I think he’s cognitively impaired.

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Let me post this once more. Trump is completely deranged but before he had advisors reeling him in. They are GONE and now he likely has advisors pushing him and congratulating his crazy so he'll get even more unhinged, so they can then rip him out for being dangerous and incompetent in order to replace him with Vance:

I did not write this:

"Elon Musk and Peter Thiel cofounded a company that became PayPal.

Other executives at PayPal went on to found or lead other huge tech companies including YouTube, LinkedIn, Reddit, Affirm, and many VC firms.

This group became known as the PayPal mafia because they basically controlled Silicon Valley.

Peter Thiel mentored a young JD Vance and helped him get set up in his first VC firm.

Peter Thiel and the PayPal mafia funded JD Vance's successful Senate run. Amazing because he had absolutely zero political experience.

Thiel and Musk all but forced Trump to choose JD Vance as VP in exchange for funding his presidential campaign.

The three of them, plus a lot of other tech billionaires subscribe to an ideology called the Dark Enlightenment espoused by this super weird, creepy dude: Curtis Yarvin aka Mencius Moldbug.

Yarvin preaches that the media and academia represent "The Cathedral" that secretly controls power and must be dismantled.

He advocates for a corporate run, monarchy, led by a CEO-Dictator. If Trump is gone from office, perhaps by Vance organizing a 25th Amendment removal due to claims about Trump’s cognitive decline, Vance moves in and that process begins.

Remember, it was just a couple of years ago when Musk said Trump was too old to even be a CEO, let alone the president.

Yarvin says that Democracy is an "outdated software" and openly opposes it and that:

- Government agencies should be dismantled and The U.S. should be broken up into "patchworks" controlled by tech oligarchs.

- That the elite tech billionaires should rule because they have the intelligence to "fix" society

- That the "masses are asses" too dumb to govern themselves.

The strategy is to gut the government via R.A.G.E - Retire All Govt Employees to make government incapable of operating.

Then to replace government with private corporations.

To eliminate elections because they are "obsolete"

To use distraction and chaos to prevent public resistance.

Trump is their useful tool to be disposed of as soon as they can wrest control.

This is why Elon wears a black MAGA hat. They are not Trump supporters, they are "Dark MAGA"

This isn't a hypothetical. The plan is already in motion:

- Musk, Thiel, and their network are actively dismantling democratic institutions.

- JD Vance, the “MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help implement this transition.

- The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.

- If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced by a corporate-run authoritarian state."


More info:

Future Finance: How Billionaires Plan to Destroy America: https://youtu.be/R6KaBe7zPqY

And here:

Purpose of DOGE: Dismantle Existing System of Governance & Build Back Spiderweb AI Infrastructure: https://old.bitchute.com/video/EUer0GMfzKvl

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Yes. you got it, but it runs even deeper. There are a good number of international members involved. If we don't stand up and let these asses know we will not be governed by them...which means we take care of ourselves and tell them to f off, then we will be living in that 1984 reality.

There is even more to this that we do not know yet. It's deep and dark.

We can overcome this, but we can't do it divided.

We must become united in our revolution. France left us a blueprint. And in WWII they hung the Italian one. We have models...we are not powerless and we have way more power than they know. Look at how we have used our money to hurt their empires already.

Don't give up. Don't give in. They want us to suffer.

They won't win if we don't give up and don't give in.

Some of us are old, but that just gives us more power. Over my dead body...I'm done with their idea that they can control and use us like their pawns. I know how to do without, to grow a garden and help my neighbors get through this. We all do.

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You’ve expressed my hunches exactly, thank you Carla, you rock!

We have no idea what really goes on in government, and who exactly is running (and ruining) this one. We know he is a puppet. We know there are nefarious players.

I also agree that we MUST take care of ourselves and each other at this grassroots level. We cannot allow them to divide us. This is their power. Our power is like you say, collectively.

They DO want us to suffer and they delight in it. That is their playbook, to hurt us. Why? Insanity, greed, power, control, all illusions!

We may be older, those of us who’ve been through other revolutions like Cambodia, Vietnam, Kent State, MLK, Civil Rights. If we have to lead the way again so be it.

Yes we will grow our gardens and give our extra food and help those who need help. We do know how to do it, and most of us are unwilling to be controlled.

