Trump is treating the world as though it was him as a petulant child, getting back at the world for his perceived slights while clearly suffering from dementia. Musk is a full throated Nazi. I hope the American people wake up because if not now, when?

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From Axios:

Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.), in a text to Axios, said Friday was "a bad day for America's foreign policy."

"Ukraine wants independence, free markets and rule of law. It wants to be part of the West. Russia hates us and our Western values. We should be clear that we stand for freedom," he said.

Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.), in a post on X, called the meeting "a disaster — especially for Ukraine," adding, "Sadly, the only winner of today is Vladimir Putin.

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The meeting between Trump and heroic Zelensky was a total embarrassment! I was not surprised because Trump is an ignorant fool, and JDvance has no class whatsoever, dissing Zelinsky for what he was wearing!?!? Our administration is a total shit show.

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Would it be inappropriate to describe JV Schvantz in this context as "a little bitch"? Just asking.

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Hillbilly couch-fucker is what he is. Why mess with perfection😂

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Absolutely true, although it does not take into account his lap dog behavior at the two-on-one he and his pimp executed on Zelenskyy.

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He gets his wife to clean up after he has blown another orange load into the pillow

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No you're telling the complete truth!

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Love your name!!👏🏼🤣

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Truly, there is NO accounting for taste. 😎

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Musk dresses like the schoolyard bully that he is!!! The South-African piece of shit never wears a suit...........so Marg Toilet Greens Boy Toy got his claim to fame......being just another turd in the White Trash House Shit Show.

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Yep and he MT G,s boyfriend (I refuse to call her congress woman because she is thecword!) confronted Zelenski humiliating him! Or trying to ? not wearing a suit? JD couldn't say he bas been to the Ukraine so? You have hot water when your grid is shot up? Who presses or dry cleans in the Ukraine? Things a little dusty there with blown out windows?

Bombs don't have to hit close to blow out windows JD!! You missed that exposure doing your Marine PR tour, or sheltered by Peter Theil?? Both hillbilly Ohio couch screwer!!

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How easily we forget-- Fidel Castro forever war military fatigues to the Us- United Nations-- I did not sense a dress code for him.. There is Senator John Fetterman- wearing shorts and hoddie and shorts... and then -- well, there is Elon Musk--- wearing a t-shirt long coat and jeans in cabinet meetings- oval office meetings.. etc

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Yes!! He wants to look like a WWll German tank commander!! On Ketamine that can't sit!! What makes one look up with eyes going back and forth at a Presidential inaugeration? Elon will fund you to not ask him that question !! Donald knows!

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SO true. Let's get popcorn and enjoy the Oscar's especially for Actor Sebastian Stan who plays a young Donald in The Apprentice from late 2024!

Great movie.

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And according to several sources, Trump smells like his dirty diaper.

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The whole GOP is worthless , ship them to Russia .

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Lawler and Bacon are making small blurbs for the consumption of their home districts. The votes they cast tell the real story.

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Even an average Joe can understand how to make them stick to their words.

Pressure. Picket them. Sit in.

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Republicans are absolutely notorious for telling their constituents one thing then doing the exact oopposite. They're also notorious for blatantly lying to their faces. I don't trust anything they say, I pay attention to what they actually do.

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Bacon sucks because he knows full on how bad the felon is and he still votes his way. He is in a purple district and ran on being a rino. He has no morals either

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True, but Trump sold him out, too.

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Trump sells EVERYONE out.

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Yes! And messes up any businesses he touches!!

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They can not work with the Democrats; are so worried about getting re-elected they can't or won't do their moral duty; they choose the prize job over We, the People...

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So..just give up. Whose side are you on?

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I don't understand why Republican lawmakers are not standing up against this farce! They should be appalled! Who is the parable on one of them!

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The meeting was a win win for Zelenskyy

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Heroic! 💪 strength in NATO now

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How so? Other than morally and ethically, Zelenskyy comes away with less than nothing, & it's disappointing because he began as an actor, & SHOULD know how to play to an audience, to say (or not say) what it took to puff up the feeble trumpf ego for the sake of his country. Instead we're about to see Russia steamroll both Ukraine & greater Europe to the cheers and erectile dysfunction of tronald dump.

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If you think Zelenskyy could have come away with anything but a pathetic, desperate attempt by our Nazi govt. to embarrass and bully him into a bargain with the devil against his own people, you are not yet facing reality.

