Senator Tammy Baldwin joins MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas to warn about Trump's prioritization of billionaires over hardworking Americans and litany of broken promises.
I’d like to know why a Constitutionally disqualified seditionist is being allowed to sit in the White House and issue orders. The sedition makes him disqualified. Military: Do your damn job and protect our Constitution!
Thank you, SeekingReason! I am so sick of Trump! I just don't understand how we could let this happen. Something should be done to oust Trump, before he destroys everything. He is the biggest cancer in America, and the world. His ego is insatiable and he'll stop at nothing to get what he wants. He has now unleashed the insurrectionists, terrorists, and white supremists. THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING IN AMERICA, OR ANYWHERE ELSE IN THIS WORLD!!!
"Nothing mattered, in the end. Not the probable dementia, the unfathomable ignorance, the emotional incontinence; not, certainly, the shambling, hate-filled campaign, or the ludicrously unworkable anti-policies.
The candidate out on bail in four jurisdictions, the convicted fraud artist, the adjudicated rapist and serial sexual predator, the habitual bankrupt, the stooge of Vladimir Putin, the man who tried to overturn the last election and all of his creepy retinue of crooks, ideologues and lunatics: Americans took a long look at all this and said, yes please.
There is no sense in understating the depth of the disaster. This is a crisis like no other in our lifetimes. The government of the United States has been delivered into the hands of a gangster, whose sole purpose in running, besides staying out of jail, is to seek revenge on his enemies. The damage Donald Trump and his nihilist cronies can do – to America, but also to its democratic allies, and to the peace and security of the world – is incalculable." - Robert Reich
So true how blind can people be? What can be done?? Is the voter fraud reported on Jan 24th by Hartman its on FACEBOOK what is if anything about this. Are the judges helping?
Why do you think he's canning all the generals he doesn't like in favor of ones who will kiss his derriere? It's HIS military now, and he can do what he damned well pleases with it - like starting the wars he said he wouldn't get involved in. No, he wouldn't get involved in the existing wars; he wants his own, just like everything else.
Had the military already done something about Trump practicing sedition, maybe America would be in a safe place but I am very concerned Hegseth was approved to head the Secretary of Defense. The March in Washington, DC today by the Neo-Nazis with masks on is alarming. Unless our citizens who believe in Democracy find strong leaders and get behind them to push hard against Trump and Prohect 2025, I am greatly concerned we will lose our footing and not be able to turn back to the Democracy that allows people decent medical care, medical research, DEI support, learning about all races and religions, etc.
Some of this is going to get swatted back by fed judges. Biden put more judges in than recent president. It won’t get to SCOTUS fast enough. We do have power if we work in blocks. Meidas Touch, Scott Dworkin, BlueSky, Groups with #Resist in their profiles are all gathering large groups. Keep joining.. not only did chump cheat to get in, even with cheating, his lead is razor thin, Congress majority razor thin.
And the Rep from Tenn. (?) Just submitted legislation to allow (only) Trump to stay for a THIRD term!!!
In Europe the German people I know cannot begin to understand and with deep emotion tell me America is following in Hitler's footsteps. School age children in Germany are required to study the holocaust every year in their upper grades so it will never happen again!!!!
And look at us...
We all should be disappointed and heart broken...for now. But damn-it Dems MUST grow a spine and not be so conflict-adverse and think we can talk them out of their perspective. We MUST rebuild the party - LISTEN to the voters, IMPLEMENT change at the local and state levels NOW.
I think Dems (I'm a Dem) let us down. If we had gotten out the vote, Trump would never have been elected and he'd be in prison where he belongs. Millions of Dems stayed home and I don't know why. Perhaps they felt Trump was so crazy that he couldn't possibly be elected. They came out for Biden. Even if the didn't like Harris, they could have voted against the mad man
Elon absolutely 100% messed with the voting tabulators to give tRump the win. There's nothing anyone can say that will convince me otherwise. It will come out. It's only a matter of time. I'm worried that we (Democrats) will never win again. They've done it once, they will do it again.
Republicans cheated using several vote suppression tactics as well as not counting legal ballots. Had the states not passed many laws since 2020 including allowing citizens to challenge other voters ballots and using excuses to reject ballots, removed ballot drop boxes, and purged voter rolls and all targeted toward Democrat-leaning (urban) areas, including dozens of bomb threats closing polls on election day, Harris WOULD HAVE WON. When people say Democrats sat home and didn't vote, that could easily be far from the truth.