Over my dead body indeed, and over my still breathing one.

Onward! We are the ones we’ve been waiting for; the revolution is here and it is us.

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ABSOLUTELY! You go, girl! (Sending EXTRA love and strength to you all from Australia! We're STILL with you in Spirit! Stay strong, keep up the good fight and stay safe if you can!)

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Thank you CARLA. You are wise and see through the divide and conquer machinations of the parasitic elite. Give this a read if you can spare a few minutes, you may find something that resonates there: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/united-we-stand-divided-we-fall

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Yes..... HOLD THE LINE!!!

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They've all watched too many Dystopian sci-fi series and movies about corporations running everything... And like neo-nazis they think it would be great...

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Exactly. Rockets to Mars. And AI robot control over humans. Unproductive humans get ground up for biodiesel fuel. Bullshit little brained gamesters funded by tech billionaires.

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Yarvin is another nutjob, and is another "little dick"

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And scary because he is an influence on vance.

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This is a war between Good Faith and Bad Faith. Musk and Yarvin and Vance and Thiel and Andreesen will use whatever methods to grab power. Morality, rule of law, all out the window. It's a power grab. Plain and simple. And the Good Faith Senators just wrote their own obituary. Musk will shut down the Legislative Branch next.

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There's a big money faucet at the US Treasury. And Musk has his devil hands strong grip on it. He will decide who gets funded. Not Congress.

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Wow 🤯

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These guys are not hiding their plans. Donnie is too stupid to see that Vance and Musk are ready to pounce and remove his butt from the Oval.

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That’s enough now Donnie. It’s time to take you to the Alzheimer’s clinic. Bye bye!

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I have also read about this. Curtis Yarvin was also one of Vance's mentors, from one comment on YouTube that I read. There are tons of videos on YouTube about this Idiot, Curtis Yarvin. It's Really scary, to say the least.

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“I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.” —Peter Thiel

"If Americans want to change their government, they’re going to have to get over their dictator phobia." —Curtis Yarvin

"As a people, we believe insane things, because democracy has driven us all insane. After all, it's had two hundred years to do so. Its edifice of magical thinking is a wonderful thing, ornate as a Disney castle, more worthy of admiration than destruction. Sadly, it is the castle of evil, and God's sweet fire will melt it in a flash." —Curtis Yarvin

"Cannot we marvel at what the Third Reich achieved, with the knowledge that it was run by a maniac? In the hands of a non-maniac, what might it have done?" —Curtis Yarvin

"Actually, in its bureaucratic form, "civil liberties" helps keep the streets of San Francisco covered with turds and shambling zombies." —Curtis Yarvin

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Calling Curtains Yarggghhvin a "mentor" gives him too much credit. It's almost as if he were a tech-bro Carl Panzram ("I wish you all had one neck & my hands were around it") & what he wrote gave dinks like Thielon a stiffie.

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This was what the FBI, CIA, AND POLICE used to bust down doors for, it's called SEDITION AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION OF THE U.S.

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Trump is a party in many current suits involving the people he threatened.

How about Rule 11?

He may have put his head in a noose.

Actually there's a better resolution! Impeach. Feathers of Hope. https://jerryweiss.substack.com/p/remove-impeach-impeach

Call. https://act.commoncause.org/call_campaigns/tell-congress-stop-the-musk-budget/?source=email-share

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All well and good, but look what happened today in the CR vote. I believe it was Al Green who introduced the first motion to impeach a week or two ago, and weeks later just look at how many Democratic Representatives voted for censure! None of this is going to happen, unless we start the process now, get these democratic fat cats off their backsides and get the action going and introduce emotion to impeach every effing week until the midterms, if there will even BE midterms!

... and what are we to do THEN, eh?

When are we thinking that protests are going to start in earnest in the streets? Martial law declaration here we come! I've heard about talk among National Guard members that they really would be hesitant to carry out an order to shoot their fellow citizens, UNLESS THEY ARE FIRED UPON FIRST. And then it's guns ablaze. And it wouldn't even take someone on our side of the rationality fence to even fire that first fateful shot, not that we would, all it would take is a provocateur specifically put in place to "provoc."