Zelenskyy came away with the support of what's left of NATO and the respect of the entire free world. Cap'n Bone Spurs and his idiot sidekicks blew up any remaining bridges with our allies and looked impotent, untrustworthy, dishonest, and ineffective, as they ARE.

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I appreciate your cogent & fairly accurate analysis but I must disagree on one central & crucial point: our president & aspiring dictator is a pathetic & desperately ego-starved child-man in constant need of affirmation. Even with his bitch-boy Schvantz holding his soiled ass up supportively, he needs the stroking to maintain an illusion of non-flaccidity, metaphorically speaking. Zelenskyy has proven himself as a bold leader, but he is also experienced as a PERFORMER, he was as much a TV star as trump, albeit in different format, tho' he worked in comedy so that might have made him more suited for politics. My point was that as a performer, & given his nation's very existence is on the line, he could have prepped for this disastrous meeting by playing the obsequious suck-ass for the cameras. It would have made dumpster smile & the public face of a good meeting would have meant that much more difficulty from his own side & to protect his fragile public persona for trumpf to do the inevitable 180.

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Did you ever consider what following your advice would do to the morale and support of Zelenskyy's people? He knows how to ACT like Rubio or any of the rest of the gutless wonders on display that day, but he has courage and chose not to for good reason. Have you been following what Europe is planning on doing to support him now? He is a hero to the free world because of his response to that disgraceful ambush in the Oval office.

Zelenskyy humiliated Cap'n Bone Spurs, not the other way around. If Zelenskyy had groveled before Cap'n BS he would have emboldened the bully and appeared weak. It's beyond clear that NumptyDumpty will do anything Putin wants him to do. The record is replete with fools who tried to stroke his pathetic need for attention and look where we are now because of it.

We'll have to agree to disagree.

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What day is Zelensky Day again??...........How about the day after the Depends sponsered White Trash House Shit Show.

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In what way was it a "win win" for Zelenskyy?

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"Russia hates us and our Western values." When I went to uni in Russia, there were signs everywhere that read Догнать и перегнать, Catch up and Overtake, referring to America. Putin played the long game and appears to be doing just that.

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I left a message for Don Bacon thanking him for standing up against the traitor. There are no state lines any longer. I donate and volunteer across state lines. They represent all of us.

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Yeah- Nebraska is chocked full of farms and cattle ranches-- they too, like Wisconsin are looking at a crisis-- we tariff commodities - we can not sale gran at a 25% mark-up- Canada at one time was a market for our Chicago Beef Plants..

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Unfortunately that will only continue to encourage his duplicity. I know you had the best intentions, but by & large we're dealing with scumbaggery on a scale rarely seen in this country.

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Oh I know, I live in NC. We have 2 red neck rubber stampers.

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Just HOW did Tass get into the White House????

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Just some of the perks that accompany the "Gold Card".

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Agreed! Ze!enski got I think a spin off of a hero's welcome in the UK the next day! That is a back slap to theDonald!! What JD and Donald did was awful!! The Diaper Donald D's; Destroy, Denounce, Disenfranchise, Disengage, Demonize, Denounce. Dons a stupid buffoon Dictator!! Prove me wrong !

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Wanna bet Lawler goes silent when it's time for him to vote? You'll lose if you think he will actually do anything

So far not one single red Nazi voted against any of Cap'n Bone Spurs' nominees UNLESS they knew their votes would not result in a loss for NumptyDumpty (i.e., Susan "perpetually concerned" Collins and Lisa Murkowsky).

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Those types remind me of a the familiar circus act of a scantily clad standing woman riding two horses simultaneously.

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We must not fall asleep at the wheel, as too many of us have done. It is now, and the alternative to that is NEVER.

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My Magacult friends are now gone 😢 and 😊 Honesty, open conversations are Imperative as WE WON'T BE SILENT to appease them as they sing in their magachurches today.

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Ai pages, ai responses. Now it’s Elons bots turn.

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Yea....Then after MaggotChurch they go home and watch kiddie porn and the latest on PORNHUB

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Well put. My thoughts exactly.

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Yes he dresses like a WWll German tank commander on Ketamine that can't sit still for gosh sakes!! is that why hes..let always standing??

They still have not shown factual evidence of.these agencies are corrupt! He's in it for himself!! Now.he wants.that Verizon contract they got over him for.AI automated.air!! The turd is.affecting all of us? Drive.to Florida.or.fly there? Well? Lets see what Elon did today with the.FAA!!

