hate this creature and his face, voice and brainless comments that hurt so many so much. I’d much rather my pup was the President as this devil is the most evil pig I’ve ever known of!
I hate to think I"m a hater ! :-) but just for calling the WW1 buried Soldiers" losers and suckers" I'd gladly do a straight on jab to his nose for my grandfather that fought infantry during that time!! so annoying !!
I appreciate you. It’s been a long time but having this happen just means that more will suffer without any accountability at all. Just so brokenhearted.
I agree with you, Janet. Sexual assault on women and girls seems to be acceptable behavior with Trump and too many of his cronies. These are not leaders; they are trash. Let's hope that there will be more justice going forward.
The MeidasMighty is all I will believe. The give me hope. It is going to be a very long time until I can just accept the way some fellow Americans allowed this to happen. Sorry,but they really messed up . Today was what should have happened in 2021. More should have been done sooner and we would not be here. The stupid hats. The lies. The F Biden everything, I could go on and on. No one stopped it. Now, I can't just pretend I didn't scream warnings from the rafters . The disappointment is very deep. Triple G , (gelatinous Grifting Golfer) is already causing the same chaos . Hard to be positive today. Sometimes you just need to try to enjoy life.
seems that way but i'm convinced one can not sustain themselves that long on McDonalds and letting all those destructive enzymes run that are associated with hate and rage!! it's gonna catch up with him
agree like knowing of a major injustice to all of us! for his own personal gain hopefully at least the 34x felon will stick by Friday!! I think his travel will be restricted unless he gets a special Felon VISA? well it should anyways
It’s simple. It’s the right wing media that fills the voters with fear and deprives them of the truth. Middle America voted for him based on gross misinformation.
His win was purchased by musk through " lottery" give aways of 1million dollars,during rallies. Thousands more probably found their way into tight knit,poor Latino communities too.
I woke up this morning in tears thinking about what happened 4 years ago today. I feel so helpless and defeated. As a woman in my seventies, I have watched my whole family go from being horrified about the insurrection to "it's really not a big deal." I now have family members that are part of qanon and the worst part is my husband of 53 years, who used to be a Democrat before he started watching Fox News, is now a full blown MAGA.
The same family lives in their own little bubble and will never watch anything that tells the truth. So this is the text I sent out to my whole family today. It was empowering to know that at least I could speak truth to power to my own family and they would have to read it.
4 years ago today we saw it all happen right before our eyes. Trump and his supporters try to overthrow the government of the United States. We watched Trump thugs beat 144 police officers, shitting in the hallways and threatening to hang the vice president. Trump and his minions are trying to erase history and say j6 never happened and that the Insurrections were truly Patriots. We cannot let them rewrite history! Like the holocaust, we will never forget.
Hi Cindy, As difficult as it may be, hold your head up around your family. There is a book called "The Brainwashing of My Dad" that you may want to read. It's also a documentary. The good news from the book is that the dad came back from his right-wing brainwashing--maybe that will happen to some of your family members. I also follow Joyce Vance, Dean Obeidallah, and Thom Hartmann to stay updated with truth and to stay sane. Also, remind your family that Donny is at 49%, not the 51% that was pushed before all the votes were counted--clearly not the will of most Americans. We're all here for you.
Thanks Jen, I have watched the documentary, the brainwashing of my dad. It was really helpful to my daughter and I to know there were other people out there like us. Unfortunately my husband would not watch it. I did notice that it came out in 2015 and so much has changed since then. I see my family go down these rabbit holes and believe all these crazy conspiracies.
I do read several sub stacks and have found them so comforting, but the people that need to read the truth will never tune into them. That is why I found it so empowering when I emailed over 30 of my family members, sent them the video by Midas Touch and my statement from above. "I will Never Forget" They were shocked that old lady Cindy sent the truth but at least they listened.
Whenever I post something like that on my timeline, it is completely ignored by my entire family.......they don't want to see it.....they don't want to hear it.....They believe all the RW lies and BS.....
I hear you Ellen, I don't post anything on Facebook. Because I'm the oldest one in our family, I insist that we communicate via email or a family text group. It's usually just talking about family events. That's why when I wrote about "Never Forget January 6th" I knew they would read it. NOT ONE family member could present any evidence that the whole thing was peaceful. Especially after seeing the video from Midas. Many of these people had never seen actual footage especially if they only watched Fox News.
I still canʻt wrap my head around the fact that he was never punished and set to be President in just a couple of weeks!!! Absolutely mind boggling!!!!!!!
Too late..they’ve already rewritten it. And today,shamefully, it went largely unremarked in the mainstream media. We re-elected its architect to the office he sought to keep four years ago. He was confirmed today and will be inaugurated in a couple of weeks. Decency lost, oligarchy won.