I worked my rear end off getting out the vote along with thousands of volunteers. Harris had a massive number of volunteers sending postcards, writing letters, & sending texts & emails. Did you participate?
Thank you. Harris only had 2 mos to get us across the line. 2 things happened. 1. Dumb, dumb Donny sold a great bill of phony goods that Americans bought hook line and sinker. He had over a year and a half. He sane washed everything with bald faced lies against Biden that no one besides us who really knew the truth and/ or took the time to listen to the Meidas Touch, others and bothered to fact check everything. He kept hitting the key words like Economy, lowing cost of groceries etc. 2. More people that I talked to than I would like to admit were simply not ready for a woman to be president. That one pisses me off!
We are so f**ing behind the rest of the world. How many other developed countries have had outstanding female leaders? We're not ready for one because we're a country replete with misogynistic idiots and Bible-thumpers (of both of ONLY TWO BIRTH GENDERS) who think women are subordinate to men.
And I'm retired so that goes to show you I had many decades to help and I didn't. But once you are retired you have the time so, well... get out there.
Proud Dem who worked endlessly to GOTV ... the results do not add up, think there are unanswered questions about the integrity of some voting equipment, starting with the tabulators.
I'm not into conspiracy theories but, with Musk involved, and Zuckerberg, I have strong suspicions that something ain't quite right. The truth will reveal itself because it's too hard to keep from blabbing.
I agree. Something goofy with Joe Rogen talking about Elon election night telling the story that Elon kept playing with his phone and about 9 or 9:30 pm Elon showed Joe his phone really fast and said Trump had won and Elon left and went to bed. How the hell did he know that early Trump won?
I will repeat a former posting: the Musk/Trump plan is to create a technocratic state (Musk learned a lot at his technocrat grandpa's knee) consisting of the U.S., Canada, Greenland, Mexico, and parts of Central America (including the Panama Canal), with Trump as dictator and Musk's cadre of imported specialists running the show. Musk was just waiting for the appropriate person to kick it off, and that's why he invested a quarter of a billion in his best buddy. All for the benefit of the billionaires, who will clamp down on anyone who opposes their rule. 1984 just arrived about 40 years after the book title.
I was disappointed with how the election turned out. I really believe women did turn out for Harris. Trump admitted in so many words that the election was rigged. And how they won all 7 of the swing states.
I think we spend too much time on social media and not enough time on the streets. In the last election I went door to door for the very first time in my life. It was easy, you signed up, immediately they gave you a time to show up. You showed up at a public park, you downloaded the canvassing app and your route was right in it with voter names and addresses. And off you went door knocking.
I KNOW I got at least 10 more votes for Dems by doing door to door door knocking.
The last election had me shaking in my boots so for the first time I did that. We can complain about leadership, we can complain about messaging, instead we should all look inward and ask ourselves, "W hat can WE do?" Then go out and do it. I'm retired, I have the time so I went and did the very most effective activity there is, face to face door knocking. My only regret now that i have done it, is I didn't do enough of it. I only did it the last week-end before the election.
Next election step away from the keyboard and do the most effective activity there is, face to face door knocking. I did it once and I will never again not do it. What took me so long is my only regret.
I volunteered with local Harris Walz campaign office but at front desk. First time I was ever "up close and personal" to any campaign. It was most gratifying experience. I met wonderful likeminded people from all over country, and world! Came by busloads (over 137,000 doors knocked using the Mini van app) and her rally filled the venue with 100's turned away. I was so encouraged, and hopeful people would see she was obvious choice for democracy. Now with the felon in WH I am terrified of what voters have done to our grandchildren. Am also suspicious of rigged voting.
This is really where we need to focus A LOT of energy in 2026 and 2028. Dems need to realize that we cannot afford to miss any opportunity to swing the balance of power. If we do, it’s completely over.
Still a lot of them who would prefer being chained to the stove, grabbing hubby a beer, or protecting the unborn until they're eighteen, then sending them off to war because the prez says someone is our enemy.
This is just the beginning folks. there is a long term plan to subjugate the population. Vance is in the wings John Eastman is in the wings. Go to the Bulwark there is a conversation between Sarah Longwell and Amanda Carpenter listen. The republicans are already planning to sanction Bishop Budde asking the felon in chief to be merciful. Party of faith ? are you kidding me? These people would probably crucify The Christ for being woke. Wake up
This is so very true!! They now go after a Bishop who addressed him in a church and just asked him to live up to Christian values. They are no Christians, they are fascist hypocrites.
