Bernie! The one that got away! Bernie! We love you! Thank you for speaking for the people!

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Agree! A lot of optimism died when Sanders was shafted by the Democratic Party.

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Thank you Ben, I love Bernie Sanders

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Bernie needs to run

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He did that, the Dems were stupid.

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I love Ben he is really smart but so is Michael Popok

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The best thing I did was join this group with The Meidas Touch Network and yes I could see Ben as a President and Michael too. Instead we have a felon in the Whitehouse that pardoned Stewart Rhodes

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LGBTQ Rights Matter, Democracy Matters, and always remember to be kind to others as we don’t know what they are going through

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Life can either ruin you but if you surround yourself with good people like Ben, Michael, and many other people we will get through this together. That’s what matters

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Life is good when you surround yourself with good people, and never let anyone rob a day of life away from you

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How embarrassing this is not what America is about, my father served in the military and he saw a lot of injuries. But, he told me to never give up. My parents campaigned for JFK and were invited to his Inaugural Ball in DC

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Life is short

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Remember Trump said he would be a dictator on day one

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The ACLU wants me to join again

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I've been sending them donations. They're behind MANY of the lawsuits that have been and are stlll being filed against the illegalities coming from trump-musk activities.

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I wished Ben would run

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Me too, I love those guys they always make me feel safe comparatively to Trump. This is Project 2025 everyone and this is what Trump is doing. Remember he is a felon

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💯 💯 💯 That's why I left DNC! They really screwed up when they decided to support Hillary Clinton! Bernie would have won!

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Bernie 🩷 solid, always consistent, empathic, tells the truth, brilliant and has more energy than most people. A hero of the people. 🌸

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I have newspapers about JFK which also includes when Oswald shot him

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When I divorced Bob, I changed my last name back to Johansen and I am proud of that name. I also did a genealogy in my grandma as she was a Woodley before she married my Grandfather. That’s when I found out about the Woodley’s, and even though my skin is white I am also related to LeMar Woodley, MVP Player for the Pittsburgh Steelers

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Stormy Daniel’s

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Love this thank you Ben and the Meidas Touch Network

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George Conway and Sarah are on this too, George knows who Trump is

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This is what we are facing that’s why I do Podcasts and Substacks I pay for You Tube Premium but it’s better then X

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I also talk to Adam Kinzinger

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Bernie knows too, so does Adam Kinzinger because those that were on the J6 Committee are being targeted that’s why I contacted Liz Cheney. Read her book “Oath and Honor” it covers what Trump is and even though I am a Democrat I care about those that were courageous to speak out like Cassidy Hutchinson

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Thank you Bernie Sanders

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If I had not signed up with The Meidas Touch Network I wouldn’t have known any of this. Screw Elon Musk

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Trump wants to dismantle all programs that help people it’s a coup

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Glenn Kirschner knows too

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George and Sarah are cool plus I like Michael Cohen he knows too talk to him as this is not normal

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The New York Times is reporting this

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Trump’s Anti-Constitutional Power Grab

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MSNBC is reporting this right now, Trump recently spoke to Putin

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This is why the Substacks and Podcasts instead of Social Media especially X

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Bernie is right, the added stress of not having enough month to month, over a long period creates more health problems.

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Definitely, I am waiting to see if my SS check comes next week. If not I’ll have to depend on my shrinking 401k and end up leaving nothing to my kids. I am beyond pissed at this maladministration destroying our country. So much for retirement.

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My wife’s Social Security showed up two days ago plus I was Civil Service for 28 years and just got $7845 back pay my next check is supposed to show up in April

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I’ve been reading that the SSA has been coming after SS recipients for “overpayment “ in benefits. I have never heard of this before and SS payments are pitifully low income anyway for most Americans. I realize mistakes in calculating payments are possible but my understanding is it’s next to impossible to get someone to repair the problem once they have someone in their sights.

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Yeah I read about that too maybe that’s why I got the back pay so soon. I got a letter from them pretty much saying that I would be getting back pay starting Jan of 2024 and that could take several months. Then it came at the beginning of March. Then got another letter yesterday saying my new check would be coming next month

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Ours came on time this month. We’re in Oregon. Good luck.

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I sweated it out and mine was deposited on Wed the day it was due.