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Well if you drive, at least you get to stop at South of the Border, or at least be amused by their repetitive highway billboards every 15 ft. Or are they even still in business? Showing my age...

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Yes! I had to stop and think when I drove last? I remember it was a 74 Monte Carlo so? 1984 maybe? Signs were there then! :-)

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Mike is right. Without our action things will only get worst. There are good signs that people are rising up and that trend needs to grow, like we are doing in Canada. There has never been the kind of stern, meaningful and united efforts here in my 74 years of life. Over 85% of Canadians are working together to fight back, using our wallets and protests as our tools. If we can certainly American can. Keep defending your Republic every day.

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Have been up. Didnt vote for him. Anyone with more IQ than the pennies in their pocket can see right through him, and Elon.

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I agree wholeheartedly with you!

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"As though" he were a petulant child? HE IS!

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Perfectly stated: If not now, when?

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So the USA is now the 4th Reich?

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No. It's the Turd Reich.

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Good comment!

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I hope not-- that makes Canada the 51rst state ((((

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Americans get it wrong … it’s 51st to 64th state… so next election the Blue states will win!… oh Trump forgot it more than 1 state… how about Puerto Rico? They’ve waited a long time! Do I hear Cuba next?

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Now: contact your representatives in Congress with this suggestion for Tuesday's BS speech from our Nazi "leader": all who oppose Russia and mos def ALL the dems come with small Ukrainian flags on sticks. Whenever the red Nazis applaud, wave the flags vigorously.

Why? Because it will be reported on national and international news and the free world will see how many Americans support NATO, Ukraine and Europe. I already called Hakeem Jeffries and left the message with him. If for any reason there are rules forbidding this, to hell with them; the Nazis have made it clear they do not respect rules, laws, or freedom of speech unless it supports them. They would then have two choices: 1) have a hissy fit and do nothing or 2) demand security escort flag bearers out of the chamber; this will make an even bigger news splash around the globe and we badly need to tell our allies where we stand.

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As Navalny said, "The only thing we should fear is that we will surrender our homeland to be plundered by a gang of liars, thieves, and hypocrites. That we will surrender without a fight, voluntarily, our own future and the future of our children."

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i cried when they killed him. what an amazing fighter he was.

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Putin tried to kill him twice before he was successful!! He was one of the most courageous people of our time!

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Maybe HE should be Man of the Year -- even Posthumously.

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Believe me that could happen here unless we stand up and fight back. Navalny was a brave man and tried his best to change things.

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And how soon the world has forgotten Nevalny’s bravery and message.

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Thank you for this.

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May I restack this?

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Yes I feel that it's begun big time. 🙄

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I stand with you in this fight… no matter how tired, angry, and even sad at times I get with how they are trying to destroy our democracy and treating every day people 💙

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Definitely been a tough couple of days!

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Tough couple of days for pathological narcissists trxmp and mxsk

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I am a total resistor! This administration is not only illegal, it is immoral. Something has to be done, but there isn't a republican out there with a pair of balls! 😔

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Elizabeth Warren said (I paraphrase) that even with an x-ray machine they can't find their backbones ...

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She DOES have a way with words! 😂

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Thanks for the hard work you do. But here’s a question, I watched your YouTube video this morning that showed Musk stating Social Security is a Ponzi scheme and how he is going to take it away and lay off 5-6k SS administration employees. I collect SS which helps me pay my mortgage and I’m sure a lot of people on here do and do not want to wait until this POS takes it away when it’s clearly our money. What are we going to do? Calling reps isn’t doing nothing especially if you live in a red state and even in a blue state, Democrats don’t have the votes. It’s not like Musk is listening to anyone but Trump anyway. So what can we do before a lot of us lose our livelihood?

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I agree. Ten thousand baby boomers retire everyday and will continue to do so until 2030. We are an enormous voting block. Social Security is an important percentage of seniors retirement income regardless of their political affiliation. When they try and take away our money, which we paid into during our working lives, there will be hell to pay. The Republicans in congress are afraid to lose their jobs if they stand up to Trump. Well guess what - they will lose them to their opposition. Let's organize - today.

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That’s why I brought that question up because I saw Meidas’s YouTube video this morning and we can’t just sit around and not do anything because Musk isn’t listening to anybody but Trump. When it’s taken away, it’s too late.

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What do you suggest Sal?