But I'm not hearing anyone talk rationally about how we deal with this. And we could deal with it before blood runs in the streets by just getting our representatives to get off their asses and start taking real legislative action now. Turn the volume up on Trump so that the attention starts getting turned in the other direction so that they can't legitimately deny Americans the right to vote. Before representative democracy is flushed down Trump's golden toilet. Once that happens, all bets are off.

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This would not be the first time for National Guardsmen to fire upon fellow citizens. Remember Kent State (May 4, 1970)? Four students murdered and 9 wounded (one in a wheelchair for life) after non-violent protests against the escalation of the Viet Nam War. The Ohio Governor Rhodes ordered the Guard to the Kent Campus.

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I was a senior at UW Madison when Kent State, Cambodia and Vietnam War protests shut down so many schools across the country. I remember all of this so very well. We locked arms, all of us across all races and fake divisions and marched to the Wisconsin Capitol building. We were so outraged, and righteous. And we made a difference.

And I’m still waiting for this kind of protest today — but we were more free back then. We fought tear gas yes, but we still had freedom of speech. We fought the cops, yes, but we weren’t being rounded up and deported.

My heart aches for … everything. Never expected to be going through this again in my 70s, with far more at stake.

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Read Feathers of Hope.

It's all about Republicans. IMHO Putin/Ukraine is the least common denominator, but others love their pork.

Constituents and doners have to pressure them.

E.g. Sen. Mike Rounds, R-S.D., said he thinks Trump has some latitude to pursue trade wars but not at a long-term cost.“Look, this isn’t the way I would do it,” Rounds said of the White House’s tack. “I think they want to try something different than from the previous administration. But they’ve got to show some success fairly quickly.”

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said Trump’s “dramatic tariffs” on Canada and Mexico “could be devastating to the economy,” including in his home state. “There are stories coming out talking about cars costing $10,000 more. And, of course, we’re worried about bourbon. We want to sell our bourbon. The Canadians are going to block our bourbon,” Paul said. “Now that you add lumber costs to that and steel with tariffs, nobody at home is coming up to me and saying please put tariffs on.”

Republican Sen. Katie Britt has been working to make sure the Trump administration’s Department of Government Efficiency doesn’t hit what she called “life-saving, groundbreaking research at high-achieving institutions,” including her state’s beloved University of Alabama.

Kansas GOP Sen. Jerry Moran is worried that food from heartland farmers would spoil rather than be sent around the world as the U.S. Agency for International Development shutters.

And Idaho GOP Rep. Mike Simpson warns national parks could be impaired by cutbacks at the start of summer hiring in preparation for the onslaught of visitors.

“We need to have a conversation with DOGE and the administration about exactly what they’ve done here,” said Simpson, a seasoned lawmaker who sits on the powerful Appropriations Committee. “It’s a concern to all of us.”

Republican Senators Question Musk on DOGE Cuts, Gently Insisting on Input


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We set the bar really, really low in Ohio senate races. Makes no difference whatsoever that Junior Donald Vance had NO prior experience and still won the election. Last November Ohio voters elected a new Republicon Senator, Bernie Moreno, a former used car salesman who, like Junior Donald, had NO prior political experience. . Moreno was bankrolled by billionaires, including the family that owns the KC Chiefs. (So happy the Eagles won the Super Bowl.). Moreno beat beloved multi-term Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown. How did Moreno do it? Used Trump's playbook of hatred and fear targeting immigrants and transgender people. We are going backwards.

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Trump had no experience running a country or a successful business and we have allowed him to be president - TWICE.

The only thing he ever succeeded at doing was being on a "reality" TV Show. The very bottom of the entertainment barrel.

I am so deeply embarrassed for this country. But I'm getting over it...

God Bless.

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i’d take it one step further. he IS impaired. cognitively, physically, and psychologically. limited vocabulary, extremely poor sentence structure, distorted (creepy) speaking voice. leaning heavily on the lectern.

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Very much. My mom had dementia, anf I've taken care of friends moms so they could take a break for a few days. If you're around it enough you see the commom patterns.

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Ya think?

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Agree. I keep thinking how Suzie Wiles was, according to the NYT, going to keep Donald on track. How's that going, Suze?

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Here's another way of looking at it -

What if Susie Wiles is keeping the demented goon exactly on the desired track?

What then?

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That’s hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.