I don't understand why a voter, realizing they've been had, would bother even calling their representatives. What is this going to solve? They need to look at themselves and fix the issue of ignorance and stupidity in themselves that made them vote the way thwy did when every educated person was screaming to wake up and not f around. At this point those "buyers remorse" voters are the problem and for them to cry now is pointless they screwed us and themselves with their stupidity now wallow in the mess youade for all of us and shut up and sit down next time so you don't make things worse
Do you have a sense that Dumpster's voters are now experiencing "buyers' remorse"? Since they only watch radical extremist news how would they know they should be remorseful about the dismantling of our government?
Hell, they WANT the dismantling of the government, to be reassembled into a fascist, white, strong man elitist dictatorship, devoid of all those socialist progressive evils that they were convinced were destroying the country: things like reproductive rights, choice of sexual orientation, empirical science in medicine over faith healing, demands for clean energy and preservation of the environment, an end to big money in politics, quality education for all, voting rights, economic justice, racial equity, aid to the poor (who don't exist in the minds of the Repugs) - all those, and more. They voted for it, and they'll get what they deserve. Unfortunately, so will those who deserve better.
They could be democrats or independents who voted but couldn't bring themselves to vote for Harris, a woman, of color, so they left POTUS blank leaving it up to Fate. Maybe now they are realizing they should have voted against the known quantity, trump, and given Harris a chance. It could help explain how, in general, down-ticket democratic candidates did fairly well.
Are Trump supporters really in shock or do we just wish they were? There are many who are proud and excited -continually repeating the mantra of promises made, promises kept. It continues to prove people are getting their “news” from invalid sites and be very misinformed. What is being done to target that?
AND what are republicans doing about it? They are all bending the knee. We never should have been in this situation so what is being done to correct it?
As I have written previously, the 2025 word of the year will surely be schadenfreude -- joy at the misfortune of others. Yes, those of us who did not vote for the Mango Mussolini of Mar-a-Loco will not be free from suffering, but it is wonderful to hear that his voters are already having serious buyer's remorse. Just wait until their drug costs hit the moon, and they lose their health insurance obtained through an exchange (aka Obama Care), and until their factory/union jobs are outsourced to China or where ever. My black heart is laughing already.
Everyone needs to start playing the SAME game as Donald Trump and his MAGA Cult! Otherwise, it’s going to get really bad?
Why are you not using the Constitution to get this man out of Office? You should be protecting our Constitution, our Country! Not rolling over and just letting them have their way.
Where else. Faux News. And I wonder if they have heard that now, post-election, the primary campaign issue of the price of eggs is no longer Biden's fault but the result of....Avian flu! Imagine that!!!
I am guessing that Faux "News", i.e., entertainment, is presenting the dismantling of our government in the most positive light. Therefore, why would Dumpster voters feel any regret or remorse over their votes?
I’d like to know why a Constitutionally disqualified seditionist is being allowed to sit in the White House and issue orders. The sedition makes him disqualified. Military: Do your damn job and protect our Constitution!
Thank you, SeekingReason! I am so sick of Trump! I just don't understand how we could let this happen. Something should be done to oust Trump, before he destroys everything. He is the biggest cancer in America, and the world. His ego is insatiable and he'll stop at nothing to get what he wants. He has now unleashed the insurrectionists, terrorists, and white supremists. THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING IN AMERICA, OR ANYWHERE ELSE IN THIS WORLD!!!
"Nothing mattered, in the end. Not the probable dementia, the unfathomable ignorance, the emotional incontinence; not, certainly, the shambling, hate-filled campaign, or the ludicrously unworkable anti-policies.
The candidate out on bail in four jurisdictions, the convicted fraud artist, the adjudicated rapist and serial sexual predator, the habitual bankrupt, the stooge of Vladimir Putin, the man who tried to overturn the last election and all of his creepy retinue of crooks, ideologues and lunatics: Americans took a long look at all this and said, yes please.