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I don’t know. That’s why I asked it towards Ben. Maybe he could come up with a plan. If Musk was on Rogans show last night, he’s thinking about going in.

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Musk has too much money to ever go to prison.

He could bribe someone $100 Million to give him a ride to his plane, give an air traffic controller another $100M to let it take off, and take it out of his pocket change.

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So let him go. No one wants him here. And when he touches SS and Medicare…he better make it to his plane and get out of here.

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Is this terrifying to me. I don't have any other income and I don't have any savings. And I have medical bills and prescription. I would be homeless and alone.

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I totally understand. Everyone is concerned and I don’t care about oligarchs and I don’t think the American people will either. If you have, let’s just say 250 million people pissed off, I don’t think they wanna play that game. Musk is all high on ketamine and other drugs when he’s blurting stupidity out.

Call your congressman and Senators tomorrow morning stating you heard Musk talking about SS on Joe Rogan and you are angry. That is our money, not theirs, and Americans will not stand for this.

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there is a Congressional Directory-- they (at one time) posted the offices, in what building they were in.. and Phone / Fax numbers

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Ben won't do anything. He doesn't really "have our backs." He's a good reporter, but other than reporting, what's he going to do for you? Probably nothing.

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I'd suggest tar and feathers, but I guess that's illegal these days but it's a good image. ( It seems pacifism is dying in our house)

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Seriously though some how we need to separate Trump from Musk. He's clearly the instigatotor, the brains and the push behind this. Trump talks a lot but it's always been talk for the most part until he got Putin's ear and Musk's attention. Trump somehow got them a seat at the table.

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Elon Musk is manipulating Donald Trump like Trump is a puppet! And Elon Musk is maybe a genius on one side of his brain but the other one is an immature nutcase!

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Problem also is that they are not even working with Congress so even with us fighting, Musk will just go in and cutoff payments. Trump obviously has turned everything over to Musk.

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Not if we swarm Washington DC and shut the city down. Many seem to believe the military will all take illegal orders. I have family in the military and they see what’s going on. They’re not happy as well since they have family members collecting SS and Medicare.

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Not to mention Trump is wanting to get us in a lot of wars

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Wars are money makers for the oligarch

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True story. B-2 was a puppet for haliburton aka Dick Cheney

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I agree! Shut the city down. I'm not in DC but doing my part in TX.

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There doesn't seem to be as much energy for this like there was in the 70's. If we could get more people on BlueSky, there is a vibrant community of people ready to push back there, but we need to organize consolidate our efforts.


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I don't think it's warming Washington would be a good idea. I did very well peacefully yes but not showing any anger. We don't want to see him like January 6th people. And Trump pardoned them...

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They have something over many of the Republicans though because no matter how ridiculous it is and people push back at them ( and we know they're getting record constituent pushback) they vote to give him anything he asks for. Apparently giving Trump what he wants now is more important than rather the people don't vote for them down the line.

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Protest Mar 4 at noon at your local government building or capitol!

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That will only work if your congressional delegation boycotts the SOTU. We may want to encourage something like that if they are Dems.

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Yeah, this will not end well for them.

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"They will lose them to their opposition . . . " IF there are any more free and fair elections.

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I would figure out another source of income and don’t worry about voting blocks. All elections from here on out will only be for show just like other dictatorships.

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Figure out another source of income!?!? I’m thankful I am still able to do that and I am able to squirrel away every bit of it. But what about the people who are not, the physically/mentally challenged or people that are so old no company would hire them. What other source of income do you expect them to obtain?

It is OUR money that we had taken from our hard-earned pay every week of our adult lives!!

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That was a nonsensical answer. That’s our money. Every single American that has worked and paid taxes or are still working and paying taxes. My sister and her husband are on the verge of being able to collect. They are fuming.

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What can I tell you? Boomers and Latinos and Arabs voted against the woman. Where were they all at election time. I mean being the last legitimate election and all. They all thought project 2025 was a joke🤣. Welcome to reality.

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Your capitulation is disappointing. They are only people and there are more of us than them. Don't give up so easily. And I will never give up what I paid into in Social Security.

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No, they are not "only people." They are people with unfathomable amounts of money and power who are above the law, have the Supreme Court on speed dial, and can control entire countries. Doesn't matter how many of "us" there are. It only took 6 (un)Justices to destroy women's right to bodily autonomy. It's the power that counts, and that power can be bought.