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That has been a given for a looong time now, if you’re paying attention. He has not been able to string a coherent sentence together for years actually, and much more pronounced and disjointed now that he’s old, falls asleep, stumbles, limps, you know, old people shit. He cannot complete a thought. And with that it’s usually hateful or about him. The chosen savior.

I just can’t watch the hatred that pours from his every pore. It’s a toxic outpouring and I do not wish to witness it.

The segue’s between his topics always have me looking over at my hubby with that ‘wtf is this nutjob talking about?’ Scary that he’s someone’s

“leader” -certainly not mine

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That ain't the half of it!

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The face of dementia is president.

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Wow! Can’t he just SHUT UP?!! He thinks he’s a DICTATOR! SHUT HIM DOWN!

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Thinks??? He’s becoming a dictator! The latest CR shows that the “opposition” has become less and less capable of opposing. We are no longer being governed… we are being marginalized while the oligarchs run the show.

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He IS a dictator.

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He is a dictator. Promises made, promises kept as the MAGATs are wont to repeat.

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Bad news is he’s dicktating to us.

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Amendment 25 NOW!

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Too much Trump and not enough substance Ben! I hate to hear him talk so I just rush through and don’t listen to him!

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Let me post this once more. Trump is completely deranged but before he had advisors reeling him in. They are GONE and now he likely has advisors pushing him and congratulating his crazy so he'll get even more unhinged, so they can then rip him out for being dangerous and incompetent in order to replace him with Vance:

I did not write this:

"Elon Musk and Peter Thiel cofounded a company that became PayPal.

Other executives at PayPal went on to found or lead other huge tech companies including YouTube, LinkedIn, Reddit, Affirm, and many VC firms.

This group became known as the PayPal mafia because they basically controlled Silicon Valley.

Peter Thiel mentored a young JD Vance and helped him get set up in his first VC firm.

Peter Thiel and the PayPal mafia funded JD Vance's successful Senate run. Amazing because he had absolutely zero political experience.

Thiel and Musk all but forced Trump to choose JD Vance as VP in exchange for funding his presidential campaign.

The three of them, plus a lot of other tech billionaires subscribe to an ideology called the Dark Enlightenment espoused by this super weird, creepy dude: Curtis Yarvin aka Mencius Moldbug.

Yarvin preaches that the media and academia represent "The Cathedral" that secretly controls power and must be dismantled.

He advocates for a corporate run, monarchy, led by a CEO-Dictator. If Trump is gone from office, perhaps by Vance organizing a 25th Amendment removal due to claims about Trump’s cognitive decline, Vance moves in and that process begins.

Remember, it was just a couple of years ago when Musk said Trump was too old to even be a CEO, let alone the president.

Yarvin says that Democracy is an "outdated software" and openly opposes it and that:

- Government agencies should be dismantled and The U.S. should be broken up into "patchworks" controlled by tech oligarchs.

- That the elite tech billionaires should rule because they have the intelligence to "fix" society

- That the "masses are asses" too dumb to govern themselves.

The strategy is to gut the government via R.A.G.E - Retire All Govt Employees to make government incapable of operating.

Then to replace government with private corporations.

To eliminate elections because they are "obsolete"

To use distraction and chaos to prevent public resistance.

Trump is their useful tool to be disposed of as soon as they can wrest control.

This is why Elon wears a black MAGA hat. They are not Trump supporters, they are "Dark MAGA"

This isn't a hypothetical. The plan is already in motion:

- Musk, Thiel, and their network are actively dismantling democratic institutions.

- JD Vance, the “MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help implement this transition.

- The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.

- If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced by a corporate-run authoritarian state."


More info:

Future Finance: How Billionaires Plan to Destroy America: https://youtu.be/R6KaBe7zPqY

And here:

Purpose of DOGE: Dismantle Existing System of Governance & Build Back Spiderweb AI Infrastructure: https://old.bitchute.com/video/EUer0GMfzKvl

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Yup, this is my biggest concern. Vance alone is one thing, bu it's the people who'd really run the show that concern me.

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The 25th Amendment depends on Trump’s own Cabinet. They’re not going to declare him incompetent.

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I cannot stand that man… I’ve never hated anything or anyone in my life the way I hate him.

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Him and Musk. I keep asking God to forgive me for feeling so much hatred and wishing them ill.