There is no sense in understating the depth of the disaster. This is a crisis like no other in our lifetimes. The government of the United States has been delivered into the hands of a gangster, whose sole purpose in running, besides staying out of jail, is to seek revenge on his enemies. The damage Donald Trump and his nihilist cronies can do – to America, but also to its democratic allies, and to the peace and security of the world – is incalculable." - Robert Reich
"Here's how Trump's vengeance machine works. He's the mob boss, who keeps his hands clean, while others do his dirty work." - Robert Reich
This was written by a Canadian writer posted by Robert Reich, but it is sheer perfection in its accuracy.
So true how blind can people be? What can be done?? Is the voter fraud reported on Jan 24th by Hartman its on FACEBOOK what is if anything about this. Are the judges helping?
SOME Americans took a long look. Others were looking at Mush's trolling and Faux lies.
I totally share your sentiments.
French Revolution
He should be occupying a ten-foot square cell, not an oval office.
Why do you think he's canning all the generals he doesn't like in favor of ones who will kiss his derriere? It's HIS military now, and he can do what he damned well pleases with it - like starting the wars he said he wouldn't get involved in. No, he wouldn't get involved in the existing wars; he wants his own, just like everything else.
Had the military already done something about Trump practicing sedition, maybe America would be in a safe place but I am very concerned Hegseth was approved to head the Secretary of Defense. The March in Washington, DC today by the Neo-Nazis with masks on is alarming. Unless our citizens who believe in Democracy find strong leaders and get behind them to push hard against Trump and Prohect 2025, I am greatly concerned we will lose our footing and not be able to turn back to the Democracy that allows people decent medical care, medical research, DEI support, learning about all races and religions, etc.
Some of this is going to get swatted back by fed judges. Biden put more judges in than recent president. It won’t get to SCOTUS fast enough. We do have power if we work in blocks. Meidas Touch, Scott Dworkin, BlueSky, Groups with #Resist in their profiles are all gathering large groups. Keep joining.. not only did chump cheat to get in, even with cheating, his lead is razor thin, Congress majority razor thin.
Made a *typo* and can’t erase it in my previous post
And the Rep from Tenn. (?) Just submitted legislation to allow (only) Trump to stay for a THIRD term!!!
In Europe the German people I know cannot begin to understand and with deep emotion tell me America is following in Hitler's footsteps. School age children in Germany are required to study the holocaust every year in their upper grades so it will never happen again!!!!
And look at us...
We all should be disappointed and heart broken...for now. But damn-it Dems MUST grow a spine and not be so conflict-adverse and think we can talk them out of their perspective. We MUST rebuild the party - LISTEN to the voters, IMPLEMENT change at the local and state levels NOW.
Afrigginmen SeekingReason! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🇺🇸🌹
I've been asking myself that for months
Women will save America! We need more Senators like Baldwin, Duckworth, and Gillibrand. At least Murkowski and Collins voted against predator Pete.
Sorry, women let us down during the election. I'm so disappointed in white women (I'm one) during this past election.
I think Dems (I'm a Dem) let us down. If we had gotten out the vote, Trump would never have been elected and he'd be in prison where he belongs. Millions of Dems stayed home and I don't know why. Perhaps they felt Trump was so crazy that he couldn't possibly be elected. They came out for Biden. Even if the didn't like Harris, they could have voted against the mad man
Did the Dump not boast about Pennsylvania, and that Mush knew more about those voting machines than anybody? He stole it, sure as s**t.
Elon absolutely 100% messed with the voting tabulators to give tRump the win. There's nothing anyone can say that will convince me otherwise. It will come out. It's only a matter of time. I'm worried that we (Democrats) will never win again. They've done it once, they will do it again.
Let's not keep saying NEGATIVES like will there be another Election and let's say Dems will take back the WH!
Republicans cheated using several vote suppression tactics as well as not counting legal ballots. Had the states not passed many laws since 2020 including allowing citizens to challenge other voters ballots and using excuses to reject ballots, removed ballot drop boxes, and purged voter rolls and all targeted toward Democrat-leaning (urban) areas, including dozens of bomb threats closing polls on election day, Harris WOULD HAVE WON. When people say Democrats sat home and didn't vote, that could easily be far from the truth.
I worked my rear end off getting out the vote along with thousands of volunteers. Harris had a massive number of volunteers sending postcards, writing letters, & sending texts & emails. Did you participate?