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I am with Kathy. I will be waiting to see if I get my SS check next week. I have some savings which I might have to dig into but I am working part time as well to help cover expenses.

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Love and inspired by this leader!!! Underestimated and overlooked. He has been right for years and courageously speaks the truth! 💙💛🩵

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Bernie was up against all the wealthy in 2016. Churches, insurance companies, corporations, millionaires and billionaires.

Bernie wanted everyone to pay their fair share of taxes. They couldn't allow that. So greedy and disgusting. Now we're all suffering and children are dying so they don't have to pay tax??

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Re:2016- It is most unfortunate that the “ upper echelon “ Democrats, despite Bernie’s excellent showing against Trump in the polls, chose to pretty much unanimously push HRC. That is where we lost all the young voters. That is where we lost the election that year to Trump. Simply my opinion as one who has paid close attention.

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More like the nail in the coffin, but it had been accumulating for years, at least since her husband, father of the conservative neo liberals. Most hadn't taken much notice as the noose hadn't quite tightened around people's necks. Obama's handling of the 2008 economic crash and his cowing down when he had a super majority was a giant leap into the abyss we find ourselves in now. Like say, betrayal after betrayal, after betrayal and the end result is Trump. And if there's no fundamental, drastic change he won't be the worst, just like George W. wasn't.

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That's right. If you could believe it burger flippers pay more in taxes than the wealthiest men--Musk, Bezos...etc. All of them has years where they paid nil! Trump had years in the positive, where he got payed. Propublica does great investigative work on this. Highly recommend. https://www.propublica.org/article/the-secret-irs-files-trove-of-never-before-seen-records-reveal-how-the-wealthiest-avoid-income-tax

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Love you Bernie!!!! I’m behind you 100%

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Thank you Bernie for standing up against this corrupt administration and the oligarchs that created it.

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I feel safer with you fighting for us.

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Thank you Bernie! You are a Patriot 💙💙

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Bernie, we are so grateful

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We are so very fortunate to have Bernie Sanders on our team. Everything he has been saying for decades, or his entire adult life, is so true and, right now, so very important.

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Bernie is taking our TRUTH across America for all to hear. Thank you, Bernie!

History will be very kind to the mark you made.

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It has been important for quite some time. Now it's mission critical.

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Whoa 🤯 MTN feeling the Bern 🔥

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Thank you for keeping up the good fight!

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Thank God for the brothers and Bernie, and AOC. Those working towards the betterment of American Citizens.

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We love Bernie!

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Definitely we, the people, want to see people fighting as Bernie is!!! WHY do other representatives and senators not get this???

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Bc they'll be fine either way. They're all millionaires who don't want to pay their fair share of taxes so it's ok for them. They don't know or understand the struggle of the working class and the poor. They donot work for or represent the working class people. They don't know the struggle.

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And it's like that all the way down the line, people don't care as long as they are a rung above the next person, people care about protecting what they feel is theirs. What isn't talked about enough is that raising the standard of living of all of us raised the standard of living for all of us. Working people put money back in to circulation, the rich no not. It doesn't trickle down. The rich have done a great job brainwashing us all that life is a pie, where someone else's piece takes away from us, but it's the rich that are hoarding more than they can ever use, on the backs of the rest of us. At some level they do know, they just don't care.

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Then people need to STOP electing them! But, alas, so many just don't care. Like my neighbor whose comment after the election was for them just to leave her alone (as in not being bothered).

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They're selfish and greedy to be sure. But really it has to do with the foolish two party system and the corruption that it breeds. The years of selling out to corporate interests by gov and media. No body wanted to risk voting for a Ralf Nader, he was talking about this even before Bernie but he ran Green, trying to introduce a third party option. Many on the "left" got mad at him for taking votes from Gore, but he had the right idea all along; having to choose between two parties is one small step away from oligarchy (one party rule), what were dealing with now. People get too stuck in their ways and are afraid of change until it becomes a matter of survival. But this corruption was many years in the making. Citizens United was maybe the breaking point, and some pointed it out, just not the major media. Which is why it's good having all this, meidastouch and Substack. And good to having Bernie and there are plenty more. The ingredients for thwarting this madness and changing for the better are there. Hope it all comes together this time. It kind of has to.

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Bernie is a saint.

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