Good job on telling this story succinctly and effectively. It certainly was a coup in plain site, and they came close to getting away with it. Trump started setting the stage for this months before the 2020 election, claiming that the election was rigged, because he knew he was going to lose. He deserved to lose. The fact that he hasn't been held accountable and was able to ascend to the office of president again is the worst miscarriage of justice in American history. We must continue to be in opposition of his lawlessness and corruption. This is OUR country, not his, and he works for us.
I am SO STRUGGLING with WHY (at least Democrats in Congress) would NOT stand up to BLOCK certification of electoral votes when the person being “certified” (the “Felon”) is CONSTITUTIONALLY DISQUALIFIED!🤷🏻♀️. Please help my understanding. I heard NOTHING TRUTHFUL on your podcasts and others that led me to believe it was wrong for “Congress” to block certification. (In fact, I thought Congress, the supposedly EQUAL BRANCH of the Federal Government was the last hope.🤷🏻♀️ IF Congress wanted to acknowledge the “supposedly” fair election results WHY didn’t they go through with the 2/3 vote to remove his disqualification? BTW SO many reasons to doubt the “fair” part of this election💁🏻♀️ Just one example ⤵️
Continue to cover this throughout DTs Presidency..
January 6 was the worst attack on democracy in our nation's history, as this documentary so clearly shows. Now the insurrectionists are taking power after their failed coup. Government workers will do everything we can do protect our democracy: https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/january-6-worst-attack-on-our-democracy
Thank you
Thank you for representing us so well. Be safe!💙
Thank you for sharing.
Every time I see this I want to vomit! And the SOB is back on the saddle again! I HATE HIM!
I must admit I have never in my life hated anyone.(other than my rapist) But I will always despise and hate this creature and his face, voice and brainless comments that hurt so many so much. I’d much rather my pup was the President as this devil is the most evil pig I’ve ever known of!
Your hate is in the right place, for sure.
Thank you🌹
I hate to think I"m a hater ! :-) but just for calling the WW1 buried Soldiers" losers and suckers" I'd gladly do a straight on jab to his nose for my grandfather that fought infantry during that time!! so annoying !!
I'm so sorry, Janet that you experienced the trauma of rape.
I appreciate you. It’s been a long time but having this happen just means that more will suffer without any accountability at all. Just so brokenhearted.
I agree with you, Janet. Sexual assault on women and girls seems to be acceptable behavior with Trump and too many of his cronies. These are not leaders; they are trash. Let's hope that there will be more justice going forward.
ha ha my pup would bite him!! certain of it!!
💙 hate gets us nowhere, but I feel you.
I agree. But they are winning everything with hate.
It may appear that way. I don’t think that way. Look at all the Meidas Mighty! They are not winning us‼️💙💙💙💙
The MeidasMighty is all I will believe. The give me hope. It is going to be a very long time until I can just accept the way some fellow Americans allowed this to happen. Sorry,but they really messed up . Today was what should have happened in 2021. More should have been done sooner and we would not be here. The stupid hats. The lies. The F Biden everything, I could go on and on. No one stopped it. Now, I can't just pretend I didn't scream warnings from the rafters . The disappointment is very deep. Triple G , (gelatinous Grifting Golfer) is already causing the same chaos . Hard to be positive today. Sometimes you just need to try to enjoy life.
I am feeling exactly the same!! My heart is breaking to see this evil.
seems that way but i'm convinced one can not sustain themselves that long on McDonalds and letting all those destructive enzymes run that are associated with hate and rage!! it's gonna catch up with him
Sometimes, anger can help keep us going, as at least an alternative to despair.
💯is what’s keeping me going!👍
agree like knowing of a major injustice to all of us! for his own personal gain hopefully at least the 34x felon will stick by Friday!! I think his travel will be restricted unless he gets a special Felon VISA? well it should anyways
I feel the same way.
I feel the same way!!! It's truly unbearable!!
AGREE TOTALLY! just a filthy dirty pungent piece of vulgar slime!!
Yet another spot on description!
thanks Janet !! I needed that good laugh!!
Can still not digest the fact he was elected again. Whatever was overlooked, not done, done incorrectly, we must understand so it cannot happen again.
It’s simple. It’s the right wing media that fills the voters with fear and deprives them of the truth. Middle America voted for him based on gross misinformation.
Agreed! Might also reflect that his "lemmings" are unable to engage in critical thinking
His win was purchased by musk through " lottery" give aways of 1million dollars,during rallies. Thousands more probably found their way into tight knit,poor Latino communities too.
I'm really having a bad, bad day. I cherish my Meidas community more than ever today
You are not alone. And, I sure feel better being here, too.
I woke up this morning in tears thinking about what happened 4 years ago today. I feel so helpless and defeated. As a woman in my seventies, I have watched my whole family go from being horrified about the insurrection to "it's really not a big deal." I now have family members that are part of qanon and the worst part is my husband of 53 years, who used to be a Democrat before he started watching Fox News, is now a full blown MAGA.