Thank you. Harris only had 2 mos to get us across the line. 2 things happened. 1. Dumb, dumb Donny sold a great bill of phony goods that Americans bought hook line and sinker. He had over a year and a half. He sane washed everything with bald faced lies against Biden that no one besides us who really knew the truth and/ or took the time to listen to the Meidas Touch, others and bothered to fact check everything. He kept hitting the key words like Economy, lowing cost of groceries etc. 2. More people that I talked to than I would like to admit were simply not ready for a woman to be president. That one pisses me off!
We are so f**ing behind the rest of the world. How many other developed countries have had outstanding female leaders? We're not ready for one because we're a country replete with misogynistic idiots and Bible-thumpers (of both of ONLY TWO BIRTH GENDERS) who think women are subordinate to men.
A BLACK WOMEN let's speak truth.
I did, for the very first time in my life.
And I'm retired so that goes to show you I had many decades to help and I didn't. But once you are retired you have the time so, well... get out there.
Proud Dem who worked endlessly to GOTV ... the results do not add up, think there are unanswered questions about the integrity of some voting equipment, starting with the tabulators.
I'm not into conspiracy theories but, with Musk involved, and Zuckerberg, I have strong suspicions that something ain't quite right. The truth will reveal itself because it's too hard to keep from blabbing.
I agree. Something goofy with Joe Rogen talking about Elon election night telling the story that Elon kept playing with his phone and about 9 or 9:30 pm Elon showed Joe his phone really fast and said Trump had won and Elon left and went to bed. How the hell did he know that early Trump won?
I will repeat a former posting: the Musk/Trump plan is to create a technocratic state (Musk learned a lot at his technocrat grandpa's knee) consisting of the U.S., Canada, Greenland, Mexico, and parts of Central America (including the Panama Canal), with Trump as dictator and Musk's cadre of imported specialists running the show. Musk was just waiting for the appropriate person to kick it off, and that's why he invested a quarter of a billion in his best buddy. All for the benefit of the billionaires, who will clamp down on anyone who opposes their rule. 1984 just arrived about 40 years after the book title.
I was disappointed with how the election turned out. I really believe women did turn out for Harris. Trump admitted in so many words that the election was rigged. And how they won all 7 of the swing states.
and by small enough margins to not trigger automatic recounts.
I think we spend too much time on social media and not enough time on the streets. In the last election I went door to door for the very first time in my life. It was easy, you signed up, immediately they gave you a time to show up. You showed up at a public park, you downloaded the canvassing app and your route was right in it with voter names and addresses. And off you went door knocking.
I KNOW I got at least 10 more votes for Dems by doing door to door door knocking.
The last election had me shaking in my boots so for the first time I did that. We can complain about leadership, we can complain about messaging, instead we should all look inward and ask ourselves, "W hat can WE do?" Then go out and do it. I'm retired, I have the time so I went and did the very most effective activity there is, face to face door knocking. My only regret now that i have done it, is I didn't do enough of it. I only did it the last week-end before the election.
Next election step away from the keyboard and do the most effective activity there is, face to face door knocking. I did it once and I will never again not do it. What took me so long is my only regret.
I volunteered with local Harris Walz campaign office but at front desk. First time I was ever "up close and personal" to any campaign. It was most gratifying experience. I met wonderful likeminded people from all over country, and world! Came by busloads (over 137,000 doors knocked using the Mini van app) and her rally filled the venue with 100's turned away. I was so encouraged, and hopeful people would see she was obvious choice for democracy. Now with the felon in WH I am terrified of what voters have done to our grandchildren. Am also suspicious of rigged voting.
This is really where we need to focus A LOT of energy in 2026 and 2028. Dems need to realize that we cannot afford to miss any opportunity to swing the balance of power. If we do, it’s completely over.
No, many felt "they just did not know enough about Kamala" I feel we knew more than enough about tRump to NOT vote for him. .
Any woman who voted for Trump has no self-respect. The man is a rapist for God sake!!
There are a lot of them out there who have had it beaten, threatened, or indoctrinated out of them.
a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to protect and enforce our reproductive rights, but instead we're still at the starting gate, still being victimized
Plenty of us worked hard for VP Harris!!!! Tammy Baldwin did, as well.
Still a lot of them who would prefer being chained to the stove, grabbing hubby a beer, or protecting the unborn until they're eighteen, then sending them off to war because the prez says someone is our enemy.
Same here!
Which was a surprise considering their track record...🙄
So over it with Trump voters in shock. Everyone with a pulse could predict this. Time for them to pay the piper….like the rest of us now. FAAFO
People did not listen to trumpest . He’s doing what he said he would do!!