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😂 I’m not capitulating. But let me know when you figure out how to turn out the lights at Fox News. How do you fix decades of poor education and Qanon? There’s no fixing stupid and stupid voted for this . They were warned.

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And I am neither Latino or Arab, but I am a boomer who never watches fox - not anyone’s cult member - and did not vote for this regime. So maybe you are right, therein lies the problem. And what better way to help your fellow citizens than to subscribe to MTN and gift a sub to one of the ill-informed you like to mock.

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He’s an idiot. Don’t give him any attention. I just blocked him. I didn’t vote for this either, I voted for Harris, but I’m on SSDI and worked 35 years and we’re here having a discussion and he comes and says to go and find another source of income.

We want our SS and our country back.

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I like to mock? You make a lot of assumptions. I am Latino and voted for Kamala. It makes me sad they’re all so stupid but giving them a MT sub won’t do it. They don’t even watch the free stuff.

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Are you kidding me? I'm disabled, unable to work. How am I supposed to "figure out another source of income"?!?!?!? I lose SSDI and I'm homeless.

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There’s got to be another way to feel you besides the LIKE heart. It implies I like your situation. I DO NOT like, but I understand your pain and am doing all I can to push back against these cruel assholes currently running our country.

Stay strong! Ty Meidas Mighty and the Meisalas bros.

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Enlist the 3.2% of just the voters WHO DID NOT VOTE - is is an overwhelming majority -- just 3.2%

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"Figure out another source of income"? Are you serious? What is someone who is 96 and disabled going to do? Work at McDonald's alongside Trumpty Dumpty?

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Dude, I'm in my seventies and live in a rural area. I can't drive at night anymore. You don't seem to understand the position of senior citizens who have contributed to social security for 40+ years and retired because they had to. Plus, the job market is about to be flooded with fired federal employees. Who's going to hire us? Show a little understanding of the experience of others.

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Republicans in Congress fear their threatening MAGA constituents more than they fear losing their jobs. That’s basically what Romney revealed to his biographer.

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I would love to get in on this project too crush the Republican administration!

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I am going to call the SSA itself. Put the phone on speaker while I wait on hold for approximately four hours. What are the hold times these days?

There are also physical offices.

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If TrumpMusk initiates a layoff, the folks at SS won’t have a say. They are victims too. Email or call your Rep, Senator, and the White House. BTW both Social Security and Medicare can effectively be dealt with on line.

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For most of us in pay status, our checks come automatically from trust funds, not from general tax revenues, that come from the budget via an algorythm, usually about the 12th of the month. At present they are fully funded.

In 2005, GWB thought he had a mandate to privatize it. A lot of the lies and folklore were generated so speculators could get their hands on the $ 3 trillion in the retirement trust fund.

IMHO the initial targets will be SSI. especially childs' benefits. SSI is NOT funded bt FICA tax and the funding does not come from the SSA trust funds. Virtually everyone on SSI is entitled to Medicare and Medicaid, based on income limits. At the same time that Musk et al are working to diminish SSI, they are doing worse with Medicaid.

Thom Hartmann yesterday--

The plan to “demolish” Social Security is underway right before our eyes: who will stop them? The GOP’s plan to make Americans hate Social Security is well along in its execution. Their scheme — which they’ve been advancing in small increments for 44 years — is brilliantly simple: break the agency’s ability to respond to taxpayers, causing people to have to wait on the phone or travel for hours to stand in line for hours. As complaints mount, Republicans will then point to the “broken Social Security Administration” and pitch a Medicare Advantage-like alternative: privatized “Social Security Advantage,” run by the big New York banks who are reliable GOP donors. Once a critical mass of seniors have moved from SS to the new privatized program, they’ll then just shut down legacy Social Security, arguing that “the free marketplace has spoken.” The key to accelerating the process (Social Security’s administrative staff has been far too small for decades since Reagan first started cutting it) is a new demand from Trump’s acting Social Security Commissioner that the agency cut its workforce by fully fifty percent. Once that happens, all bets are off; the agency may not even be able to get checks out in a timely manner or process applications for new benefits, much less help SS recipients sign up or solve problems they may encounter. As Congressman John Larson noted: “This is nothing more than a backdoor benefit cut and an insult to Americans who have paid into the system and earned their Social Security—all to pay for trillions in new tax cuts for the wealthy.” Social Security Works president Nancy Altman was blunt: “Field offices around the country will close. Wait times for the 1-800 number will soar.” Larson added: “Let me be clear—laying off half of the workforce at the Social Security Administration and shuttering field offices will mean the delay, disruption, and denial of benefits.” Meanwhile, Idaho’s Republican Senator Mike Crapo blocked Bernie Sanders’ attempt this week to give all seniors on Social Security a $2400 annual raise. Noting that the raise would be paid for by having people earning more than $250,000 a year start paying Social Security taxes on all their income above that amount (which is currently exempt from Social Security taxes), Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (a co-sponsor of the legislation) said, “The Social Security Expansion Act will protect the national treasure that is Social Security by extending the trust fund’s solvency for 75 years and expanding benefits by $2,400 a year so that everyone in America can retire with the security and dignity they deserve after a lifetime of hard work.” But big banks and the morbidly rich object, and they own the GOP…

