Trump has betrayed AMERICA! Period.

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Glad you found and agree with Jerry Weiss. I hope more energetic readers here at substack find his “Feathers of Hope” and his followership takes off !

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IMHO acquiescence to Putin is the least common denominator.

But all politics is local so where I live 3 MAGAT Cuban American House members deplore Trump deportation of their own people, most who have valid visas or are humanitarian visa sponsors. 2 of 3 had been Democrats. One born in Cuba. When Musk fired people in South Florida, most are Republicans.

In California several minority Republican House members....

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Vote out ALL the republicans! trump could not have gotten this far all by himself. He had help from the Republican congress.

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If they say things in private, RECORD THEM. Once you have recordings of all of them then release it to the public. There will be too many of them to ignore so they may then stick together and stand up to the tyrant!

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They'll never stand up to them as long as he's greasing their palms. They are $ellouts to a $ouldout, $ouless POS. Putrid owns him lock, stock, and barrel, and Musk? Well, in his mind (and that of his son, apparently), Musk just bought himself America! His little son told Trump, "You're not the president. STFU." Did we see and hear that? Musk standing in our beloved and sacred Oval Office high as a kite (ketamine addict) in a baseball cap and overcoat while the overweight diaper-wearing orange-faced slob who's been installed by Project2025 sat, hands folded, nodding to everything his doped-up co-president said. Outrageous!

It's up to us to show him, Trump and the MAGAT group of cannibals we're not taking this crap sitting down. We must unite as one voice regardless of party, race, skin color, religion, sexual identity, age, etc., to recapture the America we deserve. The tool of our enemy is what got us to this day of horrors- divide and conquer. Trump thrives on destruction. He dines on hate as a daily meal. He has been evil since birth. He should have been stopped after JAN 26. I'll never understand why it didn't happen. Never.

Trump accused the Haitians and the people of Congo, he claimed over and over again that other countries were sending people from prison, mental institutions, etc. He is a stupid person. He's too dumb not to repeat the same sing-song scripted BS over and over. He complains about illegals when he and most everyone else in DC have undocumented people serving in their households!

It's accepted and never talked about. They bring young people here with the promise of an education and better life, then take their passports and work them 24/7. Think that's fantasy? Dig a little deeper; it's real life, and it's true. They all do it. These hard-working people are nannies, chauffeurs, maids, and housekeepers, yet they are kept shielded for the most part. Oh, you may see them when the weather is nice, pushing a pram or walking the family dog. Otherwise, they're kept shielded from "outsiders," aka just us regular citizens.

People who gave up thinking for themselves decided to cheer him on believing they were special. Well, FAFO. Nobody is "special" except WIIFM Trump. Do we get it now? Do we see we need to reach out to our neighbors? To our communities?Do we see SCOTUS as a complete and utter failure?

What else does it have to take for us to get up, roll out, and link arms in support of one another? AFAF --Brook aka Mrs. Ed

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You are correct. What you describe is called slavery, and it is more widespread now than at anytime in history.

Also, people are so stupid, they won't wake up until it injures them directly. It's fine for everyone else to lose their livelihoods or be deported, but once it happens to them . . . . then shit gets real.

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We may never get to vote again. Check out Feathers of Hope.

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He also has “help” from all the bribery of billionaires on down the chain.

It’s time he all of them are removed one way or another.

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I agree! Get rid of all of them!

They are all enemies of the state.

Just look at what he's doing & they follow him like lemmies!

I wish he'd jump off a cliff & they followed him!!

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The point of Doge is to destroy the government. Nothing is about efficiency. I believe it’s all a smoke screen to distract from the ultimate goal.

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The only really reason for doge is to make money for Musk and trump

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Once they destroy these governmental bodies they will privatize them; a true oligarchy. They are well on their way with the united states postal service. We've seen what a disaster for-profit prisons have made--we have the largest prison population in the world, 1.8 million! It's all for greed, and greed is NOT good.

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NATO we need HELP! We are at war with our government!

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They are frantically trying to gear up for their own defense against trump AND save Ukraine against the trump-Putin alliance. They know that 77 million Americans voted for him and 90 million didn’t bother to vote at all. Their dedication to us is a bit thin at the moment. We are going to have to fight him on our own.

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We can’t even get our own media in Orange County Ca to report our demonstrations against Trump/Musk. However a convicted and pardoned felon was key note speaker at a local Republican luncheon yesterday and considered a hero.

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That's sickening.

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Of course he was.

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Coward in Chief

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Golfer in chief

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Right! Cheater in Chief applies as well🤬

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At this point, it’s not just the Reps who fear him, it seems. The betrayal of elected Dems who censured a fellow member for speaking truth to power are also spineless. Why give money to a party that can’t get out of their own way and then eats their own? I’ve been a Dem my entire adult life, have never voted for a Rep. what’s going on now is disgraceful & I hope they get primaried.

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This is true. My rep was one of the Dems who voted for censure. He is otherwise a good, talented, and hardworking Congressman. We simply disagree on this point. But I did make the point to him that I, too, was ceasing contributions to the party until such time as it demonstrates a spine.

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Getting vindictive won't help. Publicize the errors. Show how they hurt people of both parties, be it Republican or Democrat. Show how attacking allies hurts the US around the world. For attacks on NATO & allies, show that they supported the US after 9/11, without asking to be paid back. Including Ukraine, a loyal ally of NATO (& the US) since 1991.

Eventually Republican voters will start to see how they are being hurt by the chaos of Trump policies. They will start to oppose Trump, or at least sit on their hands in the next election. Remember that Trump won by a very slim margin.

