So tired of elected con men accusing us of being lazy while we are working two jobs and still can’t pay the rent or afford healthcare.

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When are some of these self-proclaimed macho men, in the GOP and MAGA, going to stand up to Trump, FOR OUR COUNTRY, DEMOCRACY, CONSTITUTION, RULE OF LAW?! So far they have proven to be lying spineless traitors, who continue to kiss Trump's ass for a buck, and Iawless, unlimited power! How do they even look their children, families, and constituents in the eye, while betraying them all every day. All will be recorded in history, as a complete corrupt disgrace, traitors to the United States of America, who chose to turn their backs on the USA, betray us, and team with communist, murderous Russia, and has stomped all over our Constitution and laws.


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The spineless Republicans are going along with it and not representing their constituents or honoring the oath they took to protect the Constitution from enemies, foreign and domestic.

Republicans who remains silent about this attack on democracy are making a statement about their loyalties. I do not see any of them standing up against this "regime". Do you not support the Constitution and American people? Just bullies attacking the leader of a sovereign nation.

It will be a very long four years and I will be wearing these kinds of shirts everyday until this nightmare ends 👇


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Better yet, find or make a sh** colored shirt with a mashup of Trump and Musk on the front and a montage of Republican Senators and Congressmen on the back. And if the color is not suggestive enough, a photo of a big pile of poo alongwith.

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with little steamy squiggly lines curling upwards

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When? It will happen when several of Trump's devotees find out firsthand that he DGAF about them! Every individual in his inner circle can be dismissed the instant the orange monster decides they are "not loyal." Not one person associated with him is safe.

Look at the recent past associates who went out of their way to praise him and preach that the election wasn't stolen. Where are they today? Trump doesn't mention them any longer.

He's unworthy, unprepared, uncouth, uncontrollable and vicious. Perhaps the lights will come on and people will flee--before he comes up with some made-up excuse to kick them to the curb.

Disgraceful and shameful--and traitorous is who and what he is. Same goes for his buddies Musk, Vance, and Johnson.

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Let us not forget that when this pathetic excuse for a human being was married to his first wife he started losing his hair. She suggested he try hair plugs, which he did. Furious at the less than successful results he yanked huge hanks of hair off the top of her head. Ivana was the mother of the first three of his five children, let us also remember. Character is everything.

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True. She also said he raped her then took it back after he threatened her. The fact that he buried her on his golf course speaks volumes! I don’t recall an autopsy report on her death as reported.

The woman lived alone in her mansion for a number of years. Going up and down that staircase wasn’t foreign to her. I don’t believe the reports—and I noted the timing of this “most unfortunate end” for the mother of his three adult children!

They must be A-ok with their mother’s burial site which, according to reports and photos, is unkempt and overgrown with weeds. The apples haven’t fallen far from the tree, have they? Shame on him. Shame on them.

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And now she's buried on his golf course collecting weeds on her untended grave. I think it's entirely possible he or one of his horrid children pushed her down the stairs and killed her. And hanged Jeffrey Epstein too. There is absolutely nothing too horrible these cretins wouldn't do.

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I agree. I've been pacing back and forth about what we can do. I have emailed the senator in my district. I have boycotted. This administration is deliberately eroding everything we believe in along with the constitution. I'm wondering if all the democrat movements would unite and become a stronger force in making the much needed changes for our country. Do you think that would work?

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As Ben Franklin said at the signing of the Declaration: "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." They were business people, lawyers, merchants, southern aristocrats, scientists, doctors, even a minister or two. Slave owners, abolitionists, religious, non religious, soldiers, civilians, rich and stayed rich, rich and lost everything, middle class, lower class. They disagreed on many issues. But they firmly believed in the United States, as did the people who wrote the first constitution. And they were willing to die for the country. We NEED that again, regardless of party. That's what's missing. Ds for the most part have it. But Rs - unless the silent ones, the Bushes, Romneys, Cheneys, the ones who served in the first administration, the soldiers who will be told to take an oath to POS, etc. start to put the country first and defy Skum and POS, there is little chance to get rid of the greatest threat we face since the Civil War.