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Then we take to the streets and start a revolution!

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The impatient oligarchs are waiting in the wings for that to happen. Between DUI Hegseth and trumps J6 militias you better have a good back-up plan for your resistance/revolution. I know quite a few are organizing but these groups are splintered. We have to have a united front. There is far more that we have in common that unites us than divides us.

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I deal with both online. I am going to call my rep and Senator again tomorrow morning and let them have it but I’m in a red state so I don’t know how much that will help. As far as what to do, I don’t know what the right thing to do but I do know that it will cause mass chaos.

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They've already caused mass chaos. It will only get worse in degrees.

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Where do they stand on Ukraine?

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Yes he has. But SS will be the straw that breaks the camels back. Someone wrote a huge response about privatizing SS, I read it and no one is buying that. All they know is they paid into it and “It’s their money!” They can’t turn around and say it’s broken…please. No mater what, we still live in a democracy that this immigrant is trying to destroy. It’s not a Ponzi scheme like he stated on Rogan. He takes that ketamine and what other drugs he does and spews nonsense.

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My understanding is they are closing a lot of the offices.

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Last month, i couldn’t get through on the phone- they had to call back and give me an appointment. I am in Venice Fl til April- bur it was tge same when I trued to reach someone in NY, too

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you can't get into the physical offices to meet with anyone without an appointment.

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Is this something new? As I've always been able to walk in.

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I don’t know how long for wait times, I haven’t called in a long time.

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The last time I called (maybe a month ago) the wait time was 120 minutes. Don’t make my mistake, because I work, I was only able to call in the pm. Best time is morning. Plan to leave it on speaker and just go about your day.

Who knows what will happen to the phones and local offices once they take Muskys chainsaw to it though?!?

I will say the on-hold music was chosen to be least annoying.

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The response time is already outrageous. My mother passed away in January from cancer (thank goodness her pain and suffering has ended because I’m certain it would be far worse with the new regime 🤬) I called to make an appt with the local office so my Dad can claim the death benefit and receive her benefit amount (since it is greater). After waiting on hold over an hour, I was told an appointment date and time would be MAILED and if we can’t make the appt we would need to start all over again. As of today, 3 weeks later, crickets!!!

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So sorry for your loss and all you’re going through. Once I had my appointment-the rep was do helpful. Best of luck!

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They are closing our local social security office down

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Even 10 years ago my local Social Security office in a small town had armed security. That was shocking to me.

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That is a very good question. Will any republicans stand up to save Social Security? That is the basis of my income. What will we do? I am trying to do my part by writing letters through the Watchdog Coalition and making calls. I hope everyone else is also doing that.

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I call a lot!! At night, i’ll Leave voice msg-sometimes during the day I reach someone and I also tried to send a Messages via email, and I end up fabricating my ZIP Code because otherwise you can’t leave a message for someone that isn’t your congress person-which isn’t good-as their decisions affect everyone regardless of where we live!

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Using the term “Final Solution” is a 3rd Reich plan…..scary times

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Anything to keep America white.

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Window of opportunity tio pressure Congressional Republicans.....

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The only window for republicans is the one they should get pushed out of.

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Sadly, Florida is a lost cause. It’s embracing Trump, Musk, Vance, and Gov DeSantis is a combination of all three. Florida has been fascist for 6 years and it’s getting worse. DeSantis is going to create a DOGE agency to get rid of state workers. He is also creating his own “Gestapo” type police force. He already has around 800 people in training.

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My heart aches for all the Democrats in Florida, including members of my own family. They have lived there since the mid-Eighties.