Thank you, Sen. Baldwin!
This is just the beginning folks. there is a long term plan to subjugate the population. Vance is in the wings John Eastman is in the wings. Go to the Bulwark there is a conversation between Sarah Longwell and Amanda Carpenter listen. The republicans are already planning to sanction Bishop Budde asking the felon in chief to be merciful. Party of faith ? are you kidding me? These people would probably crucify The Christ for being woke. Wake up
This is so very true!! They now go after a Bishop who addressed him in a church and just asked him to live up to Christian values. They are no Christians, they are fascist hypocrites.
Impeach him now he is destroying our country
I believe he'll get impeached again, he can't help himself.
And he'll walk, just like before, because of our craven elected "leaders".
Yep. And we Will pay the bill. They all need to be voted out of office every dam one of them
He will but we are paying for it and they all should be voted out of office
I don't understand why a voter, realizing they've been had, would bother even calling their representatives. What is this going to solve? They need to look at themselves and fix the issue of ignorance and stupidity in themselves that made them vote the way thwy did when every educated person was screaming to wake up and not f around. At this point those "buyers remorse" voters are the problem and for them to cry now is pointless they screwed us and themselves with their stupidity now wallow in the mess youade for all of us and shut up and sit down next time so you don't make things worse
Do you have a sense that Dumpster's voters are now experiencing "buyers' remorse"? Since they only watch radical extremist news how would they know they should be remorseful about the dismantling of our government?
Hell, they WANT the dismantling of the government, to be reassembled into a fascist, white, strong man elitist dictatorship, devoid of all those socialist progressive evils that they were convinced were destroying the country: things like reproductive rights, choice of sexual orientation, empirical science in medicine over faith healing, demands for clean energy and preservation of the environment, an end to big money in politics, quality education for all, voting rights, economic justice, racial equity, aid to the poor (who don't exist in the minds of the Repugs) - all those, and more. They voted for it, and they'll get what they deserve. Unfortunately, so will those who deserve better.
They could be democrats or independents who voted but couldn't bring themselves to vote for Harris, a woman, of color, so they left POTUS blank leaving it up to Fate. Maybe now they are realizing they should have voted against the known quantity, trump, and given Harris a chance. It could help explain how, in general, down-ticket democratic candidates did fairly well.
Good point. The Dem non-voters should be hanging their heads in shame.
Are Trump supporters really in shock or do we just wish they were? There are many who are proud and excited -continually repeating the mantra of promises made, promises kept. It continues to prove people are getting their “news” from invalid sites and be very misinformed. What is being done to target that?
AND what are republicans doing about it? They are all bending the knee. We never should have been in this situation so what is being done to correct it?
Bending the knee, while their constituents are being bent over.
Yes. But if the constituents still see of as doing them a favor and fighting for them, then they don’t see the difference
People wanted to believe otherwise even though Kamala said very clearly listen what he says
Ben often mentions trump voters expressing regret. I want to see some numbers. I want to see polls. A few here or there are meaningless.
She's awesome! Everyone in my house voted for her!
As I have written previously, the 2025 word of the year will surely be schadenfreude -- joy at the misfortune of others. Yes, those of us who did not vote for the Mango Mussolini of Mar-a-Loco will not be free from suffering, but it is wonderful to hear that his voters are already having serious buyer's remorse. Just wait until their drug costs hit the moon, and they lose their health insurance obtained through an exchange (aka Obama Care), and until their factory/union jobs are outsourced to China or where ever. My black heart is laughing already.
and all the Federal employees losing their civil service jobs
Disagree. He ran on hate. And hate we got.
My senator!
Everyone needs to start playing the SAME game as Donald Trump and his MAGA Cult! Otherwise, it’s going to get really bad?
Why are you not using the Constitution to get this man out of Office? You should be protecting our Constitution, our Country! Not rolling over and just letting them have their way.
So how exactly are trump voters hearing about these issues?
Where else. Faux News. And I wonder if they have heard that now, post-election, the primary campaign issue of the price of eggs is no longer Biden's fault but the result of....Avian flu! Imagine that!!!
Faux isn't telling their sheeples any of the bad stuff. It's all trump putting America first bullshit.
I am guessing that Faux "News", i.e., entertainment, is presenting the dismantling of our government in the most positive light. Therefore, why would Dumpster voters feel any regret or remorse over their votes?
Not on Faux news for sure!!