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If the Republicans are afraid, they are in the wrong business.

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Exactly! Well said!

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Well Barbara, the Republicans in Congress are too busy applying for Russian passports to actually do their jobs...

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That’s a great slogan for a protest sign.

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That was great, especially since it was reported on by Fox! Thank you, Vermont!

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We are pretty great! And Vance sucks so bad!

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V🤮nice needs to ski. 🎿. Somewhere else. Like in Russia 🇷🇺

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It doesn’t affect them so they don’t care. Like forcing a woman to carry a dead fetus in her womb and refusing medical care for miscarriages. It doesn’t affect them.

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Or medical care at all! They have a great medical plan. Lifeboats are just for 1st class…

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They need to have a procedure done. In 1977 there was a woman who cut off her husband‘s appendage.

After he had beaten her . Maybe that’s what needs to happen to these men. If it wasn’t for them, we women would not get pregnant.

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and they have spectacular health care plans paid for by YOU!

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I keep hearing that, but it's not true. They have the same health plan as every other federal employee, and pay for it in part like any other federal employee. Unless they opt out of it and buy their own plans. Their pension plan is also the same as any other federal employee, which means they also contribute to it, pay into SS and Medicare, and have time in service provisions they have to follow. Congress probably gets other perks related to their jobs, as well as other political appointees. Where they have a distinct advantage is that they can't be separated (kicked out) for not doing their jobs - indeed, they seem to be rewarded by their voters. And emoluments parts of the Constitution and conflict of interest doesn't seem to apply to them whereas the rank-and-file career employees would be tossed out, if not prosecuted, for those issues.

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Thank you for that. Is it the same for the Senate?

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You're welcome, and yes.

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Agreed, so out of touch with the reality of the working class

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I can tell you that a lot of people ARE buying it. Downstate Illinois (blue state/red county) is still full of Trump flags and our little local rag has nothing but praise for Musk and Trump. MAGAts want destruction even though they don’t seem to understand they’re destroying themselves. It’s very like a suicide cult.

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So, LET THEM! leave the stupids to themselves and let's try to get the filth out of our WH. ignore the morons and let's get to peaceful protesting to let them know We the People do not approve.

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And when protesting doesn’t work because the MSM doesn’t show ‘the people’, what then? When they make peaceful revolution impossible…

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The MSM can't compete with old-fashioned word of mouth. Nobody should be depending on them to be truthful or accurate. The Resistance is a people-to-people movement and independent of legacy media. They can go kick rocks because the movement is growing daily--thanks in great measure to MTN and The Meidas Mighty.

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We are boycotting the billionaires corporations!!

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Don't forget social media: Facebook, Instagram, Google, X ...

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Look, we don't have to say it. I think we all know what will happen after the protests die down. Trump and his Gestapo are counting on us getting tired of being able to do nothing. There are other forces forming that have nothing to do with you or I that are going to take down this regime so we can restore law and order. They are trained and equip to handle what we cannot. Think of the past history and where all the dictators are which were not caused by "natural". Just stand strong and watch.

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Nah, if it starts really affecting our livelihoods, that’s it. No more waiting around. We’ve been doing everything to just live, and they just wanna screw us over even more? Nah.

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Whatever you do, please don't resort to violence. That's what Cap'n Bone Spurs wants so he can declare martial law and throw his opponents in jail. Be very careful and don't play into his hands.

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They won’t win, no matter what.

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Already happening across the land.

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Excellent way to put it: Suicide Cult!

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yes its a cult

dont try to teach the ignorant, they feel good...the awakening will give them depression..