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I live in a Dem area represented by 3 House MAGATS -- all who can flip. 2 of the 3 had been Dems, as recently as 2020. All are DEI -- Cuban Americans. All say they object to Trump policy re deportations, especially their own people, Venzuelans and Hatians. Ukraine adds to the pressure.

I send email and call our senators. Rick Scott sent me the following response:

Dear Mr. Solomon,

Thank you for contacting me regarding the war in Ukraine. I appreciate the opportunity to respond.

Russia is a cancerous, evil regime that threatens our national security by attempting to control as much of Europe and Eurasia as it can. It also supports the regimes in Iran, Communist China, Cuba, and Venezuela. All of them continually seek to harm the United States and force us into a position of dependence upon them for our livelihood. Vladimir Putin’s unjustifiable and unlawful invasion of Ukraine is just one more example of this fact. I believe that the United States must continue to stand strongly with Ukraine and provide the lethal military aid it needs to win this war. Putin’s murderous attacks are a threat to our national security and the security of our democratic allies.

While we must continue to support democracy in Ukraine, I will not allow Russia’s unjust invasion to deprioritize or slow progress on solving urgent domestic issues such as securing the border, fighting inflation and rebuilding our national defense. Congress can continue to act and solve these issues, which we owe to the American people.

As Florida’s U.S. Senator, and a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I will continue fighting for allies around the world, while also ensuring we take care of our families here at home. I am proud to represent every citizen in Florida and I appreciate the time you took to provide your position on this matter. Should you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.


Rick Scott

United States Senator

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I trust Rick Scott about as far as I can throw him. He is chair of the Special Committee on Aging & wants to cut Social Security & Medicare. It's a slap in the face that he even heads that committee considering his history of defrauding Medicare.

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True but don't look a gift horse in the mouth. IMHO we are in an emergency situatiion. All hands on deck. He wears his Navy hat. Trump sold him out, too.

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PURE CRAP! Maybe he should put his votes in line with his bs letter!

And btw, if Putin has his way . . . ‘The illegals crossing our border’ ain’t got nothing on what Krasnov and his Putin puppets will do to our children and grandchildren!

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Interesting that I sent an email recently from Scott Dworkin’s site regarding protecting SS , Medicaire, Medicaid to my representatives, my Senators who are Democrats and congressional rep who is republican. I received responses back from my senators but not the republican. I didn’t really expect any response from the republican because I have contacted his office in the past to encourage him to pass legislation like the Pact act, infrastructure etc but all I got was a republican blah blah blah response. I live in SoCal so feel somewhat confident of Democratic leadership, love Governor Newsome , Padilla and Schiff. Expecting to get a republican rep to stand up to the rapey felon and actually govern for the people’s interests is hopeless now. The republican party is a protection criminal enterprise steeped in conspiracy theories and they are a bunch of lemmings.

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I only have red magas for my representatives

They never answer me

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Mean, but reasonable under the circumstances. If they had any honour, they would jump.

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Write. Call. Picket. Sit in.

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Skin color won't route out the Ted Bundy's or the Michael McVays. We are a country of immigrants. And, we are a country of laws. We didn't vote for Musk and those who voted for Trump can't recall their votes. The only thing that can be done is fight peacefully and with purpose to unseat this administration of evil. From what we've seen so far at the town meetings Trump and his band of ignorant racists are not doing well. They will continue to falter as the cult realizes they are not safe.

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I hope you're right.

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welcome back to segregation. where white power rules. the 1 world order

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Nope. Not on our Meidas Mighty watch.

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we will fight this with everything we got

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Onward and upward!

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Sad, but becoming more true every day.

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Women being fired from the military as well as Aframerican, Dei no longer exists, companies can now fire women, transgender rights, Iowa governor removing gender identity, in Michigan a law maker wants too overturn same sex marriage. the list continues

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Definitely agree with Ben re: final solution.

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Yeah I caught that too. Scary esp coming from a bunch of saluting wyt supremacist megalomaniacs.

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The final solution is the worst thought I have had in my entire life.

A handful of visuals I cant get out of my mind tgat I cant even mention hear because you wont forget them either.

Mass euthanasia of anything is a total failure, ground zero, the end...... of this only living planet in the Universe.

So I pray.

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They are apparently following the Project 2025 playbook. One newscaster said they’re about 36% of the way through the 180-day plan. (Remember that its co-author Russell Vought has a high position in T’s administration.)

