Oct 22Liked by MeidasTouch Network

I was an Independent until Donald Trump. He and his MAGA Republicans were so offensive to my Christian beliefs and to the dignity of this country that I started pulling the Democratic lever. I will not stop until the MAGA stain is wiped from our nation’s political landscape.

I am very happy that the Cheneys and other Republicans have joined VP Harris’s campaign to keep our democracy.

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Nikki Haley raised $50 million from Republicans for her short primary race against Donald. And then she flushed their money and insulted them when she quit and endorsed Donald. A supreme act of disrespect for her followers. They didn't give her money because they liked Donald. They gave her money to stop Donald from ever getting back in the White House.

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In a previous career I helped people purchase homes. The home lending process includes a step called "underwriting". This is the process to determine if the home buyer qualified for the loan. One key element is "ability to repay". Enough income make the monthly payment Another key element is "intention to repay". Their credit score indicates the behavior of the applicant in making payments on other obligations. Bankruptcy filings are a red flag. Any indication of financial fraud is an immediate denial.

What do you think Donald's credit score is? He's filed bankruptcy many times. He's been convicted of business fraud. He's had a career of stealing money from gullible donors using lies and scam tricks. Yet he expects us to approve his application to run the US Treasury, The Federal Reserve, The Armed Forces and The Justice System. Who in their right mind thinks this is wise? No home loan underwriter would ever approve this application.

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He doesn't want to win. He wants a loss, so he can incite his base into a civil war that will tear this country apart. All per Putin. Just my theory.

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I think the Heritage Foundation wants to put him in as a placeholder, then 3-6 months remove him and replace him with Shady Vance. That to me is almost more frightening, JD has a total of less than 2 years in politics and is WEIRD!!!

The MAGA CULT is way past its prime and the American people want it shut down 🗳️💙🇺🇸🕊️💕

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I think you're half right. Perhaps he does want to lose, but not for the sake of starting a civil war. Just ask yourself: If he loses, what happens to the hundreds of millions of dollars that he raised for his campaign?

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He’ll have off shored it somewhere 😳😱

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Of course he was he's trying to avoid accountability for his crimes.

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Very sad that Nikki Haley buckled under and is supporting Trump.

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A female counterpart to Bobby Jindal...remember him? And in a couple of years people will be asking, "Oh, yeah, Nikki Haley...whatever happened to her?""

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Nikki missed her chance to join women leaders like Harris and Cheney. She’s a coward like other GOP and not leadership quality.

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This is good news for Kamala but will it be enough for her to win the election

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Interesting…but I wish Ben would’ve asked about how all those passionate Haley supporters feel about their standard-bearer’s actual SUPPORT of Trump. I would be ON FIRE if I were one of those people. I think she killed her future political career with that move, which could be called the ultimate flip-flop!

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Never expected Haley to ever spurn a tRump endorsement...even ducking and giving a "no comment" needed far more courage on her part to ever be a possibility. Now and forever a shallow, no-principles opportunist, end of.

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Perhaps some Haley supporters. But she herself said she was supporting Trump.

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I have an idea that I think just might make a difference in the Kamala Harris campaign in the last two weeks. It is happening on the media level with Kamala Harris' wonderful interviews alongside Liz Cheney--but it would be great too if we brought it down to the grassroots level...

What if, across all the battleground states, we paired a democrat with a republican to go around knocking on doors side by side. This would be on the ground level talking to real voters...I have been canvassing in Pennsylvania and I feel there are still some people on the fence. Having a republican at my side just might clinch the deal. In addition, I think it can give the very important message that we can work together as patriotic Americans, no matter what party, to save our democracy.

I am trying to get in touch with Republicans for Kamala Harris organizations and trying to reach the top people in the Harris campaign to see if this can go out as a directive from leadership and get added to mobilize.us events in all the local field offices. If anyone knows Republican for Harris organizations and has friends who are Kamala supporters in any of the battleground states: Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia etc. please suggest they get this word out. For Republicans for Harris organizations it would be great if they talk to their constituents and friends and consider coming out for these last two weekends. The idea would not take much at all--if the Republicans for Kamala organizations just invited their people to show up at the local Kamala Harris field offices, and the field offices were told to pair them with a Democrat and welcome them with open arms, that is all that it would take!

You can write to me if you know anyone in leadership positions and I will contact them if you have their emails or phone numbers..

I am wondering what you think of the idea and whether you can further this with me in helping to make it happen. Time is short! Let's team up! We can win this and save our democracy!!!

Thanks so much!

Pam Smilow (just a concerned democrat who always wants to reach across the board)




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Thanks! Can you go one step further and help me make this go out to the maximum amount of people


Pass this on everywhere and make it go viral:

Invite Republicans for Kamala Harris across all the battleground states to show up this weekend and next at the Kamala Harris field offices to canvas and be paired with a Democrat --we just might convince the few that are still on the fence and also show that we can turn over a new bipartisan leaf and work together as American patriots for our collective future

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I forgot to say, thank you Craig Snyder! We welcome Haley Voters for Harris!

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Agent Orange strikes again by shooting himself in the foot. Again. Go ahead, moron. Keep driving people out of your camp. Harris will gladly welcome them to our side.

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Shocking how much MSNBC covered Trump rallies and now they cover nothing for Harris.

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