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They may pretend to buy it for the sake of staying alive or in business. I suspect some are flying the Trump Musk flags in a bid to have MAGATS think they support the orange madman--not because they actually do. It may be an effort to avoid his wrath. In the end, however, it won't matter because Trump is bound to go off the rails with anyone--friend or foe alike. He cannot be trusted. He should never be believed.

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Does that mean they are spineless and are only interested in the $, stay afloat, survive and f'k the rest of us?

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Yup. That’s exactly what it means. The Rethuglicans decided to hold town halls thinking they would be greeted by adoring fans. They FAFO it’s not happening. So, Clay Higgins opted for a tele town hall. No idea how many accepted his invitation. He’s playing safe.

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They're slow learners too scared to face reality. Sad!

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Stupidity is destroying our nation! Stupidity is what destroyed all the great empires!

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This writer says it out loud; Trump voters are stupid and this is their fault and it’s okay to say it.


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They had a great deal of help from those who purged voter rolls.

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Yes! That information is trickling out, largely thanks to MTN.

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you are absolutely correct.....but not nearly enough is being said about the voter suppression being committed by the GOP around states throughout the country...

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If by stupid you mean fearful, ignorant, and morally compromised, I'd say yes. My evidence for them not all being 'stupid' is the large number of highly educated and somewhat or very 'successful' people who are part of his entourage.

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I can’t argue with that. Many of them are “successful” according to common metrics.

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Yes. Toss in greed and immorality, too. These creatures are monsters. They're power drunk and pure evil. Let's see how long this mess lasts. History has shown how the high and mighty are eventually reduced to ashes. I smell smoke.

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Hate to break it to you, but greed, venality, moral turpitude, inaction on behalf of the truth AND stupidity hollowed out most empires.

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Don't forget indolence, hubris, and the complacency of empires and their spoiled citizens.

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Project 2025 loves ignorant taxpayers. They believe the lies and are loyal to their captors…..until they’re not! Retribution boomerang, Donnie!

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"The elderly, who've worked their entire lives to get $800 a month on Social Security, AREN'T bankrupting America. It's TAX-EVADING billionaires, like Musk and Trump, who are BLEEDING this country dry!" (Occupy Democrats)

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“Dear world, we're sorry he's a walking advertisement for birth control, an embodiment of stepping on a lego, a life-sized typo, a warm beer served in a dirty glass, a person-shaped pile of shame, and a waste of perfectly good oxygen. Sincerely, half of the USA.”

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DOGE, Musk need to go. Oh by the way. Musk must return the MONEY he received from. USAID.

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And forfeit his government contracts. Revoke his citizenship, seize his US assets and deport him.

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It was treason committed on camera. Take action now!

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Consumer boycott. I’ve already started.

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Consumer boycott. That’s what we all need to do. I started on Inauguration Day. It may have to escalate to a national strike. I’ve cut all discretionary spending. There will be pain either way; might as well feel pain in service to a higher good.

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I agree.

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I agree too. I have also cut spending and only shop at Costco, a couple of non-corporate local grocers, and a couple of local independent shops.

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Yes, I like Costco too, because they treat their employees well, and their CEO makes a relatively modest salary compared to others. I’m still trying to keep my purchases limited to essentials though. My goal isn’t to hurt Costco, but to hurt the whole economic picture, which is largely consumer driven. Trump measures his performance by the stock market, so that’s where he needs to be hit. Just this year I had to start taking withdrawals from my IRA, so if the market tanks I will feel it. There will be pain regardless, so I prefer to go down fighting however I can. Thank you for engaging! This seems to be spreading!

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I'm pretty lean all the time (I'm making a fence from trees harvested behind my house) but I will try and convince my son who seems addicted to Amazon

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Sick of these congressmen get their pay cut and no health care.

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I wonder how many ignorant MAGAs thought they would be exempt from Trump's massive cruelty and destruction?!

You can bet that the wealthy will have everything available to them, that they take away from us.