The same family lives in their own little bubble and will never watch anything that tells the truth. So this is the text I sent out to my whole family today. It was empowering to know that at least I could speak truth to power to my own family and they would have to read it.
4 years ago today we saw it all happen right before our eyes. Trump and his supporters try to overthrow the government of the United States. We watched Trump thugs beat 144 police officers, shitting in the hallways and threatening to hang the vice president. Trump and his minions are trying to erase history and say j6 never happened and that the Insurrections were truly Patriots. We cannot let them rewrite history! Like the holocaust, we will never forget.
Hi Cindy, As difficult as it may be, hold your head up around your family. There is a book called "The Brainwashing of My Dad" that you may want to read. It's also a documentary. The good news from the book is that the dad came back from his right-wing brainwashing--maybe that will happen to some of your family members. I also follow Joyce Vance, Dean Obeidallah, and Thom Hartmann to stay updated with truth and to stay sane. Also, remind your family that Donny is at 49%, not the 51% that was pushed before all the votes were counted--clearly not the will of most Americans. We're all here for you.
Thanks Jen, I have watched the documentary, the brainwashing of my dad. It was really helpful to my daughter and I to know there were other people out there like us. Unfortunately my husband would not watch it. I did notice that it came out in 2015 and so much has changed since then. I see my family go down these rabbit holes and believe all these crazy conspiracies.
I do read several sub stacks and have found them so comforting, but the people that need to read the truth will never tune into them. That is why I found it so empowering when I emailed over 30 of my family members, sent them the video by Midas Touch and my statement from above. "I will Never Forget" They were shocked that old lady Cindy sent the truth but at least they listened.
Whenever I post something like that on my timeline, it is completely ignored by my entire family.......they don't want to see it.....they don't want to hear it.....They believe all the RW lies and BS.....
I hear you Ellen, I don't post anything on Facebook. Because I'm the oldest one in our family, I insist that we communicate via email or a family text group. It's usually just talking about family events. That's why when I wrote about "Never Forget January 6th" I knew they would read it. NOT ONE family member could present any evidence that the whole thing was peaceful. Especially after seeing the video from Midas. Many of these people had never seen actual footage especially if they only watched Fox News.
Your family sounds like mine. I'm glad you're at least trying to make them remember.
It is just as I remembered it. Treason! Keep the video in front of everyone.
Bravo, Ben and Colleagues.
NEVER FORGET -- A domestic traitor fomented an attack on his own country on January 6, 2020.
Perhaps we should henceforth call that date "Insurrection Day."
Pearl Harbor Day (December 7, 1941) arguably pales by comparison.
💙 Yes! How does that get done?
I like that
Biden is a very effective president honest integrity and loves USA
He’s a fraud. There’s NO FVCKN WAY he won legitimately.
No. Fuxxing way. Period.
I agree. His human credit card ,musk,bought it for him.
I still canʻt wrap my head around the fact that he was never punished and set to be President in just a couple of weeks!!! Absolutely mind boggling!!!!!!!
Too late..they’ve already rewritten it. And today,shamefully, it went largely unremarked in the mainstream media. We re-elected its architect to the office he sought to keep four years ago. He was confirmed today and will be inaugurated in a couple of weeks. Decency lost, oligarchy won.
Liars taking the house. Shame on9 every Trumper Shame on orange guy he has brain rot under the influence of 666 . Sickness is invading our country
We will NEVER forget. We will never allow America tro forget.
There was no respect for our Constitution across the board.
Good job on telling this story succinctly and effectively. It certainly was a coup in plain site, and they came close to getting away with it. Trump started setting the stage for this months before the 2020 election, claiming that the election was rigged, because he knew he was going to lose. He deserved to lose. The fact that he hasn't been held accountable and was able to ascend to the office of president again is the worst miscarriage of justice in American history. We must continue to be in opposition of his lawlessness and corruption. This is OUR country, not his, and he works for us.
He & Elon doing the rigging.
He said "We'll have it fixed so good. You have to vote again"!
You'll NEVER have to vote again.....
Won't have to vote again...my typo error.
You should post this daily throughout the next 4 years. Excellent work. 🇺🇸🇺🇸
I am SO STRUGGLING with WHY (at least Democrats in Congress) would NOT stand up to BLOCK certification of electoral votes when the person being “certified” (the “Felon”) is CONSTITUTIONALLY DISQUALIFIED!🤷🏻♀️. Please help my understanding. I heard NOTHING TRUTHFUL on your podcasts and others that led me to believe it was wrong for “Congress” to block certification. (In fact, I thought Congress, the supposedly EQUAL BRANCH of the Federal Government was the last hope.🤷🏻♀️ IF Congress wanted to acknowledge the “supposedly” fair election results WHY didn’t they go through with the 2/3 vote to remove his disqualification? BTW SO many reasons to doubt the “fair” part of this election💁🏻♀️ Just one example ⤵️