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Appalled, disgusted just to name a few words. We have a treasonous, domestic terrorists occupying the oval office doing Putin's bidding. Republicans are running with their tail between their legs seeing the rise of people fighting back. Musk needs to be removed from office and arrested, trump needs to be impeached along with Vance. our constitution is being erased right before our eyes. We are not going down without a fight. We need to restore our democracy, constitution before it is too late.

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Start at local government elected assholes.

Cut off at the roots and the whole weed will die.

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Thats is right!

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I’m hearing about Little Trump’s Congress speech is this week coming.

I SAY…. All Demarcates should go…..


When Little Trump begins to talk….. GET UP, 1 by 1 AND WALK OUT!

SEND the MESSAGE to the WORLD that we do not stand behind Trump, and let him feel the SAME HUMILIATION, that he caused!


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I like the optics of this for all the world to see we stand united against tyranny.

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We will prevail over the hyper-criminals running our country -- OUR country, mind you..

We will vote them out during the mid-terms and fight tooth and nail for the remainder of the four year term..

We're going to have to repair massive damage that will take decades, but we'll heal our great country.

They're terrified of MEIDAS TOUCH NETWORK and the MEIDAS MIGHTY. Just look at the vicious attacks upon all of us.. Ben is correct: they fear us, therefore attack us. The attacks will get worse and more frequent. Remember: that is an indicator of our collective success.

Peace and love to all of you..

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In normal times I’d agree with you. Sadly these are not normal times. By midterms many of us will be devastated and our country destroyed. Look what they’ve done in just a few short weeks. What I fear the most is that there will be no midterms, or if there are they certainly won’t be legit. Trump already said “we’ll never have to vote again”. I think we’ve gotten past the point of being civil with these traitors.

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Judging from the court losses thus far it doesn't look like Trump and MAGA are winning. Trump line jumping to SCOTUS isn't going to save him like his galpal Judge who dismissed his case. He's not winning and she will not advance as she likely hoped. The fight is on and there is no going back. No king and no dictator in America.

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Cut them off at the roots, your local government has to be legally attacked.

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Hopefully we get to the midterms without anything going wrong in the meanwhile, for example, DT actually uses martial law to take over the government as a true authoritarian.

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Don’t he won’t either. He’s foaming at the mouth to do it. ✊🇺🇸😎

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We also 36 seats up for the Governers election coming up. as well as special elections coming up in April. understand your assignment. we know what to do!

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It seems every week there is some new assault on our sense of ethics, morality, political correctness and just basic right & wrong. A word from you is like a “booster shot” to get me ready to face the next week of insult and trauma to our country coming from the trump administration. Thanks Ben!

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Thank you the Meidas Brothers, It might not always feel like it Im sure, but here in the UK we are cheering you on and will always stand with the Meidas Mighty in defence of democracy and human dignity, Im currently off to drive to Sandringham so that we can cheer Zelensky on from the streets and let him know that we stand in solidarity with him and all Ukrainians ...

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you in UK know what is good behavior when a hero visits the country.

Thank you great UK!

Maybe you come back to EU ? And Canada also?

Greetings from Germany, my Goverment today talked with high respect about UK!

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Thanks to all of your for all your hard work!!!

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I am in a similar position to you, Sal. I and my husband paid in to Social Security all of our working lives. We now depend on it for a significant portion of our livelihood. I also have an elderly mother who worked hard raising 8 children and now has out-lived her savings. She only survives on SS and Medicaid. We are frightened and disheartened. Every day things are getting worse. I support MeidasTouch for the fact based information you give but also for the moral uplifting you are attempting to provide. I call my state congressmen. I have demonstrated in the street. I speak up. I still feel discouraged. Trump is a classic narcissistic sociopath. He has bewitched MAGA. God save America.

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Thank you for continuing to bringing.


I will never support fascism, nazis, tRump, or his MAGAts that follow him.

I will always be on the side of truth and democracy till I breathe my last breathe either naturally or by their evil means.

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I know

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Evil means cut both ways

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The evil I speak of is tRump and his MAGAts

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Thank you for articulating this struggle between good and evil so well. Overseas ( NZ) we feel impotent rage . All we can do is add our rage to yours in any way we can. Stay safe.

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You have given us our marching orders. Now march!

“We cede no ground, we cede no territory—we push forward, go on the offense, and ensure our framework and worldview prevail instead of existing within the contours of a right-wing hellscape and constantly playing defense.”

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