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Agree. But, that's always been the case. The wealthy have no desire or intention of working a 9 to 5 or running a family-owned business. They want the American Dream hard-working Americans are kept from achieving--regardless of how hard we work or how many jobs we have to hold down in order to make ends meet.

That's why "The system isn't broken. It's working exactly how it's planned--for the high and mighty." That ain't most of us!

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"The elderly, who've worked their entire lives to get $800 a month on Social Security, AREN'T bankrupting America. It's TAX-EVADING billionaires, like Musk and Trump, who are BLEEDING this country dry!" (Occupy Democrats)

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"We will fight shoulder to shoulder, every day, and we will win in the end. The truth will prevail. Love will prevail over hate. Democracy will prevail over fascism."

Meidas Mighty = Truth, Facts, Empathy, Compassion, Strength, Sanity, Inclusiveness, Resilience, Diversity, Understanding, Intelligence, Morals, Values, Support, Determination, Equality, Patriotism, Community. TRUTH TO POWER.

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Love it, Barbara! Amen!

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Yes, Ma'am!!!!!

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The whole world is watching America destroy itself from within.

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Yes. Our allies are appalled and disappointed in us big time. Out enemies--Putin, Xi, and Kim are totally rejoicing.

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I don’t know if this country can survive 4 years of this lunatic. I’m on ss and I don’t know what I would do without it. This has to stop!

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Trump isn't going to be able to keep up. I think of Germany and how for a time their leader thought he would rule the World. Didn't happen, did it? There are going to be a few surprises in store for this administration--the least of which will be rats off the ship first.

Once it becomes evident to MAGATS they have no hope of turning America into ashes they'll peel off one by one at first and then the real exodus will start. The problem for them is they have no assurances from one moment to the next they'll be protected if they somehow run afoul of Der Fuhrer.

Who will give them shelter? They'll be turned out to hit the curb, and nobody is going to help them. Not even the families and/or friends they had before pledging allegiance to Satan's manservant will risk being put in the spotlight.

MAGATS are on a journey to nowhere. They're just not seeing it now, but it will become apparent as the collapse of this administration picks up speed. Trump is so given to rage and impulse that he's his own worst enemy. He will blame those around him as his political career and worldwide influence falter and move into the foreground.

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They should have been more clear when they said we need to take care of our own first. I mistakenly thought they meant Americans who need help. Wonder if Trumpians understood it to mean make the ultra-rich wealthier at the expense of those who need help? This just floors me and now I understand how Germany let an idiot like Hitler gain control. Induce fear and then manipulate. This sucks.

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You first two sentences sum it up perfectly. I didn't vote for that rude, obnoxious, selfish-centered egotistical idiot in the Oval Office, but I did have some hope that what you stated in your comment would take place. And to cut social security???? WE, THE PEOPLE HAVE WORKED FOR THAT. it's amazing how those asshole republiCRAPS believe that "lazy people who have never worked are collecting it." W-H-A-T???????????? And the same goes for people on medicaid? The jerks still think that millions of people who are on it are taking advantage of them by getting it. They just don't/can't make enough money to support themselves. (Um...wonder whose fault that is--guess who--filthy rich CEO's--republiCRAPS--who just don't pay their employees enough to make ends meet.) I'd rather earn my own way if I possibly can than collect from the government. I think the majority of us would.

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Exactly. Most Medicaid is for mom/babies, developmentally disabled children, and disabled senior citizens. These are not grifters, they are human beings who need help to survive. Elon Musk couldn’t spend his fortune if given a thousand years and here we are stuffing his pockets at the expense of American families.

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They don't f'ing care about Americans. Trump is so corrupt nothing will change. The Republicans are demolishing the government to the point where our votes won't count. He said that right before the election. If nothing is done now we are screwed. Simple. Trump will call the Insurrection Act when we the people protest, than Martial law. I hope someone out there can deny my fear.

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You and me both........

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Yeah. Massachusetts. We elected him🍀🇺🇦

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