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I wish these Republicans would wake up to the fact that they are getting voted out UNLESS they stand up to the PINO. The masses don’t like him. FYI, I’m an Independent.

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Too many of the masses DO like him. It doesn't matter to them that they're getting screwed, as long as all the people they hate (and that's a lot of people) are getting screwed too.

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Apologies for the non sequitur - but I really want to directly tell SOMEONE in the DNC that I used to be a reliable and generous contributor but will never again donate to the whole while it chastises democrats who stand up but tolerates those who lie down and kiss the ring, only to individual democrats who are actually taking up for us. Writing a letter or email won’t do it; I need a person to directly hear my outrage and grief and need to reply in that moment. Does anyone know how I can accomplish that?

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I completely agree — I replied caustically to Mark Warner “no more )$$$s after his stupid comment about Trumphuk having done done good things on immigration — later to recant. Well i recanted too — no more money for Damnacrat wimps and putzes!!

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I feel the same way but have sent $ for Jon Osoff for Georgia Senate race. Don’t know if I spelled his name right.

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You should contact the DNC and DCCC and tell them just that. I have contacted the chair and vice chairs as well as used the contact forms on their sites 😉

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Right! Since as I’ve said I’m not looking to send a letter or email and want an in person, immediate response - do you have a phone number I can call? I’ve looked online and can’t find one 🤷‍♀️

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DNC (202) 863-8000

DCCC (202) 863-1500

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Thank you 🫡🥰

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Thanks. I have it but it's ALWAYS good to keep repeating it!

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Stop the coup! No D cooperation in Congress until Musk/DOGE fired‼️

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Hard to believe SCARED... All it takes is majority of even Half SCAREDY weaklings .. and IMPEACH… then Vance next & he will be out on notice… NOW WE ARE ON a Roll ❗️VANCE WALKS BACK TRUMP TRAITOR ACTS.. or BOOM .. IMPEACH #2…,NOW MIKEY J. He now knows the drill goes… or HIS GONE TOO!!! SCARED HAS NO PLACE in our FIGHT FOR AMERICAS LIFE❗️… Tell them ❗️☎️ 202-224-3121… Capitol HIll switchboard - VM SHOULD BE ON duringvhy weekends❗️☎️🇺🇸

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You are a scary incohernet fucking pig

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You're insane. Disgusting. Must be a Dictator Criminal Orange Buffoon Deranged Psycho fan.

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Called BOARS… rhymes with you… BOARING🐽

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I am a Veteran and for that reason i would have voted for a DOG TURD before I voted for DJ TRUMP and yet MANY veterans voted for the man. SO, we make a CHOICE to sign a blank check to serve our country, many because they can't find a job after high school especially if they could not afford school beyond HS. We made a choice, it is NICE to be thanked for my service but i am no one special because of it, I MADE THE CHOICE, They made the choice as well they made a choice knowing Trump was corrupt, that he called us Sucker and losers because he was a coward with BONE SPURS, they knew he was a grifter, they knew he was a BALD-FACED-LIAR, they knew he was an adjudicated rapist a 34 count convicted felon and if that was not bad enough he pissed on the Constitution 2021/01/06!!!!!!!!!!! They voted for him knowing he demanded the USS John McCain be moved out of his sight, all this and they voted for him anyway, knowing how badly he F*C*ED up COVID and didn't take any responsibility, they voted for him after a million people DIED, they voted for him. As a Veteran I am saying THEY didn't CARE for America when they voted for TRUMP, WHY SHOULD PEOPLE CARE ABOUT THEM NOW WHEN THEY DID THIS TO THEMSELVES! People won't say the quiet part out loud because it is veterans. People should have said January 6th was a Bridge too far and yet these people didn't care until they started to be affected! Too Late! :'(

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I read about Seth Moulton in the Boston Globe (used to live there). Talked to a close friend who is a city employee in Moulton's district. He

s one of the good guys, not a progressive extremist even though he is a Mass. Democrat. I hope to hear more from him.

My current congressional rep. is a "moderate Republican". I call his office every day, identify myself as a registered Independent, Ret. RN, MPH, US Army Reserves medical officer. We have a lot of veterans in this huge district (CD3, Western Slope, CO) and a very important VA hospital and services in Grand Junction, Hurd's town).

I'm glad Seth Moulton brought this up. It's huge.

Ilene Blenky

Ridgway, CO 81432

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I have been reading comments on Nextdoor and it is shocking how the Magats are rationalizing everything. They blame Biden for the Ukrainian war!!! One made a forever post about her husband not getting the proper care at the Vet hospital so was in favor of all of the cuts to Veteran Affairs. It’s absolutely mind boggling. I feel like there is no way we can pull these people out from this black hole. We just need to focus on the ones who didn’t vote.

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When politicians place their career above caring for their constituents, it is time for them to find a new job because they don't do the one they currently have.

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So true! If all or enough of them who disagree with what trump is doing, would collectively speak out publicly about it and legislate accordingly, SHOW SOME SPINE and LEAD like they are supposed to, it would go a long way toward breaking the spell of MAGA and taking power away from Donald.

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Excellent, Stef, thank you for sharing. Will do.

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Thanks! Couldn't get it into my email but I managed to copy and paste it onto a new email, then sent it to myself. Great! Hope others will contact their senators and congresspeople this way. Please, everyone, look at this one!!!!

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GOP may not like what Trump is doing, however, they obviously care more about their own reelection than they do about the veterans, then they do about their constituents who might lose Medicaid. I have no use for anyone who backs a fascist for their own self interests. They are elected to protect and support the constitution and their constituents. Either do their job or get out.

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