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Same, same!! It’s so hard not to hate them! I keep praying God keep my heart from hatred, and telling myself that I hate their evil and the injustice that they love to revel in. It’s so hard - but I hate their evil!!!

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Praying for divine retribution against Donold

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This is what I try to tell myself. Every day it’s something more. Jesus said, “love your enemies, and pray for those were persecute you.”

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There is no god, Jesus is a fantasy. Take care of yourself.

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That's silly.

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That is exactly how I feel and I've met some pretty despcicable people in my life.

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I've written something very similar elsewhere in this topic. I have rage and hate right through my bones, if that's even possible. 😡😡😡

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I keep telling folks- This is a 💯Revenge Tour .. Trump’s every move is to punish and destroy.. every… single Executive Order.. everything Musk does-all purely destructive

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…and the 50% that voted for him will just be collateral damage in this quest for revenge

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And they will still worship him🙄

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Yeah you are right 👍

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I think he’s taking the fentanyl!

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Adderall & lots of it !

Maybe some elon ketamine as well !


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And the Senate Democrats are laying down for this...

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Just like Hitler! He is trying to control the media. He sounds like he’s drunk!

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He is on some kind of drug I'm sure.

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I suspect his handlers shoot him full of some drug when they wake him in the morning and it begins to wear off in thr early afternoon.

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His pettiness never ceases to amaze me. His narcissism - he really needs to be analyzed by a psychiatrist so future generations can understand what a malignant narcissist can do if left unchecked.

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“Incompetent to perform the duties of the Office of President” will be top of the agenda when democrats win the majority in 2026.

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I don't think so. Trump is going to get someone to fix the midterms, most likely Elon Musk and his merry band of idiots. It's been reported that Musk interfered in the 2024 election by messing around with the data in Pennsylvania. I keep thinking that the good people in this fight will come out on top, but at every turn, we seem to be stymied.

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You are absolutely correct. This has to be on their top priority list right now. By then maybe a few normal republicans will join them.

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It better be

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Babbling buffoon SMH

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Yes, can’t wait till you have the ability to depose him. What a joke of an abomination he is.

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But it's not illegal when Republicans do it, right? 🙄

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So they think. Unfortunately it seems like it works for them. Hopefully not for long.

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Does anything that he says make any sense?! He’s so deep in his narcissism, everything is about him and all his perceived wrongs.

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Don't you just feel your brain crying out for relief! It must be a bit like being slowly electrocuted. Holy Muddlehead Batman!

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Did Trump steal the 2024 election by election fraud. Looking at the number of times he refers to this - does it indicate his usual projection method? Has this been thoroughly investigated? Could Musk / Russia have corrupted the election counts enough to steal the election. How were the polls so wrong ? Surely half the us voters could not believe all the election furphies- it is beyond all belief and reason.

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I believe so. I don't know why they didn't ask for a recount. I so disappointed in that too. They were all acting stranger than normal that night. And it was called super fast.

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yep. I have always known in my heart he lost to Kamala...but they couldn't claim it was rigged without causing a civil war. Elon fixed it with starlink and tabulations somehow. I also believe they have evidence that will come out at the right time.

That is why Joe did so many executive orders and did so much before he left. I don't even believe the inauguration was legal, but my opinions and thoughts are not main stream. yet.

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I agree, Carla, I refuse to acknowledge that Trump is my president! He was only on the ballots because rich radical republicans bought off a corrupt SCOTUS! 😡 No wealthy GOP follows the Constitution - they think they’re above the law!

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I think they are but we don’t want to deal with the MAGA backlash about how Trump stole this election but Biden stole the 2020 election. Dems are notoriously diplomatic which is part of the problem.

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Why yes. Yes he did. I think they know, but calling it after how he set us up with the "steal" narrative they felt it would cause more chaos. I do not believe for a moment this is over and done. It's far deeper than just the USA. This is going on world wide, but outside Meidas which gives us the legal stuff, we are NOT getting actual news. We have no real idea what is real anymore and what is going on OUT in the world. Most media is compromised. There are sources, but hard to find what is true and what isn't. Takes time and research. putin is pulling a lot of strings.

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We can speculate on this …. But how will we ever know. They’ll bury all the data.

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He’s a fkn idiot.

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