He is manipulating the markets and no one to investigate him.

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I was thinking the very same thing. It’s been only a few weeks but it feels like a darn lifetime of this administration’s ludicrously.

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This is 100% what the melon felon is doing. Eric Trump posted on X to buy in the dips. Insider trading used to be a crime.

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Before being in public office became a crime.

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Call the SEC and FBI and Attorney General!

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They are all in Trump's pocket.

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FBI? Are you paying attention? They have been seized by cash Patel!

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All sycophants

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Ignorant, idiot a@@holes. Ca't get more deranged than they are.

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Trump loyalty not the citizens they are supposed to represent.

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Won't do any good. the Dipshit and the muskRAT control those and the attorney general, too. But guess it's worth s try.

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Are you saying he’s rigged the legal system so he’s above the law? Nah that can’t be. Even the Supreme Court said in America no one is above the law. They will put a stop to this criminal law breaking!

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Until the tanks arrive.

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If you think he's doing it intentionally, you may be giving him too much credit.

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Nobody said he is making the decisions

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That is exactly what he's doing! Stock traders make money either way: they don't care if the market is moving up or moving down, as long as it's moving.

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You beat me to it. It's blatant and one would have to be moron not to see it.

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My thoughts exactly!

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I think Trump knows the market will swing every time he makes his reversals and all his buddies are making a killing buying low and selling high.

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The pump and dump routine. And Musk has a history of market manipulation?

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Insider trading…

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It is but there's no one left to investigate it.

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Isn’t this right out of the Project 2025 playbook? Tanking the market and the economy. All the guardrails are being removed so the recession will be closer to a depression and the far right can rebuild the country in their image. I thought it was simple manipulation to enrich his cronies, but it’s much more than that.

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How do we find out if Delusional Donnie or ANY of his buddies are shorting the market?! Bet they are!

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I'm sure they are. But who will investigate and even if they do who will do anything about it?

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If you look at the charts for bitcoin, doge coin and trump coin on March 2 between 8-12 there are huge buys. Someone pumped it. Now why would someone do that? Why would someone make such a risky move? It had to be someone with a lot of money. Someone who knew some news was coming out, possibly. Someone with an inside source? The next day the orange clown put out a message first thing stating there was going to be a crypto reserve starting soon or something of the sort. Crypto pumped. Once it got past the point of the peak where those coins were bought it dumped. All at the exact same time. Coincidence? Those are the three coins I have looked at. Interesting that they are E and T’s. I do have a picture of them side by side but cannot attach it here in these particular comments. Doesn’t seem it’s an option. Someone did say they are opening an investigation into them for market manipulation for that scenario but I cannot remember who it was.

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The crypto push is a major source of fuel from shady « investors » , re: Russia, UAE, etc.

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So, all of his besties then? 🤦‍♀️

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So the SEC has already been silenced. Must be some securities lawyers who know an answer or two.

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We don't have to "find out," we already know they are.

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I’d bet there’s been incredible activity selling before the dip( palantir ceo did this) then playing the short and long game. But ultimately, it looks like Project 2025s plan. See: https://www.americanprogress.org/article/project-2025-would-allow-financial-disaster-to-bolster-wall-streets-bottom-line/

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Yes definitely Proj 2025

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See Yarvin. Dark Mirror. Anarchy for the fun of it.

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Heather Cox Richardson linked a Substack column at end of her column today. It is fascinating and scary. It's "The view from rural Missouri" by Jess Piper. Briefly, she has been watching Project 25 in her state for 20 years. It's truly scary. She titled it something like " I know what you're doing." I recommend it if you can find it.

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Great reads and dead on. It’s gonna get really ugly really soon gang.

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It feels like money laundering and insider trading.

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It feels like because President Biden created tons of jobs and left a great record on that score, that Trump is very specifically to tear away all of those jobs. Trump is the enemy of the United States, and he treats Americans like he despises us to the core. I miss President Biden more than I can articulate here.

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Remember when 🍊💩🤡 kept saying the enemy within? As usual it was all about him because HE IS THE ENEMY WITHIN!!!

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Me too; at least I slept good.

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Trump is a dumb fuck.

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Maybe not as dumb as we’d like, but open to manipulation. He’ll over reach somewhere.

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Well said!

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The world has an easy blueprint on how to manipulate Trump and get him to cave in on his threats, and Trump will never realize that he will be played for a fool by everyone.

It will only be a matter of time before Trump and his MAGA/GOP goons won't be able to run away or deflect accountability anymore. If judges and other people who keep justice won't do the work, the American people will get their hands dirty to do the cleanup.

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Folks get very upset when you try to take their Social Security away. And, they have weapons.

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And many of us "cut our teeth" on the Vietnam War era protests... #justsayin' #MeidasMighty

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Yup! By June, when trump blames Biden for our problems, folks will think Biden is not in charge anymore! Prices go up and in my 78 years, I have never seen them come down.

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That’s the only way this going to end. Resist, or it will persist. ✊🇺🇸🇺🇦😎

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French Revolution

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He has more interest in Canada than in Mexico. We are the ones who have the fresh water, the minerals, the lumber etc. We also have control of a large section of the Arctic, close to both Greenland and more of northern Russia, his buddy Putin.

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Trump is trash

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I agree!

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I’m so sick of the lies and propaganda by fricking fox too. I hate that station.

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Hate Fox? Turn it OFF!

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Let the advertisers for Fox that you will not spend money on them until they stop supporting the lies and hate sold by fix news.

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We don't have to watch it to hate it. Their shithead reporting makes news elsewhere. It invades the late night monologs, the morning news and news radio.

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Sounds like insider trading to me

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I'm getting tired of hearing that people are fed up. It's the same story. Trump keeps breaking things and Americans are fed up. When are Americans going to rise up instead of being fed up!!

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Not only were they not fed up, they voted for him, and red up and down the ballot. I haven't seen much evidence that they are fed up as of yet. They didn't believe us before and until they are personally affected they aren't going to believe it now

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Some are being affected and there are small squeaks happening locally but the more Trump slashes and burns across the US, more people are going to be affected and they can't simply blame Biden anymore.

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French Revolution

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We still need to emphasize his allegiance to Putin which goes back probably to the’80’s and has not been sufficiently exposed.

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Trudeau is the problem? He smacked him upside the head with his own Canadian tariffs. What did Mango Mussolini think? That we were just going to take it? What a dumb fu#k.

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It’s bad enough that he is crashing the market but he also wants to take away social security so I won’t have any retirement money! I retired in 2021 and I am really struggling financially because of needing dental work. But if you are Voldemort everything is some one else’s fault.

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I left a marriage with a narcissist I can’t with him!

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